View Full Version : Evil's new Marker

02-23-2003, 09:50 PM
Just wondering if anyone here has seen or heard anything about Evil's new marker called the Omen?

I am looking at getting either a Bushmaster, Smartparts Imp, or the new Evil.

They all seem to be in the same price range. Just wanted to know which one you guys feel is the best for the money.

Thanks in Advance

02-23-2003, 09:52 PM
I am keeping my Automag, I have been playing with it for about 6 years. I have updated it through the years just think it is time to try something else


02-23-2003, 09:53 PM
I haven't seen or shot the new evil marker but I hear it has been having some problems, which is typical of all paintball markers when they are first realeased.

As for which one to get, I would suggest an Impulse, and if you can afford it get one with vision. Also if you get an impulse go ahead and order a new trigger (they are only about 20 buck) because the stock imp trigger just flat out sucks.

02-23-2003, 11:53 PM
I say go with the imp, I love mine :D

02-24-2003, 12:01 AM
Any information you heard on the new Evil Omen is pure conjecture. No one really knows, or those that do are not talking. I have heard everything from problems with the feed system to haveing trouble getting parts because the place doing them is swamped. I personally am a fan of the pirhanna and have an E-force as well as a mag. I personally think the Omen has potential but it is way too early to know.

02-24-2003, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by hitmanng
Any information you heard on the new Evil Omen is pure conjecture. No one really knows, or those that do are not talking. I have heard everything from problems with the feed system to haveing trouble getting parts because the place doing them is swamped. I personally am a fan of the pirhanna and have an E-force as well as a mag. I personally think the Omen has potential but it is way too early to know.

pirahna? You mean electric spyder? :confused: Whats this have to do with the omen?

02-24-2003, 12:17 AM
he is a fan of pmi's work....

02-24-2003, 12:24 AM
yes, hopefully the omen turns out to be a fairly good gun.. for the price

02-24-2003, 12:55 AM
I'm hoping this will be a good marker as well. I'm going to buy one as for my stepson to use. Ever since I have gotten level 10 I haven't been able to keep his grubby hands off my retro mag!

I suppose I could get another mag but they say variety is the spice of life. The rumors I have heard is that it is a good marker but they are having trouble producing it. Supposed to be released early March but they have promising releasing it for months....so who knows.

02-24-2003, 01:01 AM
it looks good imo. I'm not sure about all the stuff going around about it so I hope it turns out well (even though i won't buy it).

02-24-2003, 10:10 AM
I spoke with the PMI guys yesterday while playing at a local field (yes, they play paintball, too) and the Omen's problem is in the suppliers (remember the Halo's introduction?) and the machinists. Production should be ramped up shortly.

02-24-2003, 11:18 AM

theres a preorder for one they say its supposed to come in on feb 28th but they arent sure

02-24-2003, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by magman007
he is a fan of pmi's work....

Ahh...forgot who made them, I got lost ;)

02-24-2003, 04:49 PM
i looked relly closely and it looked like an autococker with a screwy feed- from what i can tell it has a back block and ram like a cocker. I sure hope it'll b good. We need more innovative markers on the market.

02-24-2003, 06:27 PM
my old post on the aardvarkdirect.com forums-

"got the chance to look over the Omen at WC..

sorry, NOT impressed.
the method of closed bolt is unique, ill give them that much.. but the thing reeks of cheezball. no way is it on the same par with angels, matrix's, cockers etc..
its an electric spyder with different working internals.
no "ram" per say.. i mean heck.. its still a freaking blowback system."


02-25-2003, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-

pirahna? You mean electric spyder? :confused: Whats this have to do with the omen?

As I see someone pointed out PMI is the one really in charge of this project or making sure it is working since they are marketing it through PMI. So far I am a fan of the Evil people also. The paint and the Pipe are good quality. I have not seen a jersey in person but I assume the quality is good also.
PMI also has excellent customer service. So far they have been much like AGD as far as taking care of my issues.

Originally posted by nicad
my old post on the aardvarkdirect.com forums-

"got the chance to look over the Omen at WC..

sorry, NOT impressed.
the method of closed bolt is unique, ill give them that much.. but the thing reeks of cheezball. no way is it on the same par with angels, matrix's, cockers etc..
its an electric spyder with different working internals.
no "ram" per say.. i mean heck.. its still a freaking blowback system."


This is the basic question if is a blowback system less accurate? Less reliable? Slower? I have shot a lot of markers and while was not a fan of the Spider, I am a fan of the Piranha. I find it very reliable and I can shoot it fast enough that even when using my non-electric marker that nearly identical to the rental piranha get accused of using a better marker than the other players. I also own a Mag and it has been very reliable but less so as a level ten. While it is great when shooting it keeps blowing seals or leaking.
The E-force "a spider with an electronic grip" is actually quite amazing. Look at the february Facefull Mag Review:
Note: These are reviewed by the same person.
.............Piranha E Force G3.....WGP Orracle Autococker
Rate of fire........5...................3
Gas Automomy........4...................3
Ball Breakage.......3...................4
Smooth firing.......4...................4
Assembly parts......5...................5

It matched or beat the newest Cocker at everything except Accuracy and Ball breakage.
The accuracy issue between a closed and open bolt system will always be an issue for some people more likely this was a factor of stock barrel quality.
If you look at the price difference I think the E-force is a force to be reccond with.
I think it was Ronin that once said that he let his players pick out any gun they wanted and he payed for it, but in his mind a Piranha with an electronic grip was as good as an Angel and more reliable.
The Omen is in many ways is a souped up Piranha with a unique feed system that might include a closed bolt if that does it for you. It is a blowback system. I am buying one because of my experiance with the E-Force not in spite of it.


02-25-2003, 05:17 PM
Talk to Orracle03 on AIM
He is sponsored by Evil and has owned an Omen for a long time, before they were released by Evil

btw those PMI electros REALLY rock! All of them!! :) They can go really fast, go play with one at your shop (turn them on, they click when you shoot - dont flame me im just saying for people who dont know :))

02-25-2003, 05:20 PM
Went after all the sacred cows at once huh hitmang!!! Attack closed bolt, cockers, and level 10 all in one post! Sheesh. :D

Seriously, however, I hope you are correct. I've already preordered one!!! I should say that Level 10 has not decreased the reliability of my mag. It has been just an awesome upgrade that I am fully satisfied with. So there:p .

02-25-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by hitmanng
I personally am a fan of the pirhanna and have an E-force as well as a mag

Tru Dat

ive never been a fan of any spyder type but pirana's hit a home run with their new frame:cool:

Have Blue
03-21-2003, 02:45 PM
Patent application for the Omen was published recently:


03-21-2003, 03:20 PM
People hate sear trippers.... the omen is a sear tripper. it's a blowback with a nifty linkage to teh bolt. that's all. :-)

I got to mess with one at skyball. it's interesting. Should be on par with a spyder for efficancy, and that's saying a lot.

the feed system is unique, there are no timing issues with it other than it seemed to move a little slowly. I have no real data on the speed that the backblock and feed actually work but it didn't seem to move terriably quickly.

There should be a mechanical framed omen released as well.

03-21-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Have Blue
Patent application for the Omen was published recently:


."Stop Cursing here or you will be gone"!:mad: Thanks, Tuna stole my design

the omen is merely a spyder flash with a feed that doesnt work. in fact the whole gun has a weakness as ive heard that the offset feed is NECESARRY for the gun operate, meaning they screwed something up in the design

03-21-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by aaron_mag
I'm hoping this will be a good marker as well. I'm going to buy one as for my stepson to use. Ever since I have gotten level 10 I haven't been able to keep his grubby hands off my retro mag!

I suppose I could get another mag but they say variety is the spice of life. The rumors I have heard is that it is a good marker but they are having trouble producing it. Supposed to be released early March but they have promising releasing it for months....so who knows.

AM, you buy yourself an E-Mag or X-Mag and let the kid use the old one. That way you can tell the wife," Since he is still a newb I think it is better for him to learn on a reliable marker and since I want to play too so I need a new one!";)

03-21-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by halB

ive heard
I've heard that cockers shoot farther...
Don't judge till you've seen one operate or have actually shot one. I saw one lastweekend at a tournament, shot amazing, i will be picking one up as soon as i can.

03-21-2003, 10:33 PM

I just happened to go over the Patton drawing for that Omen yesturday. Vary interresting gun. Basicaly looks to bea single solenoid sear tripper. But here is how they make it closed bolt, it has a duel sleaved hammer, thats right, 1 hammer rides inside the other hammer, and teh inside hammer gets cought by the sear.

Then the outer hammer is pushed forward , By a spring on the bolt.

vary interesting design, but i wouldn't run out and buy one just on hype alone, give it some time to prove its self first. I wouldn't want anybody too buy a lemon.

Hope you understand my discription and I hope that anything I have said helps.


03-21-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Crazy

I've heard that cockers shoot farther...
Don't judge till you've seen one operate or have actually shot one. I saw one lastweekend at a tournament, shot amazing, i will be picking one up as soon as i can.

when i say i hear, i dont mean from some random person. i mean from other reviewers and airsmiths or at least friends whove used the durn thing. because the timing of the spring is probably off they have to use the offset piston feed.

dont pick it up, hey if you do, while ur at it, why not pick up this?
its the same durn thing

03-22-2003, 12:21 AM
Honestly, how many of these random people do you know that have used em? there are like 8 or 9 made so far, and the one i saw was brought to the tourament for a PMI rep to use by Ceranski himself.

03-22-2003, 11:05 AM
I know Keane from PBOutfitters they play in the ICC the Indiana Captains Council and they are in Pretty tight with John at PMI. Team Evil Factory Team won the top 2 brackets last weekend. This is a fairly serious tourney series as Farside and farside kids play in it at least a few times a year. This is what he had to say about the Omen.

Keane from PBOutfitters
Have to say we played a tourney yesterday with a Guy on our team shooting the omen with pipe kit. Obviously no breaks. It worked flawless and shot alot of people. Super fast and accurate, also helps we were shooting evil paint. 12 games, 11 wins, 1 big trophy, and not a single problem out of it. Has to be the Evil equipment, Evil driven teams got first in the amature division and first in the novice division. When they hit the market in full swing, I promise you will want one. A very inexpensive, high end marker. It was very efficient, very consistant and reliable.

Speculate all you want the people I know that have shot them and seen them in games, including Crazy last weekend, have been impressed.


03-22-2003, 04:30 PM
considering i was with kean, we both saw the same one and were both impressed.

That signature picture has been ruled on and is not allowed - cphilip

Have Blue
03-23-2003, 12:15 AM
Just got back from playing with one of the prototypes (and taking photos of the innards). I'm not sure how much info PMI wants to keep secret thus far, but suffice to say that I was quite impressed. Very easy to fire fast, and breaks down just like a Piranha (yank the rear pin and pull out the guts).

The feed system worked like a charm, and I love the offset feed neck. The adjustable recock is a great feature - one that I've only seen on ICD blowbacks before.

03-23-2003, 12:40 AM
my local proshop is getting 1 of 8 pre-relase omens for field testing before they put them into production :p

soon, i will have plenty of news for you all on what the omen is like ;)

Have Blue
03-23-2003, 01:02 AM
It already arrived, sneakyhacker420 (that's where I was all day). Needs to be shipped back on Monday, so if you want to sneak a peek, you better do so on Sunday.

03-24-2003, 12:14 AM
i'm commin this friday again... i hear you are good friends with marc (sp?)... he called you to ask if an upgrade board would fit into a BKO on friday night ;)

03-24-2003, 12:34 AM
my friend have an imp with a eye and its awsome out of the 3 i would get the imp but i know alot of people like their bushys too.

Have Blue
03-24-2003, 09:49 AM
Yep, Mark has been a good buddy for... well, a looong time. I still have to investigate the BKO issue, as it may not be as straightforward as I first thought.

03-24-2003, 10:27 PM
haha, yes, he claims that he introduced you to paintballing... and that you are becoming one of the best airsmiths in the US :eek:

good luck... and... any green macroline yet? :rolleyes:

03-27-2003, 08:00 PM
last summer i was told by a pmi rep i know that the omen would be out in two weeks. not. i don't trust anything from pmi that has moving parts.

get the bushmaster if you must. better on air than an impulse.

i'm sticking to my mags of course :-)

03-28-2003, 11:40 AM
Yeah they keep saying two weeks......uhhhh two more weeks.....guess what two more weeks! Hopefully it is worth the wait...

03-28-2003, 03:28 PM
i am on the team that was using the Omen at the icc event. it shoot great. very little kick. the board is capped at 14 but i hope they will up it to 18.

hitmanng where did you find that quote?

03-30-2003, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by lonsch
i am on the team that was using the Omen at the icc event. it shoot great. very little kick. the board is capped at 14 but i hope they will up it to 18.

hitmanng where did you find that quote?

PMI board Lonsch....
Where are you guys practicing now? I talked to Austin at Got ya yesterday.... He said you practiced up there sometimes.

03-30-2003, 09:56 AM

You mentioned your experience with the Eforce...where did you buy it? I have a friend who really wants one and can't find it anywhere. He has been told that PMI is not making them anymore because of production issues.

Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
AM, you buy yourself an E-Mag or X-Mag and let the kid use the old one. That way you can tell the wife," Since he is still a newb I think it is better for him to learn on a reliable marker and since I want to play too so I need a new one!"

I really don't want an Emag or an Xmag. I'm perfectly content with my retromag. I'll get the ULE body and strap on a Flatline tank and it will be the perfect marker (evil grin). Also I like being the only AGD marker in my little group. I'm selfish like that....

03-31-2003, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by aaron_mag

You mentioned your experience with the Eforce...where did you buy it? I have a friend who really wants one and can't find it anywhere. He has been told that PMI is not making them anymore because of production issues.

I personally bought mine off e-bay for $110.00 That is the main reason I bought it I couldn't pass up the price. I see them in every proshop I go into though. There is no shortage for sure.

03-31-2003, 02:13 PM
We were practicing at got-ya indoor during the winter. It is a great indoor field. for now though untill Kean gets his new field up and running we will practice at badlandz.