View Full Version : Intelliframe Questions

Tim Taylor
02-24-2003, 08:00 PM
I am thinking of getting an I frame but I have a couple of questions first.
1. Will I be able to walk the trigger like you would an electro marker?
2. Should I get a blade or double trigger?

02-24-2003, 09:24 PM
1.what kind of valve do you have? w/ and RT/X-valve, you'll be able to fan the trigger, but not walk it. i can't speak for the classics though

2.blade, it take less getting used to, all it is, is a big single trigger

and #3, welcome to AO...i remember when my post count was 1

02-24-2003, 09:49 PM
intelli is well worth the $$$
u can rip on it once u get used to it
u wont be disappointed

02-24-2003, 09:50 PM
Sorry I have nothing to contribute, I just wanted to say:
1) Welcome to AO Tim,
2) AWESOME SCREEN NAME!! (lol sry if that's your real name...if it is, just ignore this post...lol...)

Tim Taylor
02-24-2003, 09:52 PM
TheJester, thank you for your gracious welcome to AO. I have a classic valve and the position of the trigger with reference to the handle seems awkward to me. I am thinking since the Iframe is more of a 45 style (not to mention an AGD product) it's the way to go.

I am hoping to get an Xvalve in the near future unless I can work one of those "my valve plus some money for your retro valve" deals.

02-24-2003, 09:57 PM
i have a blade intelli.. and i love it.. uh if you hit the tip of the blade just right, and have the right pull, the balls keep coming. smooth as ice.

02-25-2003, 12:10 AM
Well, as someone who has both an iframe mag and an electro-
the iframe is sweet, highly recommended, but as far as making the trigger like an electro's, well, you're out of luck there. Not saying it's worse, just different- you can sure still shoot fast with the iframe.

As for the trigger, i prefer the groove trigger for the frame, but it's just personal preference, you should definately try both and see what feels better.


02-25-2003, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by JAM
Well, as someone who has both an iframe mag and an electro-
the iframe is sweet, highly recommended, but as far as making the trigger like an electro's, well, you're out of luck there. Not saying it's worse, just different- you can sure still shoot fast with the iframe.

As for the trigger, i prefer the groove trigger for the frame, but it's just personal preference, you should definately try both and see what feels better.


This is great advice JAN, so why don't you lend me your frame so I can give it a try! ;)

02-26-2003, 02:46 PM
madmatt... sexy gun. very sexy gun.