View Full Version : hey instaed of AO days why not do a National AO tourney circuit

02-21-2003, 04:06 PM
Instead of all these local get toghethers set it up so its a nation wide tourny where airgun is the main sponsor and it just allows a tourney circuit to be for a bunch of good guys and girls to get to ghether and not deal with the every day hassels of normal tourney play

02-21-2003, 04:09 PM
Well, some of us cant go out nation wide because of jobs, school, ect, so its easier just to have local ones that are ~1-3 hours away (or more if its big)

Will Wood
02-21-2003, 04:19 PM

Wouldn't work. Nice idea though.

02-21-2003, 04:27 PM
There is some talk of an AO against the world Scenario Game and of course there is Shatner Ball. But we kind of like these regional get togethers that are more social and friendly than just a bunch of Tourney players showing up. If you have not been to one you are missing out. The Real hard core tourney guys realy enjoy these too. Its a welcome break from that and they have a lot of fun too. Gives everyone a chance to mix and match pick up style and no real pressures on anyone. And then the Parties and mixers to relive the day are all so much a part of AO Days. You gotta experience one to know what we are talking about.

02-21-2003, 06:10 PM
well your right but just cause its nation wide dosnet mean you have to go to them it can just be your local one oyu go to

02-21-2003, 11:25 PM
ao vs the world would be interesting

needs to be on the east coast!

any news on AOSE phil?

02-21-2003, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by cris8762
needs to be on the east coast!
I second! But I probally wouldnt be able to make it if it was out of a two hour radius of me.. maybe three..

02-22-2003, 10:28 AM
I already annouced AO SE was Nov 22nd...

It will be in the SE from what I can tell if it happens. It's realy TAG's idea that is just in the thinking stages...I think it's a good one and will help out with it if they need me. But nothing has gone past the talking stage yet so don't expect any answers at this time.