View Full Version : Reffed today...lots of fun!

02-23-2003, 01:07 AM
I was head Ref for a tourney of fraternity brothers. These guys traveled from as far north as Wash. state, and as far south as San Diego, and the east from Nevada. I live on the central coast of Calli, so some of these guys did some real traveling for a tourney that has no standing, or prizes, except for a perpetual trophy. THAT'S dedication to a Fraternity ideal, and paintball!

I'll post the better pics. It was hard to get any action stuff, as I was in the middle of the field. I could only shoot in-between games.

This is the trophy, not bad!

02-23-2003, 01:08 AM
Close up on the trophy

02-23-2003, 01:09 AM
Z-gripped RT! WOOT!

02-23-2003, 01:11 AM
Old Skool 'Mag. He bought this is 1995, and put it away in late '97. Level 6, ancient and many times repaired hopper, all on remote Co2...and friggen RIPS on it!

02-23-2003, 01:13 AM
OOOOOOWWWW! He turned his back to the 50, and didn't get down soon enough!

02-23-2003, 01:13 AM
Little bit of action

02-23-2003, 01:14 AM
Players in the viewing area

02-23-2003, 01:16 AM
Everyone who played. Nice bunch of Frat brothers, not one complaint about the field, play, rules, or scoring. Great day of play!

02-23-2003, 01:18 AM
95% of these guys had no tourney experience, and about half had ever played before. But by the end of the day, these guys were all acting like well seasoned players.

Gitaroo Man
02-23-2003, 01:48 AM
Wait, where in Cali do you live?....

and thats a BIG trophy

02-23-2003, 04:16 PM
the grass is green there:( . that's no fair, there's still over a foot of snow here

02-23-2003, 09:36 PM
I guess I better not let Jester know, that it was 82F on that Saturday:)