View Full Version : 220 fps velocity, any guns have problems?

02-24-2003, 12:37 AM
for an indoor field with a velocity limit of 220 fps, do any markers have serious problems going that low of a velocity?

02-24-2003, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by halB
for an indoor field with a velocity limit of 220 fps, do any markers have serious problems going that low of a velocity?

I don't have it that low usually but I do keep it around 230 at some indoors with limits of 260 and my consistancy has always been good

02-24-2003, 01:27 AM
Indoor place I play at sets the limit at 260. I keep my input at around 800, and Velocity is pretty constant between 240-50. I have gotten down to 230ish... no real probs, but balls seem to drop off a bit early..

sidenote- we played this team today at practice. WCKeep thought when he got shot the other team was shooting way way to hot for such pain, lol... we just laughed it off until the Refs chronoed the other team after the game - Riotz said one player on the opposing team was shooting 300, and another at 380 supposedly. In any event, Rooster, the guy who runs the field (Rexplex in NJ) booted the team from the field, and gavem a nice warning about playing there in the future.

~da baller

02-24-2003, 11:01 AM
My Retro valve w/ L10 does not like to shoot below 260. Velocity has to be cranked up to get the L10 to fire. 220 is really low. Most indoor fields are around 240-260. If you have L10 you're going to have a problem shooting at 220.

02-24-2003, 11:17 AM
I'm with TheTramp on this one...The indoor field I play at keeps us below 240. I'm usually shooting right around 230. Any lower than that and my lvl 10 classic valve won't cycle with the shortest bolt spring in. I've never tried to get a lvl 7 mag to shoot that low however.

02-24-2003, 11:31 AM
I found that shooting mine in the 250 range works for a while and then starts to sound like it's stopping on the paint or getting bolt stick. This has been happening since I went to lower velocities and changed to the cut spring.

Q Who is having this problem and are you using the cut spring when this happens?

02-24-2003, 11:52 AM
At NE AO Day I found out my Minimag with LX won't shoot right below about 275 - 280 FPS. :-/

02-24-2003, 08:45 PM
ok, ive got the mag aspect covered then, what about OTHER guns?

02-24-2003, 09:50 PM
I play with several people that use 98 customs as well as a few that use cockers. None of them seem to have any problem clocking in the 215-220 fps range.

02-24-2003, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
At NE AO Day I found out my Minimag with LX won't shoot right below about 275 - 280 FPS. :-/

did you try differn't spring sizes?:confused:

02-24-2003, 10:27 PM
Some spyders or spyder clones may have a problem shooting that low. I know my paintball club got 12 spyder clones, and about half of them we couldn't get under 300. We had one turned down as far as it would go and it was still @ 350.

02-24-2003, 10:28 PM
angels dont go under 260 very easy

02-24-2003, 10:54 PM
my gun never breaks paint on people when I shoot 220fps.. :rolleyes:

02-24-2003, 11:30 PM
Well, the only guns I know of that really can't work at 225 fps are Lvl 10 Mags.

My fields limit is 225 fps, and Lvl 7 Mags, Cockers, Angels, Spyders and their clones (although some spring cutting is required), Impulses (although the FSDO seems to be more severe at lower velocities for some reason), Cockers (including my own :D), Timmys, Bushmasters, Shockers, Tippmanns, and Matrices seem to work OK.

02-25-2003, 02:16 AM
my local field limit is 230, but I found that I can turn the pressure in the back down enough, it gets to the point where it acts like a lvl 10 and stops on paint even though its lvl 7... I was shooting SUPER brittle paint I mean 0 bounce paint (would shatter from 4 feet) and it would not chop in my emag even in hybrid mode with a revy... this field is a well run place but I think that the concept is very well put together but the materials they use is bad. They use real wood for their buildings and such, which is very hard. What's more forgiving? The ground with grass or dirt. Or Hard plywood and concrete. Only reason I don't like indoor places.

02-25-2003, 12:16 PM
220 wells its not as good as 280

02-25-2003, 01:58 PM
my intimidator had a little trouble under 260. Well it was moreso user error, i didn't want to spend time at the chrono setting it up perfectly. I usually chrono it at 285 on a 290 fps limit, getting +-3 fps. When i went down to less than 260, i just adjusted the HP reg, not the LP. So that's what caused my lack of consistencty (+-8).

But it likes the 280 fps range better, becuase lower than that the paint doesn't tend to break on target.

02-25-2003, 03:18 PM
It's all about the springs..... I mean, i just have the medium (normal) one in there now on my LX, and I can go as low as 230ish.

SFL LX doesnt really like it down that low, so i try and keep it about 240-50 since my fields limit is 260.

02-25-2003, 04:19 PM
From my experience, Impulses tippmanns and most cockers have no problem getting that low.

With my Level 7 mag I could easily shoot 220fps just fine but with level 10 I would have to play around with the springs and stuff to get it to shoot below 270. If I turn the velocity down below that point it will not cycle.

What would be the optimal setting with level 10 to hit a low velocity? (shortest spring, biggest non-leaking carrier?)

02-25-2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by PsychoBaller
Riotz said one player on the opposing team was shooting 300, and another at 380 supposedly. In any event, Rooster, the guy who runs the field (Rexplex in NJ) booted the team from the field, and gavem a nice warning about playing there in the future.

~da baller

Not quite 380, but above 300. I was there, and don't worry, this team won't be back at Shooters PB anytime soon.

05-30-2003, 12:27 AM
Hey bud... from what I've experienced with the Lvl10 on the RT and XValves is that it's difficult to keep the speed consistant when I'm shooting that low. The field I go to, Paintball Planet in SLC, has a cap of 225. Although I can get my gun to shoot this low, it's not very consistent. Sometimes, I walk up to the chrono and it's 230, sometimes 210. Never really the same unless I shoot one or two in a row, then I see it within +/- 5 or so. But never from game to game... it's always whacked after that.

When I play at the outdoor field, however, the lvl 10 shoots alot more consistant it seems. I don't run into the same probs out there.

Although, regardless of where I am, I have noticed that my first shot is a little hot. I'll have to search thru the threads and see why that is. I don't remember that happening with my old setup (RT Pro).

Good luck keepin the speed down.


adam shannon
05-30-2003, 08:18 AM
spork and psychoballer got it right. you will have to switch to the smallest spring on a lx mag, and adjust your output pressure. but i didnt have a problem getting to 220 after a little tinkering.

05-30-2003, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by AlabamaMan
Some spyders or spyder clones may have a problem shooting that low. I know my paintball club got 12 spyder clones, and about half of them we couldn't get under 300. We had one turned down as far as it would go and it was still @ 350.
What? You could not get them below 300? I don’t know a single outdoor field that will even allow 300 now, let alone 350. Maybe you are mistaken about the numbers?

A spring kit will fix most velocity problems with Spyders or Spyder Clones, and I am shocked to hear anyone say they can’t get 6 of them to shoot under 300. What you describe would indicate that some Spyders and Spyder Clones would not be allowed on ANY field, and being that HALF of yours are this way it would indicate a serious problem with Kingman products (or their clones)… and that is just not the case. In fact, they are rampant on fields because they are so affordable.

Heck, my household has 2 Spyders and I can get them down to borderline 200, they shoot with NO problems at 220-230, and I can adjust them to any velocity I want.

Maybe you just got some really messed up markers? Or you don’t know what a spring kit is? Or you are mistaken about the numbers? I am confused….

05-30-2003, 09:21 AM
With stock springs sometimes a spyder won't get under 300 FPS. You either have to cut the spring or rent a gun. It sucks but its the truth.

Thats why you should spend the $12 and get a Maddman kit for your spyder.

05-30-2003, 09:36 AM
Yep, that's correct about the spyders. I had a Compact 2000 (tricked out yo ;)) and it was hard to get it below 300. A guy at the field cut my spring down and I was good to go. He said at the field he runs, he had to cut every one of the springs on the rental spyders.

I would assume that clones would suffer from this problem as well sometimes.

05-30-2003, 09:47 AM
Interesting….. I guess in NH we live in an alternative universe. ;) I have not had to cut a single spring on my Spyders (or that of my Son’s friend’s Spyder clones), and spring kits seem to fix the velocity “problems” of everyone I have seen shooting hot around here…. without having to cut them.

But none the less, I still don’t see where the problem is… If you have to cut a spring, CUT IT! LOL Heck, you even have to do that with Mags from what I keep reading. ;)

My point was that if you can’t get your Spyder/Clone to shoot under 300 the problem is not the marker, since it is such an easy “fix”. And a paintball club should most certainly know about this simple solution to the problem when there are so many in it that shoot them (Spyders/Clones). So you can take Spyders and Spyder Clones off the list of markers that have problems shooting at 200-250. If yours can’t, it is because it is not set up correctly. ;)

05-30-2003, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by shartley
My point was that if you can’t get your Spyder/Clone to shoot under 300 the problem is not the marker, since it is such an easy “fix”. And a paintball club should most certainly know about this simple solution to the problem when there are so many in it that shoot them (Spyders/Clones). So you can take Spyders and Spyder Clones off the list of markers that have problems shooting at 200-250. If yours can’t, it is because it is not set up correctly. ;)

That is such BS. I know if I spent 200 bucks on a paintball gun (no, I would never buy a Spyder), and it turned out that I had to replace or cut springs in it just to be able to play for the first time, I would be pissed. If the velocity won't adjust within legal parameters, it IS the marker's fault. It isn't a matter of setting it up, or whatever. We aren't talking about adjusting regs and timing on an Autococker; we're talking about internal springs on a stock Spyder. You would think that since it is such a common problem, and the fix is a shorter spring, that maybe they would start making them with the shorter springs...

05-30-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by no1beefcake

That is such BS. I know if I spent 200 bucks on a paintball gun (no, I would never buy a Spyder), and it turned out that I had to replace or cut springs in it just to be able to play for the first time, I would be pissed. If the velocity won't adjust within legal parameters, it IS the marker's fault. It isn't a matter of setting it up, or whatever. We aren't talking about adjusting regs and timing on an Autococker; we're talking about internal springs on a stock Spyder. You would think that since it is such a common problem, and the fix is a shorter spring, that maybe they would start making them with the shorter springs...
You are SO correct… it is SUCH BS!

And I suppose that when folks have to cut springs on Mags so they WORK (let alone fire within acceptable velocities) that AGD should send shorter springs with the markers too? And how much do Mags cost? ;)

Yeah.. you are so correct………… Total BS. ;)

05-30-2003, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Powday
Hey bud... from what I've experienced with the Lvl10 on the RT and XValves is that it's difficult to keep the speed consistant when I'm shooting that low. The field I go to, Paintball Planet in SLC, has a cap of 225. Although I can get my gun to shoot this low, it's not very consistent. Sometimes, I walk up to the chrono and it's 230, sometimes 210. Never really the same unless I shoot one or two in a row, then I see it within +/- 5 or so. But never from game to game... it's always whacked after that.

When I play at the outdoor field, however, the lvl 10 shoots alot more consistant it seems. I don't run into the same probs out there.

Although, regardless of where I am, I have noticed that my first shot is a little hot. I'll have to search thru the threads and see why that is. I don't remember that happening with my old setup (RT Pro).

Good luck keepin the speed down.

Justin Have you been to Showdown before? 280 FPS, I love it! Plus, they have the nicest airball field I've seen in this state. I just stopped going to Planet all together a while ago. :( Fields are too messy and the FPS is just way too low for my tastes (sometimes the rate of bounces is insane).

Tom Sparkman
05-30-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by no1beefcake
That is such BS. I know if I spent 200 bucks on a paintball gun (no, I would never buy a Spyder), and it turned out that I had to replace or cut springs in it just to be able to play for the first time, I would be pissed. If the velocity won't adjust within legal parameters, it IS the marker's fault. It isn't a matter of setting it up, or whatever. We aren't talking about adjusting regs and timing on an Autococker; we're talking about internal springs on a stock Spyder. You would think that since it is such a common problem, and the fix is a shorter spring, that maybe they would start making them with the shorter springs...

I guess you don't understand stack tube blowbacks. You can only adjust the velocity so much by turning the adjuster - after that you need to change spring(s). The Sterling (a very cheap pump) is the same. ;) Most of the SSBBs that I've seen will work great out of the box in the winter - then the first warm day of spring everyone is cutting their spring.


05-30-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by shartley

You are SO correct… it is SUCH BS!

And I suppose that when folks have to cut springs on Mags so they WORK (let alone fire within acceptable velocities) that AGD should send shorter springs with the markers too? And how much do Mags cost? ;)

Yeah.. you are so correct………… Total BS. ;)

Yes, they should. It wouldn't be that much trouble to gas up each gun, fire three shots at the chrono, and then send them out.

05-30-2003, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by no1beefcake

Yes, they should. It wouldn't be that much trouble to gas up each gun, fire three shots at the chrono, and then send them out.
LOL Too funny. Oh if life was so simple. :D LX kind of ruined that… but in the end it helps cure more than it caused in setup inconveniences.

I am just curious, how long have you been around the sport of paintball? You seem to show some misconceptions that would lead me to believe you are fairly new. This is not an insult, just an observation.

(Added: It is much easier to supply a longer spring that will most likely work fine, but can be cut down if need be, than to supply a short spring that may be too short….. you can’t make them longer if they need to be. ;))

05-30-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind
Have you been to Showdown before? 280 FPS, I love it! Plus, they have the nicest airball field I've seen in this state. I just stopped going to Planet all together a while ago. :( Fields are too messy and the FPS is just way too low for my tastes (sometimes the rate of bounces is insane).

Yeah, Showdown is sweet... the fields are awesome and my mag was shootin' great out there too (due to 280 FPS). I think I'm gonna start going more because I play alot better with MORE SPACE! Even though I found I shoot a ton of paint. But hey, that's what it's all about! :)

I hear u about the bounces at PBP. I thought I had a lot on Mem. day weekend @ Showdown too though. I think it's because of that Pegball they are selling. I'm shootin' Evil next time I think.

U going to "Jesse James" scenario in Vernal, UT on June 7th? It's like $15 entry, $50 paint, and $5 for food. Deal. I'll forward info if u need.

See Ya. Justin

05-31-2003, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Powday

Yeah, Showdown is sweet... the fields are awesome and my mag was shootin' great out there too (due to 280 FPS). I think I'm gonna start going more because I play alot better with MORE SPACE! Even though I found I shoot a ton of paint. But hey, that's what it's all about! :)

I hear u about the bounces at PBP. I thought I had a lot on Mem. day weekend @ Showdown too though. I think it's because of that Pegball they are selling. I'm shootin' Evil next time I think.

U going to "Jesse James" scenario in Vernal, UT on June 7th? It's like $15 entry, $50 paint, and $5 for food. Deal. I'll forward info if u need.

See Ya. Justin
Yeah, I also play a lot better with more space. There is a decent indoor airball field called JR's Extreme though, and depending on the night, they chrono at 250 or 280 (that's insane indoors). You are right though, the paint they sell at PB Planet is very hard, which is not very good combines with low velocities.

I was going to go on Mem day weekend, but I have had TONS of school work and my job has also kept me busy. Too bad too, I really wanted to go. If you ever see me down there (JT Flame Jersey, Redz Pants, Blue to black Fade Black Magic Cocker, V-Force Morph Mask) come over and say hi. I want to see that ULE X-Valved Mag of yours really bad too, there just isn't anything like that that I've seen so far in Utah.

I haven't heard about the scenario in Vernal (I'd appreciate if you could forward it to me). I'll try and make it if I'm not working.

06-01-2003, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

Yeah, I also play a lot better with more space. There is a decent indoor airball field called JR's Extreme though, and depending on the night, they chrono at 250 or 280 (that's insane indoors). You are right though, the paint they sell at PB Planet is very hard, which is not very good combines with low velocities.

I was going to go on Mem day weekend, but I have had TONS of school work and my job has also kept me busy. Too bad too, I really wanted to go. If you ever see me down there (JT Flame Jersey, Redz Pants, Blue to black Fade Black Magic Cocker, V-Force Morph Mask) come over and say hi. I want to see that ULE X-Valved Mag of yours really bad too, there just isn't anything like that that I've seen so far in Utah.

I haven't heard about the scenario in Vernal (I'd appreciate if you could forward it to me). I'll try and make it if I'm not working.

Yeah, u should check out this thing in Vernal if u have the time. Here's some info at http://www.dyslexicpaintball.com/.

I'll look for u next time I'm at showdown. I wear a Morph also... Dye pants usually. U wanted to see the "J-Mag"? Here's a pic! AGD got me replacement parts for the screwed up foregrip in the pic... now it's all set.


Cool, lemme know if u end up going to the scenario. We'll pair up and work together on the missions or whatever.

See ya, Justin


06-01-2003, 06:53 PM
Awesome, I'll know by Teusday if I can go to the scenario or not (I'll PM you).

06-01-2003, 07:10 PM
ok, ive got the mag aspect covered then, what about OTHER guns?

My timmy can shoot that low fine.. it sounds funny though. It just did that because I was messing with my LPR the day I got it and I took it off the screw backed out blah blah blah. When chronoing it stayed at close to 225-230 but would shoot consistently. I can say the same for cockers shooting fine that low as long as the front block is adjusted fine and it has enough pressure to recock and such. Angels I have no idea about but they should work fine. With a Matrix I'm guessing that would be a very bad idea to make it shoot that low because they already operate at close to 60 psi, making them incredidbably bad gas hogs at 220 because the OP would be so low. A spyder would also have no trouble shooting that low.. its funny some high end guns cant do spyder things lol. Same thing with A tipppy, pirhana, black dragun, etc. Any gun that might have some serious issues with shooting incredbably low though is going to be a gun with an incredibably low operating pressure. Since the pressure is already so low in the gun making it go lower might make it not shoot at all if I'm thinking correctly. Either that or you could get some bad drop off if it to low inside the fun. Friend says impulse will shoot fine with the velocity being really low. If you do have a LPR the bolt pressure would need to be incresed to make it recock etc.

All in all here is what guns I think will work and will not work.
Timmy's with gutted HP regs (dual reg housing only)
Timmy's with volumizers (CP tingy)
Cockers at VERY low pressures (below 110)

will work
Timmy's without volumiser, dual reg, etc.
any spyder or spyder clone
any pump gun should work
lvl 7 mag

maybe will work
LX mag
semi low cocker with front block not set up correctly
Impulse with little pressure
Timmy with little bolt pressure

That should be somewhat accurate in what will/will not work.. if anyone else knows something that makes me incorrect and you are 100% sure of it. post it and I will edit my post to make these more accurate. But anyway, hope this helps.

06-04-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Ryknow

All in all here is what guns I think will work and will not work.
Timmy's with gutted HP regs (dual reg housing only)
Timmy's with volumizers (CP tingy)
Cockers at VERY low pressures (below 110)
I know I've seen a guy using a Trix at my local field that worked fine (225 fps). I have also seen an Excalibur in use at that veloicty that was shooting like a champ.