View Full Version : few things here

02-22-2003, 08:08 AM
Hey all hows it going? my first day on these threads they look good.
anyways i had a few questions im finally switching from 3 years with a cocker to a x-mag :) but i have a few questions. my main 1 is does anyone have and schematicts on the x-mag sorry i cant spell, i would like to know where ever little piece goes and how it opperates.
also i have a lvl-10 question. i was talking to a guy with a mag with lvl-10 and he said it was annoying because he had to adjust it all the time? is this true. and he said the more sensitive u make it the mre bps u will loss is this true??
thx for any info


02-22-2003, 10:03 AM
XMAGs are basically an Emag w/ alum body,and the valve is also technically the same as a retro.All that info is in the store under tech info.
The L10 is at least equal to a non L10 in bps.
And in my experience,it does require more fine tuning to maintain.The softer you set it the more it will require.Sometimes from day to day.


The Frymarker
02-22-2003, 10:43 AM
Well at any rate welcome to the forums and I sure you can find all of your questions answered here.

02-22-2003, 11:43 AM
you won't have to tinker with it anymore than your cocker i can tell you that, my experiences with a cocker just outright sucked (sorry to all that own a cocker) At anyrate, Go to www.airgun.com and fin the schematics for the e-mag, and schematics for the retro, they are basically the same thing (as stated above) And the L10 Does not really require a lot of adusting, if it does, it is like a 2 second adjustement are they are very easy to remedy once you get the hang of it. And as for the BPS thing, it just does not sound right to me. Why would you loose BPS due to the sensitivity of the L10?

02-22-2003, 12:35 PM
also, the x-mag comes with an awesome information cd with good schematics and easy to read language. it is a great little cd manual, and makes sence more so that the written works. i have one for my sfl that agd sent me afterwards, it explains ace and everything

02-22-2003, 12:52 PM
Attached is how Automag classics work. I know its not an Xmag, but all AGD's guns share the same basic design. Sorry mods I know its big but I sized it down to where you could still read it in photoshop...
This .pdf has infomation on all parts of an e-mag.
I diddnt have to adjust my level 10 that much when I had it.

02-22-2003, 01:35 PM
Well, if you have an X-mag, the only thing you will ever have to mess with, is the carrier size. the shims in there are already set, so you won't have to puetz around with that.

if it starts leaking, just go down 1/2 a carrier size, and that should remedy the problem.

02-22-2003, 01:40 PM
oh, and dont forget to oil it!

02-22-2003, 03:26 PM
I just got my LX and I was wondering if there are any special oiling rocedures? I always oiled the outside of the bolt so the spring could move easier. Is there any other place I should be oiling? Inside? Also, where dO I oil the Retro? There isn't those two cute holes like on the AIR valve. ANy oil there? Thanks.

02-22-2003, 03:27 PM
I think all you need is a few drops in the ASA/Input air hole in the valve..