View Full Version : Angel Vs Timmy

02-25-2003, 08:32 PM
1. Which gun shoots faster?

2. Which gun shoots more consistant?

3. Which is more accurate?

4. Which uses more air?

5. Which is lighter?

6. Which would you rather have? Why?

02-25-2003, 08:44 PM
1. they will shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger, their designs are pretty similar, and their rof should be the same, altho, with the WAS equilizer boards, there have been some reports of people getting insane ROF

2. Consistency, well the timmy's have had some trouble in the past with consistency, but supposedly they are all gone. If you go timmy, get a good reg, and dont worry

3. Accuracy is equal, all markers are the same, just get a good paint to barrel match. olny thing is the timmy bolt is longer, so it may have more reciprocating mass, that could throw you off shot.

4. Air efficiency, I wouldnt know, but id assume their equal, timmy's may be a little more

5. depending, but gz timmies are light as hell, it all depends on the model

6. I would rather have an angel. To me Timmies feel cheep, like little toys made in china. The angel is sollid, and a tried and true performer. PErsonally, im not switching from my SFL e-mag, because, well its better than the 2 choices you posted in my whole opinion. (softer on paont etc)

also, dont bother with a halo b and them, both of them have been known to have troubles with halo's.

Also, check out the angel forums here, www.angel-owners.com, on PBN, and AO's very own angel forum. Also, dont forget to check out the timmy forum on PBN

E==Mag MAN
02-25-2003, 08:52 PM
If your going to spend that much money, I say get the intimidator. Its a little more than a stock lcd but you get a eye.

02-25-2003, 09:03 PM
oh yea, i forgot that! the new 2003 lcd's are freekin hot! upgraded internals with i3 internals, and there really sexy! also they have a price tag of 850 and are friggin sexay. also, you dont need to buy a bunch of barbs and crap for em to make them perform well.

02-25-2003, 09:54 PM
I would take an Timmy over an LCD anyday, because the Timmies have an anti-chop eye and LCD's DON'T. In this day and age if I'm paying 500+ for a marker I don't want it to chop at all, I wouldn't even look at Angel's because they don't have an eye or some type of antichop system.

Now..... if it were an iR3 with cops2 vs. any kind of Timmy I would most certinaly get the iR3. If you have not held and shot one you should, I think they are the most well designed/balanced/comfy marker out there.

02-25-2003, 10:07 PM
Well, anti chop eyes dont have too much of a perpose using an evolution 2, i dont use cops on my ir3 and I havent chopped yet. Same with my friends 03 Angel.

02-25-2003, 10:16 PM
Even so, I still think the LCD's need an antichop system

If your loader trips for a second while you go to rip out a long string of paintballs, it would chop. A chop basicly throws you next shots and alot of times leads to more chops making it impossiable to hit anything. Now I know this might not ever happen or if it does it is very seldom, but I still think for a marker of that price range I want to KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that I won't chop when I go to shoot.

02-25-2003, 10:58 PM
ok ok, timmies chop as well, even though you dont think they do, they do. also, angels bolt speed is like 6 fps, and there habe been reports of angels pinching paint as well. Also, if you feel you want to, you can send it off to doc, and he can install a nice ol Anti chop for it.

02-25-2003, 11:11 PM
seems like a lot of people are leaning towards the angels here,
Personally I like timmys, they are light, no chop that I have seen (not to say that it does not happen) and maybe its just the way I hold a timmy or something but I find that with any barrel set up I have used on a timmy, as compared to a similar set up on an IR3 or LCD, I get a lot less side to side inaccuracy with the timmy. I played a tourny with a 2002 timmy and was throwing lines of paint that were just dead on, and then the next tournament I played, I used an IR3, and while it matched ROF it seemed to give me a lot more muzzle rise and a lot more side to side variation.
I guess my vote goes out to the intimidator.

Oh yeah I forgot that the timmy just looks bad@$$ too.

02-26-2003, 02:36 AM
last summer i picked up a dark angel 2.1, right before the ir3s came out. It horribly disappointed me. No matter how I adjusted it, it wasn't as consistent or fast as my intimidator.

The ripper intimdator that i have is just fast. As is my dragon (which is completely stock). They both fly, are light, and don't chop. The trigger pull is just so much better for me on the intimidator. I can rattle off 15 bps without any problems, but can only hit 10-12 on an angel while really workin at it.

Timmys don't need a damn thing to outperform an angel IMO. Right out of the box, they're consistent as all hell. You gotta realize that the HPR reg (torpedo) is almost the EXACT same regulator as a Palmer's stabilizer, probably the most consistent reg on earth.

As far as antichop eyes/ball sensing systems. No matter what gun you have if you fire fast, you need them. I don't care if you have a halo, evo2, warp, or even WAS' "corkscrew" (which btw is due to be released a month after the Equalink in 2010). Last couple of balls take forever to come down, chop one of them and have fun for the rest of the game. Your antichop eye system will prevent you from having any problems with ANY chopping. We all know that 1 chop screws up a game and is just a pain to clean.

02-26-2003, 08:37 AM
from the timmy's i have seen and had to deal with
WHEN not if they break its a pain to get them serviced
a guy on are team has been waint 2 MONTHS for the screws the hold the side frame and eye cover on.
an no they dont have them at any hardware store:D
the 2003 lcd is.....VERY nice

02-26-2003, 09:14 AM
BTW the reason I dont use cops is because I dont have cops2 yet:eek: Timmys are one of the tallest guns you can get, and I just like the feel of the angel more. 03's are cheaper and better imo.

02-26-2003, 10:47 AM
lmfao fire1811. The screws are at any decent hardware store. Do you have a Lowes, Home Depot, Ace Hardware anywhere near you?

Also, Bob has some of the best customer service out there. Takes a week and a half to get a gun back during tourneys (aka the ones they attend) and a week normal turnaround time.

Oh ya, timmys break all the time. That's why you see so many upper level teams using them now. And it's not because bob sponsors them, because he doesn't have the money to sponsor all of them, let alone sponsor the other pro teams.

02-26-2003, 10:57 AM
Go with a Timmy..

If you get the GZ model, then there is no reason to buy a waz board... *if you get the new 2.--- board in the GZ*

Timmys have anti-chop eye
Add $30 and buy a LP Chamber, *most new timmys have high flow barbs* you can then run your timmy around 60-70 on the cock..

Timmys are lighter

Timmys are smaller, and not as fat.. *taller? don't know where that comes from, but they are not... lol

granted, Angel's have better milling, but it's gun you want over looks...

You don't even need to touch the regs on the timmys... if the reg stays clean, then you have no problems... greese the reg about every 4 cases.....

Timmys are easy to work on.... EASY...

Angels are good guns, but unless you spend lots of $$ you don't get an eye... =[

I'ld go with a timmy.... oh wait.. I did go with a Timmy.. =]

oh yeah... Timmys *if treated right* never go down....
just keep it clean and greesed...

02-26-2003, 11:39 AM

A properly tuned Angel will rarely chop (I chop 1 or 2 balls in 10,000).

While the Timmy's have an Eye, it isn't the worlds most reliable eye. I'll take a non-eye marker that rarely chops over a marker with an eye that destroys paint everytime the eye screws up.

Angels are easy to get serviced if there's anything wrong with it (Any medium sized or larger tourney will have an Angel tech, a large one will have WDP). While Timmy's need ot go back to the factory. You likely have an Angel tech near you anyways.

Timmy's feel cheap, come with crappy plastic panels and the stock trigger is pooh. Angel's are well built, come with decent grips and a good trigger.

And Timmy's are taller. They use a stacked tube design, witha tray under the bottom tube. The GZ is shorter than a stock timmy though. The angel uses a pyramid design with no tray that is shorter overall (Only the single tube designs like the Mag and new shocker are shorter than an angel)

If you want a killer gun with an eye, get an Impy Vision or a BM2K2 with PDS, the Timmy is based off the Bushmaster design anyways, and these 2 are much cheaper than a timmy.

Dr David Banner
02-26-2003, 12:31 PM
Timmys feel too long as well - like sub machine guns..I like angles.

02-26-2003, 12:35 PM
eye problems?

The classic timmys have theses problems....

most all problems that you hear about with the new timmys are user related...

WHICH will happen with an Angel... bushy... impy... if you don't take care of your gun, your gun won't take care of you.

Now, there are a few types of paint the timmy won't shoot... "CLEAR shell" cheep stuff... that's the only problems I have every had...

the trigger is like anything, you can get a stock 02.. or you can get a Dragon... or something... I haven't seen many stock angels that come with a tooth trigger, or turbo trigger.... most of that is all "add ons"

for the money you can't beat the GZ... CAN'T .
I have yet to chop a ball with my GZ... and it's seen more then 15 cases...

if you want to spend $1000 on a gun... why not buy a used LX Emag with warp or something... ?-) I still love mags..

02-26-2003, 01:11 PM
yes, i agree, timmies also feel like tippman m98's to me, their too long IMHO

If your really worried about a working ace, one that can sence all types of paint, and are worried about chops if the eye fails, why dont you get an x-mag? just some food for thought, i know i appreciate the ace on my sfl.

Also, as others have stated, and i stated my self, timmies feel cheep. There nothing different than a bushmaster, olny timmies were made from old spyder bodies. Save your $$$ and grab an impy, or a bushy, or a mag, or go for the angel and go for one of the best markers on the market. It isnt the best marker for no reason is it?

02-26-2003, 02:18 PM
well, everyone knows what im gonna say

but anyways

i dont like the timmy for the same reasons i dont like impulses, and partly because they are just a gun fad, a trend, that will end whenever something cooler comes out

where as the angel has been, and will always be a good gun, and popular.

hype has contributed(sp) alot to this timmy explosion, just like all this evil crap

anyways, back to my point

the timmys feel cheap to me, they are thin and too light for their own good, it feels like a toy, same with impulses

this is just my opinion, so i would rather not argue about it

i will always shoot an angel, because it hasnt done me wrong yet

02-26-2003, 02:39 PM
try both, get the one you like better.

02-26-2003, 04:49 PM
timmys feel cheep, cause they are too light? too small?

lol... guess it can't be all that bad... lol ...

02-26-2003, 05:20 PM
i hear ya.......since when does it have to be heavy to be a good gun? is that why everyone likes the original emag? Wait that doesn't make sense, because AGD came out with the Xmag due to weight concerns......hmmmm

02-26-2003, 05:40 PM
I've used and pulled apart both , and I have to say I prefer the angel. While there are some similarities in their designs, I found that the angels fit together better. They use higher quality materials, whats used in the timmy makes it very light but I think at the cost of reduced durability, I have seen a lot more serious breakdowns with them.

In short I think the performance between the two is comperable (differing stories based on peoples taste) but I think the angel has better fit and finish and will give you fewer troubles.

02-26-2003, 07:46 PM
whats the deal about i hearing timmys use plastic? plastic eye covers but now made of aluminum and then a plastic handle or something?

02-26-2003, 07:48 PM
handels are aluminum, always have been
the only plastic parts are the grips, bolt (derlin same as angel), and hoses

02-26-2003, 07:56 PM
can you get diff grips? like some dye grips or something?

02-26-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by paintball8869
Wait that doesn't make sense, because AGD came out with the Xmag due to weight concerns......hmmmm That's just an ignorant statement lol. Using your same logic I could say that Angel came out with the IR3 due to weight concerns because it's lighter :rolleyes:.

02-26-2003, 08:36 PM
The Grips are pretty non-standard, except on the GZ.

The reason Timmy's feel cheap is that between the crappy grips and all the stuff sorta bolted on, it seem flimsy. While other guns in the same range don't (Viking, new shocker, Angel, E-Mag)

02-26-2003, 11:18 PM
timmy's look and feel like something that should be sold in the toy aisle of a supermarket. they do shoot super fast, but i would never spend that much money on a gun that looks so cheesy and feels so frail.