View Full Version : who writes poetry and other stuff

02-24-2003, 07:54 PM
post stuff here that you write, or have written.


02-24-2003, 08:59 PM
most of my stuff is very angry and not appropiate, so up!

02-24-2003, 11:02 PM
I wrote a couple sonnets. Woo, someone post their stuff first though.

02-25-2003, 08:41 PM
well i can post some of my stuff but you guys may consider it bad, the fact im writing it makes me happy tho

My souls been shot up.
The holes chaffed, wind is constant
The wounds heal, and the pain returns, worsened.
Part of me dead, another alive
I will wonder until she comes,
Then the pain will cease

and heres one i wrote up real quick

I was driving down the interstate, and i was blinded by the sun
My car spun out of my control, and the chaos had begun
I felt small cuts and scrapes, and saw small amounts of blood
The wounds turned into gaping holes, and soon there was a flood
I instantly was dizy, Things spinning about
I used every ounce of energy, to avoid my passing out
I heard sirens, they got closer, and they pulled me from my jeep
No longer a car, but now a mangled heep
They stuffed me in the amublance, and pumped drugs into my veins
I was still bleeding profusely, but no longer felt the pain
I made it to the hospital, My eyes rolled in my head
I arrived to late, the damage done, for i was surely dead

there you go, please dont flame me!

02-25-2003, 08:49 PM
<i>"most of my stuff is very angry and not appropiate, so up!"</i>

ditto, brak. lol yay for LJ!! If you guys are on LiveJournal, join up in the paintballlovers community.

02-26-2003, 12:19 AM
Love’s mercurial blade doth pierce mine heart,
Besot me she did with her eyes of blue,
And so, I set out on the hunt of hart,
With Poet’s bow I fire; my aim untrue.
Scornéd, burnéd, love is fannéd anew,
Through eyes of cobalt love, my hope, intense,
Rests waiting like a heat forged bright and soothe,
The fire sears the mind of utter sense.
A siren, sweetly singing, she lures me,
On rock I crash, in sea of hate I drown.
From sepulture of woe I cannot flee,
I am doomed to be alone in cold ground.
Love is naught but dust in wind; forsaken,
I have nothing, she has only taken.

I'm too lazy to post my better ones.

03-26-2003, 10:06 PM
The cold heat came down on me like the waves of the sea
as the passion of the hour grew like the power in the clouds.

AS The time drew nearer and the fear drained away as I look at myself in the mirror.
By my side I saw her almost ready ride
but this time wasn't right for tonight I was going to die.


03-26-2003, 10:19 PM
I would post mine, but they are all very personal.

03-27-2003, 04:15 PM
Who would've thought we have some sensitive paintballers here. :D

03-27-2003, 05:03 PM
Mine goes a little something like this..

There was a man sleeping in peru
He dreamed he was eating a shoe
In the middle of the night
He woke in a fright
To find out that his dream
Had come true!

spooonge bob

03-27-2003, 05:19 PM
i write poetry occasionally, and short stories, and right now i'm working on a novel. i will dig around and find some of it to put up.