View Full Version : ANNOUNCEMENT: new sig rules unfair to AO'ers

02-22-2003, 02:05 PM
this is bull... umm, the quote thing is lame, most of us have quotes and pics in our sigs.. its what makes us, who we are.
look at magman007, or transmans.. these guys have awesome sig images and we know who they are from the image in there sig..

im just small time AO'er, nothing big.. i am known to an extent that i've upset a few people.. and made a few friends. but this sig rule is uh pretty not cool.

mabye a cool mod could talk them out of it..

02-22-2003, 02:16 PM
hey bro, i miss my sig thats fir sure, but im keepin the magman007 part. were alowed to have one image with in certain dimentions, and you can block a blunch of little uns together as long as they 're one photo.... They all have to be in dimentions. Starting monday, they will be all turned on, and the mods will go through, and cut down all the sigs and block them until you fix em. I think it is fair.

Just cool your jets, and dont get pissed at the mods etc, you dont want to regret any thing, and not get to use your sig when your on a 3 day ban, now do you?

02-22-2003, 02:16 PM
Who cares? I think the rule is perfectly fine. Since when do flashy/"cool" images or some obscure quote matter when you're interacting with other AO members? I think it does nothing but good for all of AO by getting rid of all the clutter. Personally I hate scrolling through a thread and seeing a "Pepper" logo or a "Wang Force" logo a million times.

02-22-2003, 02:18 PM
Bandwidth. 'Nuff said.

02-22-2003, 02:20 PM
maybe if you paid monthly you would have room to complain, but i'm not seeing that.

02-22-2003, 02:27 PM
Not even bandwidth, its more like ... a lot of people are on 56k .. and when you have a big post (20+ per page) and everyone has like 4 images in their siggy, your system takes a day and a half to load the images.

I think its a bit more fair to 56K users, plus its sometimes annoying to sort through all the stuff to find the actual post ..lol

But if you want multiple images just go into photoshopp and combine your images into one, but make sure they're still in the dimensions outlined.

Dave K

02-22-2003, 02:28 PM
yeah. the forum's free. its not like not having a big sig is going to kill you....

02-22-2003, 02:37 PM
yea.. i like the sigs the way they were. because you know who said what becuase you would remember the pic in the sic. its fair and all, i have 56k and, it doesn't take forever to load, but some sigs are too big. i just don't want the common normal sig to have to suffer. i worry for my fellow AO'ers.. i care.. VOTE FOR ME

02-22-2003, 02:39 PM
well, if you don't pay for bandwidth and webspace then we all need to follow by the moderator/administrators rules...thats just the way things work, and further more i think people listing all the good and bad traders in thier sig is a bit annoying b/c some peoples aer really long, Isn't that what the Feedback Forum is for? soo People can see what traders are like? I mean come on people

02-22-2003, 02:44 PM
you know...there are quite a few forums tat dont offer sigs. It wont kill you not to have a huge image in there

02-22-2003, 02:49 PM
hey mods, i'm sure we can work something out.. lol

02-22-2003, 02:59 PM
"I think its a bit more fair to 56K users"
Well, I have 56k, and I for one would rather have sigs back the way they were than have the page load that much faster...

"im just small time AO'er, nothing big.. i am known to an extent that i've upset a few people.. and made a few friends. but this sig rule is uh pretty not cool.
Yes and yes. I'm in the same boat, but still, I say BRING BACK THE SIGS!!

02-22-2003, 03:58 PM
The sigs will be back Monday just in moderation. They still allow 100% more than any other bulletin board I have ever been on, and they are the best. No little Avatars you can get creative. I actually want one more rule. Your post should always be longer than your sig.

02-22-2003, 04:04 PM
They were WAY too out of control.

Members immaturity made it IMPOSSIBLE to enjoy something that was once a good thing.

People had their sig image, pics of all the clubs they joined, then another paragraph of good traders. This made it so that 56kers were killed, and people had to put up with all the 'real estate' of these pics.

I surf AO all the time on my olddd lappy with 12 inch display, seeing sigs that take up the entire screen is annoying!

02-22-2003, 04:31 PM
I think they should leave them turned off.

02-22-2003, 04:52 PM
does not matter to me, b/c i am not here for the signatures and all, just for the info and to meet people and all that good stuff, it is the immature peole that have to have signatures and stuff to define themselves

02-22-2003, 04:56 PM
I don’t have a problem with the new rules. Even I have to modify my signature to comply with the new rules…. No biggie.

As for those who have really nice signature images in their signatures, most of them didn’t MAKE them anyway. ;) There are a small group of graphic designers here on AO that made the majority of the images folks call “nice”… and they did it for FREE. They were also taken into consideration by AO Admin when they came up with the new rules.

The new signature rules are not repressive, or unfair. I think that good signature images can add to the forum a great deal, but they can also detract from the forum if left unchecked…. Which has happened.

Life goes on. ;)

02-22-2003, 05:36 PM
Its rediculously simple to resize your sig, even if you have to modify it a bit. Took all of 20 minutes to get mine perfectly to fit the limits.

It was about time an Ultimatem was made for people with annoyingly large sigs.

~da baller

02-22-2003, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by shartley
I don’t have a problem with the new rules. Even I have to modify my signature to comply with the new rules…. No biggie.

As for those who have really nice signature images in their signatures, most of them didn’t MAKE them anyway. ;) There are a small group of graphic designers here on AO that made the majority of the images folks call “nice”… and they did it for FREE. They were also taken into consideration by AO Admin when they came up with the new rules.

The new signature rules are not repressive, or unfair. I think that good signature images can add to the forum a great deal, but they can also detract from the forum if left unchecked…. Which has happened.

Life goes on. ;)

SHARTLEY! Thought you had like 6000 post, now you got only like 4000...also any progress on the stickers etc?

02-22-2003, 05:47 PM
your sig gets deleted Squid, wish there was a rule about absurdity.

02-22-2003, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-

SHARTLEY! Thought you had like 6000 post, now you got only like 4000...also any progress on the stickers etc?
Yes, I just noticed that... actually I was almost at 7000. You have to remember that if when making changes to the server and software they delete things, or whatever, things can get altered. It is not big deal. I don’t think folks will forget who I am because 3000 of my posts got deleted. ;) There are (according to my number) still 4000 of them left. :D (heck it is only fitting for my post count to be wrong... my "member date" is wrong too. LOL)

Stickers and things…. nothing yet. I have been very busy with regular work and custom grip work.

02-22-2003, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by PsychoBaller
your sig gets deleted Squid, wish there was a rule about absurdity.

get over it...I have had this sig for about 2 months, if anyone really cared they would have deleted it....Jeez, let em do there own jobs, its not breaking any rules..:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :o

02-22-2003, 06:18 PM
Mine is sorta big, but once HTML is turned back off, it should go back to bein' regular-old small.

The only sig pic's i've really had for any length of time was my "Wang/Pepper both suck" made by capervareisi(sp? srry dude ;) ) and it was rampantly whored, and lost it's individual touch almost immediatly.

I think I'm just going to sport this small "AO-WA" one, links to what i'm selling, and an occasional witty quote.


"blah blah blah! hahah! I'm dumb" -me

gets the same message across as

Originally posted by Joeyjoe367
blah blah blah! hahah! I'm dumb

...i'm a cable modem user, and the sigs were getting annoying.

02-22-2003, 06:45 PM
I'm on 56k, and I don't really care how it goes one way or the other... I really didn't notice pages loading THAT much faster for me since the sigs have been turned all the way off the last few days then compared to when they were in full force...

As for the sigs themselves, I agree with what some others have said. They were out of control. At some forums I've seen, I have to scroll an ENTIRE SCREEN for one sig (spongebob comes to mind, before it was changed...;)) I REALLY don't want AO to become that way, but using us 56kers as an excuse doesnt make sense.

02-22-2003, 08:06 PM
Wow..i guess I'm not the only one who likes to open his mouth..oh well...good luck man...you'll need it...(really..it's not worth it..it's not a democracy..never was..never will be...no matter what you think or what they tell you...sorry...)

02-22-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Yes, I just noticed that... actually I was almost at 7000. You have to remember that if when making changes to the server and software they delete things, or whatever, things can get altered. It is not big deal. I don’t think folks will forget who I am because 3000 of my posts got deleted. ;) There are (according to my number) still 4000 of them left. :D

They only kept the good posts Shartley but hey your doing better than 50% thats better than most of us. Hey you were going to make me a sig one day. I finnily had to give up and copy from the master. Not bad though and it was even in the guidelines.

02-22-2003, 09:44 PM
i think its great, and i say its about time

02-22-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
if anyone really cared they would have deleted it....Jeez, let em do there own jobs, its not breaking any rules..:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :o

Actually is is now breaking the new three line of text rule so you do need to comply with that... :eek: :cool:

Hey I lost a good chunk of post count too...wonder what is causing that? Oh well no matter I was kind of embarassed about that anyway and even so its still too many!!! I gotta get a life!!!! :D

02-22-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by PsychoBaller
Its rediculously simple to resize your sig, even if you have to modify it a bit. Took all of 20 minutes to get mine perfectly to fit the limits.

It was about time an Ultimatem was made for people with annoyingly large sigs.

~da baller
I second this post!!!!
Oh, and PsychoBaller, I fixed up your sig a little bit.. just to make it look nicer..

02-22-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
Bandwidth. 'Nuff said.

+ im on a 56k that gets half that at best.

02-22-2003, 10:38 PM
I want to weigh in on the sig thing also. I"M VERY GLAD something was done about them - they were ridiculously out of control. Tom, who provides the forum FREE OF CHARGE tried to rein things in and then people immaturely just skirted around his wishes and continued to use their obnoxious sigs. This forum is about sharing information, exchanging ideas, and communicating. Most of this entire forum belongs to AGD and he foots all of the bills associated with providing it for us. The least that can be done is honor his wishes. AO has evolved into something much more then some software and servers and wouldn’t be what it is without the members. Because of our participation AGD gets a lot out of this as well – BUT that doesn’t mean we have a right to stage a revolt of even complain when he decides something needs to go. Get over it and feel lucky that AGD chooses to do something NO OTHER manufacturer has.

BTW, your user id is all that is needed to distinguish you from anyone else - and if you post enough RELEVENT information you will develop an online "personality." Huge, colorful sigfiles have nothing to do with it. Small, tasteful sigfiles add to things – but it is obvious that many people weren’t content with reasonable and therefore EVERYONE now has to pay the price.

I'm glad they're gone.


02-23-2003, 03:07 AM
Deffinatly. When I see a "shartley" or "cledford" post, I'm pretty sure I'm commin' up on quality posts ;) most of the time, at least.

I honestly can't say that I remember someone simply because of their sig.

02-23-2003, 06:31 PM
most of the forums i post on dont allow sigs at all. the new rules are just fine in my book.

02-23-2003, 06:47 PM
I host my sig elsewhere, therefore it does not eat up AO bandwidth. Do I still have to follow the dimensions?

02-23-2003, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by PolishSausage
I host my sig elsewhere, therefore it does not eat up AO bandwidth. Do I still have to follow the dimensions?
The dimensions rule was not just to save AO bandwidth, but to save overall user experienced bandwidth as well as reduce the “real estate” used by signatures…. which tales away from overall content for the readers.

02-23-2003, 08:31 PM
i didn't know that so many people cared.. wow.
so should it be sigs... or no sigs. j/w

02-23-2003, 09:03 PM
ok something else that is really starting to get to me.. but i didn't feel like makeing another thread..
all of those stupid classic posts at the top of the fourms.. those are just as annoying as all of the loading sigs... is there any chance that there should be no classic threads.
i mean, i've had some threads that have had more post then a classic.

02-23-2003, 09:10 PM
Sigs shouldnt take up more space than your post

02-23-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by psycoclown414
ok something else that is really starting to get to me.. but i didn't feel like makeing another thread..
all of those stupid classic posts at the top of the fourms.. those are just as annoying as all of the loading sigs... is there any chance that there should be no classic threads.
i mean, i've had some threads that have had more post then a classic.
A classic thread is used to provide AO'ers with important information, for example Signature Rules.
Large events are usually made classic because its easier for the masses to find them if they stay at the top. Classic threads are there for a good reason, as are sig rules.

02-23-2003, 09:21 PM
it wasnt the sigs, or the numbers, except for the overly large ones, it was the number of html tags that the server had to conect with to host the tag... Get it now?

Oh, and just to give credit where due, my sig came from Patrongodofpirates, and i now display it happily on my ao jersy.

Baisically, i gotta say quit your belly achin, its a friggin sig for god sakes, they will be back on monday, GOT IT?

02-23-2003, 09:27 PM
yea. I GOT IT.

02-23-2003, 09:29 PM
good, im glad you GOT IT.....

sounds like a milk comericial, no?

02-23-2003, 09:45 PM
you wanna fight out back?
::ramps around like idiot on coffee::
::magman kicking psycoclowns ***::

02-24-2003, 12:06 PM
pssst... your sig appears to be to big! hehehe sorry, had to say it!

Tom Sparkman
02-24-2003, 12:55 PM
I got tired of the sigs real fast.

However, the simplest thing to do is to change your user preferences to not show them - I'm surprised more people don't. I also like the option to show pictures as clickable links, that way I don't need to download huge pictures unless I really want to see them.


Doc Nickel
02-24-2003, 03:15 PM
I'm in agreement with Sparky and cledford here. Previously, the Sig images were huge, annoying and repetitive.

It was quite common to read a post that had fewer than five words of actual topic-relevant text, then three seperate graphics totalling 125K and five lines of wholly irrelevant text.

For example, Psychoclown; do we really need to know that you don't have a foregrip on your 'Mag? Why is that important enough to mention six or eight times in a thread?


02-24-2003, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Doc Nickel
I'm in agreement with Sparky and cledford here. Previously, the Sig images were huge, annoying and repetitive.

It was quite common to read a post that had fewer than five words of actual topic-relevant text, then three seperate graphics totalling 125K and five lines of wholly irrelevant text.

For example, Psychoclown; do we really need to know that you don't have a foregrip on your 'Mag? Why is that important enough to mention six or eight times in a thread?


I could do with out sigs. Take a look at the guild. Its one of my favorite forums, everyone there is defined by thier knowledge that they put forth.

a sig image should be a 175x350 pixel representation of what you cant express by providing somthing useful.

02-24-2003, 04:21 PM
lol, kev is a hypocrite!!
sorry, I just had to point that out :p

02-24-2003, 06:20 PM
Never was one for sigs. Having recently found the option in the user control panel that BLOCKS THEM ALL, my DSL connection and I are much happier.

You lazy people need to read the person's name who is posting, not just the pretty picture with all the nice colors to tell them apart. Goodness, what would life be like if everyone had their sig image plastered across their forehead? Some of you might rent it out as advertising space...

02-24-2003, 08:07 PM
someone call the WAAAmbulance ;)

02-24-2003, 09:55 PM
AO is growing so we will have to change into something that's more like pbnation and pbcity. I can't say I like it(but I can say I hate the hundreds of new jerks on the forums, no names) but AO won't just needs to cut back the on luxuries for a good reasons. They don't just decide out of the blue that we cannot have huge sigs. Would you rather them just crank it up a notch or two and tell us we can only post once a day max to save server space?

Also why do people form these capo/pepper/wang groups? Is it to feel important? I don't know what all these groups are about but I do know that pie revolution stuff is just adsurdly stupid. PEOPLE DO NOT CARE IF YOU LIKE PIE OR NOT, MOST PEOPLE DO. It's almost as dumb as spending thousands on research to find out if people enjoy hard work. Plus putting pie as an option on poles is soooo stupid. Do people think they are funny? I can tell when someone just wants to post for the hellavit when they post a poll with the option "pie". That automatically tells me the person does not truely care about the pole, they just waste server space.

02-24-2003, 10:08 PM
wheather your depicting me as one of those "jerks" you say is on AO or not, i don't see my self as one. i just recently started posting again on AO, and i just wanted to stir things up, didn't intend on upseting anyone. got my sig.. and im happy.. its 150 X 150..

02-24-2003, 10:22 PM
I am not calling you a jerk at all. I don't know why my words are not so great but I felt I clearly showed who are these "jerks," I respect you. You are trying to fight for the people on the board, but if too many people abuse their ability to add pointless pics in their posts then we all have to suffer uncluding people with nice sigs instead of "I like pie and so does everybody else but i'm gonna add it to my sig because I'm brain dead and think I'm the only one in the world who likes it plus it makes me feel important because I'm part of something."

02-24-2003, 10:34 PM
I didn't really mind the big sigs, to me the problem, and nuisance came when people attached them to every post they made instead of one per thread, psycoclown414 ;) :rolleyes: :D

02-24-2003, 10:39 PM
dude.. my sigs are just there.. they sit at the bottom of every post i make.. and so those mods want thier small image.. they got it.. and im happy with it.. i don't attach my sigs with a pic everytime, its there.

02-24-2003, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by psycoclown414
i don't attach my sigs with a pic everytime, its there.
It's there because you don't uncheck the Show Signature: box on the reply screen.:rolleyes: ;)

02-24-2003, 10:54 PM
OK I will say it...ONE SIG PER POST! Its only the polite thing to do. Its not a rule but its understood that its the right thing to do. Its been discussed here many times. So please be polite and only post your signature once per thread. Uncheck the show signature box or make it default in your profile to not post it and check it that one time if that works for you.

02-24-2003, 11:33 PM
I think the rules suck but I do agree something had to be done. The only sigs that really annoyed me were the ones that were like showing up vertically as like 6 inches on my computer. Thats like half my screen and it got annoying to scroll through them.

Major Ho
02-25-2003, 01:07 PM
Worlds smallest violin....

02-25-2003, 01:19 PM
you see psycoclown414
ur sig is still to big.
it might meet the highth/width requirement but
its still not under the 20k rule
urs is 32691k :p

02-25-2003, 03:00 PM
First I want to say that I have no problem with the new rules. I was one of the people with too many pictures in my signature. However, I have no problem removing them

That said, I REALLY like my signature picture. I'm putting it everywhere. I've even thought of making a "costume" to match my signature. picture and wear it in a scenario game. Maybe I've become obsessed...

02-25-2003, 05:16 PM
I WANT MY SIG.. DAMN MODS.. ( in a nice way.. i like mods very much, they help keep threads clean.)

02-25-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
OK I will say it...ONE SIG PER POST! Its only the polite thing to do. Its not a rule but its understood that its the right thing to do.
Thanks for the backup cphilip:)

02-25-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by psycoclown414
I WANT MY SIG.. DAMN MODS.. ( in a nice way.. i like mods very much, they help keep threads clean.)
Cry me a river, then build a bridge, and get over it.

02-26-2003, 02:48 PM
dude... jump off it. leave it.