View Full Version : Dye Field at "Muddy" Gras Open....

02-23-2003, 11:26 PM
....was a blast to watch.

I checked Warpig for pics before I left yesterday morning and knew that conditions were gonna be pretty bad, but I must say that I didnt realize just how bad and fun to watch it would be. The snake on the Dye field ran right along the stands and it's not an exageration to say there was 8 to 10 inches of pure slop all along it. It was simply hilarious to watch. Many guys that slid head-first completely covered their mask and couldnt see..........LOL............I saw one guy trip and go down gun-first. His Impulse submerged........went in green.......came out poop colored........and didnt seem to work anymore either. Too funny.

The weather was better today and things had dried a bit, but I still saw alot of mud brawlin'. All in all, a very good trip and well worth the drive. I'll definately head back for "Muddy" Gras next year.


Load SM5
02-24-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Pstan
....was a blast to watch.

But not too much fun to play. I'm still picking mud out of my mag. I also saw a guy go down and break his arm in 2 places. It was fun overall but nasty on Friday. I did'nt see you down there. Or did I?

paintball snipy
02-24-2003, 01:40 AM
http://www.warpig.com/paintball/tournament/mardigras/2003/inline5.jpg i was checking out warpig and saw teh pic rofl, you wouldn't need a bunker, just some scuba gear.:D

02-24-2003, 08:49 AM
Why didn’t they get a bunch of pumps and drain that slop out? Pumps don’t cost much to rent (or even buy). :rolleyes:

Load SM5
02-24-2003, 08:57 AM
They did get pumps but it was mosoon conditions all day Friday, not to mention lightning. But the pump and dozers were out there doing what they could. I know the staff was out there all night.
All the water was gone, for the most part, on Saturday but the mud was still there. Have a few thousand paintballers tromp on it for a few hours, and you have some very impressive ankle traps by lunch.

I think there are still some people missing.:p

02-24-2003, 09:11 AM
Hey that was not funny he is my teamate. Shooting a lime green Toxic impulse. Yeah we were lucky to find him let alone his impulse.

02-24-2003, 09:23 AM
Yup, I know how it was. . . . Lucky for me I got to play the other side of the field. Our snake guy definitly got a little dirty. Several times. The best thing is, his gun NEVER skipped a beat. He looked so muddy, wet and cold.. . . . .

02-24-2003, 09:57 AM
Sorry Goon.........hope his gun gets up and going, but it was completely comical watching it all unfold. How did you guys come out?

I noticed on Sunday most front guys were having trouble timing their slides. On Saturday you had to slide about 10 or 12 feet from where you wanted to wind up.......I saw several "short slides" on Sunday that got some guys eliminated. I also saw a kid slide and loose his feed tube, Egg, and both batteries. That guy had guts. He crawled around in the mud at the snake, found every part, put it all back together, held the stripped feed tube in place by hand, and eliminated at least one opponent.

All you guys were gamers that played in the slop.....my hats off to you!!


02-24-2003, 11:38 AM
That is a dang mask laying on the ground. Where is the person? Buried in the mud, or is that them running off the field? Either way it's not good.


paintball snipy
02-24-2003, 12:04 PM

the moving bunker lol
http://paintball.com/pb/pics/mardigras/2003/dye_water.jpg :p

don't you wish you were here?

looks like sombodys getting muddy:p

02-24-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by paintball snipy
don't you wish you were here?

Without a doubt, a huge resounding YES!!!

paintball snipy
02-24-2003, 02:10 PM
um i think you got the wrong photo :p ya that would be sweet as long as it isn't like missouri. if it would be missouri that would be 40% rocks and 40% dirt and 20% water rofl, if it was just dirt and water you could run and dive all you wanted without even thinking twice abot whats going to happen when you land (beside not being able to see, ah who needs to do that any way, spray and pray:p )

paintball snipy
02-24-2003, 02:31 PM
problem is you might have to fight for your bunker...

02-24-2003, 02:41 PM
Luckily I have that "helicopter" mod on my Emag so I can fly over the mud

wait, I'm just drinking too much Nyquil


paintball snipy
02-24-2003, 02:43 PM
you should put a second halo on top of your gun without the shells:p

02-24-2003, 06:09 PM
Dang , those some hardcore ballers...

As for the moving bunker... Anyone move it to their advantage??? :D

02-24-2003, 09:32 PM
i love playing in the rain and mud, not sure about all that water, but the pic where the mask is on the ground...that looks like fun the "sea trails"(no pun intended) of my mag was in the POURING rain

02-25-2003, 12:02 AM
how about this for a mud play

02-25-2003, 01:14 AM
I'm waiting to see Noah and the floating zoo go by...

paintball snipy
02-25-2003, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by Crazy
how about this for a mud play

from the look of things sombody is going to get a facefull of bunker REAL fast.:D

02-25-2003, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by paintball snipy
problem is you might have to fight for your bunker...

Reminds me of the spider tread.


02-25-2003, 09:25 AM
Man, glad I have a VM68 backup for my Emag for if I ever have to play in conditions like that... :)

02-25-2003, 12:13 PM
How can your bring out a nice expensive..your pride and joy and slide around get it filled with all that mud. I mean did people think they'd actually not get muddy or soaked?

02-25-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Pstan
Sorry Goon.........hope his gun gets up and going, but it was completely comical watching it all unfold. How did you guys come out?

I also saw a kid slide and loose his feed tube, Egg, and both batteries. That guy had guts. He crawled around in the mud at the snake, found every part, put it all back together, held the stripped feed tube in place by hand, and eliminated at least one opponent.


i saw that game, that was insane. right off the bread during the slide into the bunker, he finally stopped and his hopper kept going off his angel. that was hilarious. he buried himself in the snake and spent the entire match looking for the batteries. he tried to thread the feedtube back on, and it fell off again and again. he finally managed to get a few shots off, boy were the stands laughing!!! after his team won the match, he got up and gave off a good war cry while we cheered him on, that was great. i was talking with rocky during that day, he was in regular clothes just checking everything out, it was cool, i got his autograph!!!

02-25-2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by magsRus
How can your bring out a nice expensive..your pride and joy and slide around get it filled with all that mud. I mean did people think they'd actually not get muddy or soaked?

you see the thing is, they dont care. You need the best equipment for yourself, despite weather conditions. People at that level, we are willing to sacrafice our equipment for a win. I mean, it can all be fixed.

Load SM5
02-25-2003, 12:39 PM
Because that's what they're made for. You take your shiney car out on the road even though bugs, gravel and everything else flys up, hits it and chips and gets things dirty. But it's made for driving so that's what you do even though some feeb could tear out and total it before you can decently wet yourself.
It's the same with markers. They're made to get down and dirty and take what the players give them and keep shooting. Proping it up on the fireplace mantle and polishing it nightly with a diaper is'nt nearly as fun. If your stuff is'nt getting dirty and scratched, you ain't playing hard enough. Not saying throw your equipement or abuse it, but dings, dirt and scratches are just part of it.

02-25-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Proping it up on the fireplace mantle and polishing it nightly with a diaper is'nt nearly as fun.

i do that every night...just not with a diaper :).

btw load, congrats on becoming a mod...i'll be sure to cause trouble at every turn :).


jae park

02-25-2003, 07:45 PM
That is one scary spider... that makes me not want to have gone

RT pRo AuToMaG
02-26-2003, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by paintball snipy
problem is you might have to fight for your bunker...

Makes me glad i'm a back player! The Dye field was defiantly the worst. I saw one guy go in barrel first right into the mud going for the snake. not pretty. And whoever had the sfl emag and the xmag, i was following yall and was gonna ask to shoot your guns, but i lost you in the crowd :( . oh well, just come back next year.

Load SM5
02-26-2003, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by RT pRo AuToMaG

And whoever had the sfl emag and the xmag, i was following yall and was gonna ask to shoot your guns, but i lost you in the crowd :( . oh well, just come back next year.

That would have been me, or Jeffremiller with the SFL's (long or short hair?)and Marchborne with the X-mag. Should run faster.;)I should be there next year.

02-26-2003, 11:09 AM
I got muddier on the 32* field...

02-26-2003, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5

That would have been me, or Jeffremiller with the SFL's (long or short hair?)and Marchborne with the X-mag. Should run faster.;)I should be there next year.

Run? Hell, at the speed I was moving at MGO, he coulda crawled and caught me. :eek:

The Xmag got its fair share of looks. Once I put on the new CP detent, and a .687 ultralight, it shot beautifully, muddy and all. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Halo-B was pushing extra balls past the stock Angel detent I was using the first day, which was causing massive chops, lvl10 or not. The Halo got so crudded up, I had to switch to the dos-eggo.

Now, if only the Xmag can make me tuck my elbows in tighter...

(Load: you forgot, re: SFL-Jeffs, to add "regular or super-size?" to the comparison. Dang, but that Miller boy is tall. Drives a truck to match, though). :D

RT pRo AuToMaG
02-26-2003, 10:36 PM
they had long hair, and i lost yall because my friend asked me a question, i turned around, and then yall were gone. :( i thought i was going to cry since i couldn't shoot the guns.

Load SM5
02-26-2003, 10:49 PM
Well that would've been me. The other give away was the red jersey with LoadSM5 on the back;) We were around for a while. Should've poked in to the players tent. You could've taken the SFL and my mask to the chrono.

I also made a mag fan down there. Some kid's borrowed angel went down right before the game was going to start, and he ran to the net begging to borrow a gun from anyone. I loaned hm my mag and he proceeded to tear up the left tape and took out at least 3 guys before pulling and hanging the flag. He came off the field raving about the gun.

RT pRo AuToMaG
02-26-2003, 10:54 PM
hehe, i didn't notice the letters on the jersey, too concentrated on the guns...well anyway, i was looking for you on sunday and i couldn't find ya, oh well, i'll see you again one day hopefully.

Load SM5
02-26-2003, 11:00 PM
I had to drive home Sunday morning. I'll be at Mardi Gras next year. you should also shoot for the SC AO meet the CPhilip hosts. Last year was a great time.

02-27-2003, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
I had to drive home Sunday morning. I'll be at Mardi Gras next year. you should also shoot for the SC AO meet the CPhilip hosts. Last year was a great time.

Just don't stand in front of Load at the starting station, he has a penchant for shooting people in the can "by accident"...just ask Tom!!!:D

Load SM5
02-27-2003, 01:18 PM
Don't ask me how I missed your's, such a big target.;)

02-27-2003, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Don't ask me how I missed your's, such a big target.;)

BURN!!! :D

02-27-2003, 02:22 PM
I feel so much better knowing I shared a bed with someone who was checking out my butt...thanks man. It's no wonder you tried to spoon me...and you said the hair was for meeting chicks, not being mistaken for one.:p LOL

Load SM5
02-27-2003, 02:32 PM
Well I've never mistaken for a chick, but I can see how it would be easy for you to be mistaken for a man.:D

*Ok, we've hijacked this thread enough, lets's take the smack talking to the Team AO group. This is fun.*