View Full Version : anyones wife / girlfriend play paintball with them?

02-25-2003, 07:59 PM
Im just wondering if women have a general desire to play , and if they enjoy it or not. I always used to get jealous of the few guys out there who had gfs who did play. Im also trying to convince my gf to get into the sport , as I am starting to again. Maybe Ill just let her win a few times , and maybe she will like it haha..

02-25-2003, 08:05 PM
I got my GF an impy so that she wouldn't have to worry about trigger pulls. As soon as I get the imp to not chop paint, I am geting her out on the field (although I may just have her use my level 10 minimag, far easier on paint)

02-25-2003, 08:07 PM
My wife has played a few times. Her complaints are that I don't stay with her on the field (she is kinda slow) and that it hurts when you get hit. If it didn't hurt she would continue playing.

02-25-2003, 08:10 PM
My wife used to play, but now likes to target shoot. My daughters used to play too, but only one of them does now (the youngest is still too young, but will play when she gets older). And my wife may get into playing more again… :)

02-25-2003, 08:38 PM
My wife plays and has succeeded in stealing several of my guns from me including my first RT, Free Flow Cocker, and an EMAG (http://www.automags.org/forums/show...&threadid=41345) when she discovered it was better than the Free Flow. She either gets hit on the break or takes the tape line. If she's on teh tape the next thing I'll hear is pop...hit! pop...hit! pop...hit! Even with an Emag she doesn't use alot of paint. Anyway she'll be standing on the far end of the field after eliminating the other team. It used to be an ego killer but now it's kind of cool. I just do my best to make sure that I throw large volumes of paint with the XMag down the lane I think she is going to use to make sure that she doesn't get lit up too bad.

Rancid Milk
02-25-2003, 08:38 PM
If I had a gf I would do all I could to get her to play... but I can't even get a girlfriend at all... I'm a loser:( oh well, more power to the guys that can get them to play :)

02-25-2003, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Rancid Milk
If I had a gf I would do all I could to get her to play... but I can't even get a girlfriend at all... I'm a loser:( oh well, more power to the guys that can get them to play :)

Hehe, doesn't help to tell you that I met a model this weekend, does it?:D

02-25-2003, 09:04 PM
My girlfriend actually asked me if she could play before I got to asking her...so i dunno...We'll find out how she likes it in a week or two

02-25-2003, 09:38 PM
Lilsnowpixie is more enthusiastic about playing for her first time than I was. I dare say she might be better than me even(she can run). I'd be on cloud nine if she got serious about it and got her own stuff. That would be like a dream come true really.

02-25-2003, 09:46 PM
well if he dosent post, i will..

synreal's girl rocks, she plays as hard as most guys out there and seems to be fearless.

i have played a bunch of games with her and she impresses me everytime.

02-25-2003, 09:48 PM
My wife plays, she loves it till she gets hit. As with several others out there I have had a marker stolen by my wife. She now claims my Model 98 Custom - RT/LP.

She doesn't like the lighter, shorter triggers on my emag or angel. She likes to feel and control the trigger like on the tippmann. Oh well, that just means I can keep my emag for a while longer. :)

My daughter plays but she doesn't like speedball, she prefers the woods. She is sneaky for her size, and she does a great deadmans' walk. Totally took me off guard. Good thing she can't shoot as straight as me. ;) She had me cold once, and missed. OOPS!


02-25-2003, 10:10 PM
My wife plays sometimes. She has done a few rec days with me and one scenario. She really enjoys the game and is not bad at it. The thing she hates is the field. She says that this is why more women don't play paintball. It is few and far between when you find a field with good food and refreshments and a bathroom to speak of. A Port a john may be OK for a guy to take a leak in but not too fun for the ladies. In most of the set up areas you have a few shade covers maybe a table here and there and maybe some spools. Not exactly the country club environment it could be. She honestly wants to set up a big pavilion tent at the next scenario and serve refreshments and a sit down meal in a clean environment. She thinks players would love it if it was available. She does like the players though. Paintball people are nice in general and treat her with respect.

02-25-2003, 10:11 PM
not mine
and yes data, manda does rock

02-25-2003, 11:10 PM
My wife has played a few times. She has had fun. Her largest complaint was that the mask didn't fit over her glasses well. My wife rules. ;)

02-25-2003, 11:13 PM
thats pretty cool that so many women play, Ill bet you all have alot of fun ,I think I would have to let my girl win alot though , or I would be spending alot of nights on the couch lol

02-25-2003, 11:48 PM
My buddy's girlfriend plays. She's gone toe to toe with anybody. Seen her play "Paint or Pain" and stand 10 feet from a guy and have a judge ask "Is she wearing Kevlar?"

In other words. She's hard-core. Only bad part-- She uses a Tippmann.

02-26-2003, 12:30 AM
My fiance has played with me before we were dating. She and I are teachers andplayed in the woods on a school trip. The ref liked her and thought he was kissing upto her by making her invincible. Well, when the kids found out that she could get them out and she lept staying in, they nuloaded most of thier hoppers on her at once. She had a welt on her thigh that ran from above her knee to just above her waist. One solid black and blue, and she justlaghed it off, knowing full well that the kids were pissed. That's pretty tough.

02-26-2003, 01:01 AM
My wife has played a few times. She really enjoys the game and the hunt (we mostly play woods). Her best friend plays also and is really hard core. She got shot in the neck from 10 feet once. Totally dropped her, but she was ready to go again for the next game.

The Frymarker
02-26-2003, 08:07 AM
My hubby got me to play. I have to be honest, my best games were when I went bonzai on teams that figured I didn't know how to play and I ended the game in 2 minutes.

But then I wouldn't give them the chance to get me back... I usually would only play for 1 or 2 games.

I figured anything after that and players would catch on to my style and then I would be in for it.

Easy way to play and not get too many bruises.

Yes I like the woods, much more places to hide.

02-26-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by datapimp69
well if he dosent post, i will..

synreal's girl rocks, she plays as hard as most guys out there and seems to be fearless.

i have played a bunch of games with her and she impresses me everytime.

yup, shes a trooper ;) i still haven't fully forgiven her for stealing my black magic within a week of its arrival "wait, it has drag flames -and- is lighter than this one I'm using? screw you, we're switching" but she plays hard and can lay down nice thick ropes of paint so i let it slide.

back off boys, she's all mine :rolleyes:

wyn also failed to mention the real reason he likes playing with her, she plays in tight tank tops in the summer :p if i'm not playing speedball she always comes out and plays, and plays well.

02-26-2003, 11:52 AM
I cant even get my GF to come out to watch........she hates everything paintball.......oh well....more paint for me :)

Dr David Banner
02-26-2003, 11:56 AM
Mine comes to watch but she won't play :mad:

02-26-2003, 12:49 PM
My Wife plays recball while I play speedball. Every now and then she'll get on an airball field and dump five pods and a hopper...she's pretty cool in that she'll bring me and my teammates lunch or drinks whenever we're playing locally.

Bubonic Plauge
02-26-2003, 01:26 PM
At the time she was just my girlfriend. Now we are engaged. I was so worried about her not being aggresive enough and that she would buckle under pressure. She was Rambo the first day she played. Scary aggresive....almost too scary....



"The ultimate wisdom is knowing that you are not wise"

02-27-2003, 07:48 AM
Just kidding. She's okay, though... like one of the posts above, she either gets hit on the break, or she's up at the 50 laydown, Snapshoot-gogging ballers with her tricked out (with her OWN money) Piranha... yeah, the one with the sticker on the side of it that says:

"Hey, are those my balls on your face?"

Yep, that's my wife. Gotta love her. And her Youth-sized Raven Jersey. ;)

02-27-2003, 01:46 PM
TooDamnSweet and I love to play whenever we find the chance to go out. She enjoys woods play better but isn't afraid to play speedball. Although she doesn't enjoy the bruises, she's not afraid to go out and play her best. There were times when other players would see her and look her over, simply cause she's a girl, but next thing you know, she's taking them out...LOL! :p

Thanks to Tom, she's set up pretty well with her RT Pro. I've been telling her that her next upgrade is the level 10, but all she has to say to me is...why? I'm not chopping. DOH! She learned the mechanics of the trigger quickly. :)