View Full Version : This guy is soooo stupid...

02-23-2003, 03:37 AM
LOL, I was posting around trying to get my gun sold, and has a few stupid replies in particular on this one forum. One user says that "mags suck ba**s!", and that when I said all of my gun is custom, that "It was just replacing the parts that are interchangeable"

OK lets see here, so when I upgrade a part on my gun it doesnt affect the PERFORMANCE? So those upgrades he has in his sig are just there for looks and to spend cash? Wow this guy is a LOSER!


02-23-2003, 09:18 AM
300 is a lot for a used non electro spyder, wonder why its not selling .... ... .... :rolleyes:

02-23-2003, 09:20 AM
Thats one of the most immature threads I have ever seen.

From all involved.

02-23-2003, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Restola
Thats one of the most immature threads I have ever seen.

From all involved.


02-23-2003, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Restola
Thats one of the most immature threads I have ever seen.

From all involved.

Exactly :rolleyes:

02-23-2003, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Restola
Thats one of the most immature threads I have ever seen.

From all involved. well, i fourth that notion...

02-23-2003, 01:35 PM
ditto^2...I don't think I've ever seen a paintball forum like that!! EVER!! :eek:

02-23-2003, 05:05 PM
Why the hell would you want to go and embarrass yourself with your immaturity by posting that link?

What you should do is delete this thread and hope that nobody else looks at it.

02-23-2003, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by MagMan5446
Why the hell would you want to go and embarrass yourself with your immaturity by posting that link?

What you should do is delete this thread and hope that nobody else looks at it.


02-23-2003, 10:22 PM
i want my 4 mins. back :rolleyes:

02-23-2003, 10:26 PM
some people dont realize how stupid they are
thank god i know im dumb as a brick

02-23-2003, 11:27 PM
adding a venturi bolt isnt custom work i'm sorry but its not...

that was terrible...

02-24-2003, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by tr0n
LOL, I was posting around trying to get my gun sold, and has a few stupid replies in particular on this one forum. One user says that "mags suck ba**s!", and that when I said all of my gun is custom, that "It was just replacing the parts that are interchangeable"

OK lets see here, so when I upgrade a part on my gun it doesnt affect the PERFORMANCE? So those upgrades he has in his sig are just there for looks and to spend cash? Wow this guy is a LOSER!


You sir......are an idiot. Now, that was one immature thread on all of your parts, now that that is out of the way, let me thoroughly bash your oppinnions. Dude that spyder is a POS. you can get a sonix at wal-mart. Those mods WONT help a spyder, and open bolt blowback guns ALWAYS have a silky smooth trigger job. And I quote, "this spyder has over 280 in it" but you want 300??? PATHETIC! THAT WAS THE MOST WORTHLESS THREAD WITH THE 3 MOST RETARDED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! Stick to woodsball...:mad: :rolleyes: :mad:

02-24-2003, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by Restola
Thats one of the most immature threads I have ever seen.

From all involved.

No crap.

02-24-2003, 01:16 AM
Wow, are you sure you're not the stupid one? I mean, people can clearly tell your maturity level by lookin at the vulgar, and insulting level of your post.

02-24-2003, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by MagMan5446
Why the hell would you want to go and embarrass yourself with your immaturity by posting that link?

What you should do is delete this thread and hope that nobody else looks at it.

Too Late!
Make's Me Glad to Be an AOer:eek:

02-24-2003, 03:40 AM
Gun = $280

+ 2 9 oz


02-24-2003, 08:40 AM
d00d, ch3ck 0u7 my 1337 5pyd3r 5ki11z

every word from your mouth shows your true intelligence.

02-24-2003, 10:51 AM
Doesn't matter that the gun was 280 when ya bought it ... its like a car, once you drive it off the lot your resale plummets.

A used gun is lucky to get 60% of what your purchase price was.

Dave K

02-24-2003, 11:17 AM
This ones done....