View Full Version : Halo B or Warp Feed?

02-25-2003, 07:25 AM
hey everyone i just have one question..... im getting a new e-mail and i was wondering wheater to get a halo B or a warp feed? which in ur opinion is better and why? id love to go out and buy both to test and see but unfortunatly i just dont have that kinda money

02-25-2003, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by AL3X OAKL3Y
im getting a new e-mail


Guessing that you actually mean E-mag :)

There are a lot of people here that use one or the other, and some that use both. Either will work very well with your e-mag. Bare in mind that if you get a warp feed you will need some sort of agitated loader to go on top of it, say a Revy or similar.

I personally just use a Halo on my X-mag.

02-25-2003, 09:43 AM
I use Halo B for my Email! :D

Oh wait its Eudora!!! Sorry...;)

02-25-2003, 10:04 AM
Get a nice no rise emag body and plop a halo B on it.

02-25-2003, 11:28 AM
I use both ... but thats just a preference for me because I broke so many Revvy shells I just got tired of it ... and weight doesn't bother me.

But its all preference to you ...

If your a player who does a lot of snap shots, and a lof of "tight" shots ... then the WARP will be a great advantage.

If you run around a lot, etc, then get a No-Rise body and a HAlo ..

And if you do both and dont care about weight ... get both the Halo and Warp ... I'm sure you can find a WARP in the MISC forum for like 80 bucks shipped.

Dave K

02-25-2003, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by AL3X OAKL3Y
im getting a new e-mail
that is the last time i post something at 7 in the morning before school:p and yes i meant to say **E-Mag** ne wayz i think i will just get a used warp and if i dont like it ill sell it and get a no rise body and a halo b, but i think the warp is for me because i will be playing front and snap shooting is one of the things i do best:D

02-25-2003, 03:16 PM
go with what ever you think you will like, I had a warp when I had my emag, I now shoot halo-bs on my electros, just seems more comfortable to run with warp is not as balenced, when I get my xmag I will still run halo-b they are the best

02-25-2003, 04:30 PM
Get a HALO, but only if you can get a low or no-rise body. HALOs are the biggest blimps if you're running it on a powerfeed body.

02-25-2003, 05:35 PM
i find it humourous that halos gett the biggest blimp award when eggo-twos. are just MASSIVE AND HAVE THE BLIMP SHAPE TOO BOOT! just my lil random rant. ;)

02-25-2003, 10:08 PM
how big are halos btw: like what are the actual dimentions of them? they look so big but ive never seen one in real life.... and aren't no-rises extremely hard to get right now?
can u buy them from ne where else other tahn AGD's online store?