View Full Version : How not to get your stuff stolen.

02-25-2003, 11:09 PM
I was reading the stolen stuff thread and I thought. Maybe there should be a thread on how to protect your investments.

I am going to the big game in Augest. Its taken me weeks to order my stuff and even though its junk compared to the stuff you guys have, Id be pissed if someone stole it. Ill also have to spend money and time upgrading.

Please post your tip ideas. Soneobe posted a backpack. This seems like a good idea.

1.) get a cheap back pack and put your stuff in it. Your less likely to lay it down.

Okay so how about if your sleeping in a bunk house? Bike lock. The car to me does not seem safe. Even with a $100 or so worth fo stuff, I am sure..

2.) Put your stuff under the seat or in the trunk. Out of sight out of mind.

Any other ideas?

02-26-2003, 12:09 AM
yeah i have an idea this is in the wrong thread. but welcome to AO!

02-26-2003, 07:17 AM
3) Keep your gear in your sight!

02-26-2003, 11:54 AM
well i got a BIG rubbermaid tub.

drilled holes in the handles and put padlocks in them so you cant open it.

then i chain the whole thing to a tree.

well thats what i do, hope it helps.

p.s. i find it much easier to get locks that have combo or the little number turn thingies. so you dont have to keep keys while you are playing, and if you let anyone else keep things in there they dont have to have a key.

02-26-2003, 11:56 AM
Considering the off topic stuff we have in here, this is very relavent.

Protecting your gear:

1. At big events always leave one person with your gear. If you have to walk away keep with in seeing distance and WATCH YOUR STUFF!

2. If you aren't using it (backup guns, etc) lock them in the trunk / toolbox of your car /truck.

3. Don't leave expensive stuff in sight. Put that pretty HALO in your bag when you aren't using it. The freak kit too. Close your bags when you aren't in them. If nobody knows its there they can't get it.

4. Have serial #'s recorded for your guns / tanks. Many of them have #'s on them, keep track of that. If something is missing you can identify it if you see it somewhere else.

People do steal stuff. People should be beaten till their heads are dented for it.

If you leave it where someone can take it, they probably will.

If you have something stolen, then it probably won't come back.


02-26-2003, 12:16 PM
I have my wife watch all my gear. That works GREAT! :)

02-26-2003, 12:21 PM
This is indeed the right place to discuss this. A very timely topic.

02-26-2003, 12:38 PM
Maybe fields should think about gear check like they have at ski resorts. Only costs me $1 when I go snowboarding for an all day board check.

This would probably be overwhelming at a scenario or big game.

datapimp's idea seems really good. Just lock it all up around a tree. But it's just a plastic bin that't easily defeated.

In addition to keeping your gun safe, there's a big box of paint to keep an eye on. Maybe the best bet is to just find people to split a case with.

My conclusion: Keep your gear locked up, but your gun and air system on you at all times. Split cases of paint with people so you don't have to worry about storing paint.

Or use shartley's approach and bring your wifey along to watch your gear. :)

Will Wood
02-26-2003, 01:30 PM
I am lucky enough to play at a place where things VERY RARELY get stolen..You can leave something out and it will be fine (Hopefully..) But playing at events with alot of people, or at least people I don't know them all, everything stays in the car. Locked up. Normally, everyone knows everyone where I play, so your all set.

But other then that, I'll say what everyone will say:

Lock it up
Record Serial #'s
Don't stuff leave it laying around.

Unless they are going to break into a car, it'll be save. It's happened.. but, it's the best way.

02-26-2003, 01:55 PM
Keep your expensive stuff in a BE bag or case. :D Who's going to attempt to steal something they think is Brass Eagle?

02-26-2003, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by nippinout
datapimp's idea seems really good. Just lock it all up around a tree. But it's just a plastic bin that't easily defeated.
Although you are correct that a plastic bin can easily be defeated, locking it up and to a tree is enough of a deterrent to keep people from trying to steal it. If I was a thief, I would look around for the people who carelessly leave their stuff lying around unsupervised.

02-26-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by deathstalker

Although you are correct that a plastic bin can easily be defeated, locking it up and to a tree is enough of a deterrent to keep people from trying to steal it. If I was a thief, I would look around for the people who carelessly leave their stuff lying around unsupervised.
This is very true…. Locks are only for honest people (or those who are looking for a quick theft). When looking at security, one must match the measures taken vs the situation at hand and its needs.

Look at briefcase locks…. They are easily opened with a letter opener…. Yet they do quite well to prevent the average thief from getting your stuff. ;)

Same is true with paintball equipment.

But I still advise finding a good woman…. You get more benefits than just paintball equipment security. :D

02-26-2003, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by shartley
But I still advise finding a good woman…. You get more benefits than just paintball equipment security. :D

agreed, but they are of little use to your gear's safety when they are hunkered down behind a dorito on the 30 keyed up on the guy in the back left beer can ;)

i strongly suggest simply playing with wyn, he breaks his markers so often that chances are good he'll be in the staging area 95% of the time that you are not.

02-26-2003, 03:18 PM
CYA, get insurance for your marker set up, I don't know exactly where or how, but you can get it (several teams I know do this). It just makes sense, if your investing hundreds or thousands (in some rare instances) of dollars into anything insurance is available/good to have.

although this is not theft protection by any means it might help with assuring you'll have a gun to play AFTER the theft

02-26-2003, 03:36 PM
At tournys there are always other teams we know, so we watch their stuff if they watch ours, since u usually dont have the same playing schedule

02-26-2003, 03:43 PM
My trick at big games is to get one of my friends real good and drunk the night before. Then he's too hung over to play, so he watches the gear. ;)

Load SM5
02-26-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
This is indeed the right place to discuss this. A very timely topic.

Sorry, Phil it was in the "Markers" FS forum. I moved it here. I meant to make a note about it.

02-26-2003, 04:37 PM
I just use a duffle bag and i put luggage locks on it.

02-26-2003, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by maginator
I just use a duffle bag and i put luggage locks on it.
Yeah! That way I can run by and grab the whole bag! WooHoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is like those Christmas grab bags, you never know what you will get. :D

(Just kidding…. But I don’t advise only relying in outside locks on bags at events. It is too easy to just take the whole thing.)

02-26-2003, 05:00 PM
i know the guy who owns the local field i play at. so we put our stuff in his van:D which he parks right in the pit section. and there are always people watching it that we know. he watches this to so it doesnt get stolen;)

02-26-2003, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Yeah! That way I can run by and grab the whole bag! WooHoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is like those Christmas grab bags, you never know what you will get. :D

LMAO!!! That was too funny, I can picture it happening too! Like the old Bugs Bunny vs. Elmer Fudd Looney Tunes.

02-26-2003, 05:03 PM
Know the area youre playing at, and the people youre playing with. And when in doubt, set up a defensive perimiter. Use Anti personnel mines along the high speed avenues of approach, with sniper units placed at high points. Make sure theyre not on the hilltops though, as they will be silhouetted. Canadians have recently set the record for sniping distance, and have proven themselves quite well in Afghanistan. I reccomend hiring a few of them. Also, a flashbang or two rigged to your gear will make sure any would be thief is disabled, as well as make sure any witness in the area dont escape before you get their testimony. Finally, an MP unit in the rear of your area of operations, IE at the entrance/exit of the facility would be usefull to screen all passersby for stolen equipment. But most importantly, keep an eye on your stuff.

02-26-2003, 05:13 PM
i guess i need a girl friend that will sit around all day watching my stuff and promise to go shopping after or something(lord that wouldnt be good LOL)

02-26-2003, 05:23 PM
When it comes to protecting your stuff, you get what you pay for. The wife is the Cadillac when it comes to keeping your stuff safe, but man can they be expensive. You have to give up half of everything you own (and will own) and sign away the rest of your life:eek:
Granted there are significant "fringe" benefits.

02-26-2003, 06:28 PM
I have never had any problems at our field with stuff getting stolen. We play at a small rec ball field and you know just about everyone there except the people who rent.

the only problem i have ever had was when som kid (about 12) went up to one of my friend with my rev and said do you know whos hopper this is(qout"im thinking about taking it") he almost got is but kicked. And believe it or not his mom was standing right next to him.

02-26-2003, 06:56 PM
Simple way to keep your stuff from getting stolen is to getto rig it. Add a little ducktape, rubberbands, a torn up dirty gear bag, a sweegee made out of a twig and some tissue paper, and broken down rusted spyder to finish up the deception and no one would want to steal your stuff :)

02-26-2003, 07:00 PM
I have my paintball bag chained to a platform that is in my trailer hitch. I then use combo locks on the zippers of the paintball bag (paint goes inside the jeep). It won't stop anyone who is determined, but it should be obvious to everyone nearby that my stuff is being stolen.

02-26-2003, 08:40 PM
http://www.tspaintball.com/ is working on a theft system that from what the webmaster tells us is supposed to be very usefull check it out and join the forums :) also the other thing i could think of besides being imprisioned for life so to speak ;) is to ask the field owner if you can leave your stuff with him or something

02-26-2003, 08:46 PM
Hehe..welcome aboard Star_Base_CGI!!! I hope you're having fun here! :D

02-26-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by shade23
CYA, get insurance for your marker set up, I don't know exactly where or how, but you can get it (several teams I know do this). It just makes sense, if your investing hundreds or thousands (in some rare instances) of dollars into anything insurance is available/good to have.

although this is not theft protection by any means it might help with assuring you'll have a gun to play AFTER the theft

It's called a personaly floater. I think the insured item must be over 1k in value and you must show recipts for it. I know USAA does these, infact the wifes ring has one.


02-27-2003, 12:28 AM
I think that some parks should have airport style lockers. it only makes sense. the park can even profit on it. I would definatly leave me keys and other valuables in it.

Obviously you aren't gonna put your bag in there, but there are some things you really wanna keep safe, I'd do it!


02-27-2003, 12:35 AM
Someone earlier mentioned a check service. That would be a good idea for big scenario days.

For team stuff, maybe a couple of attendants in a certain players' area?

I think the best way if to stage with your team and have someone there to keep an eye on your stuff. That is the most sure way to keep grubby paws off your stuff.


02-27-2003, 03:35 AM
Thanks Gibby.

Ive had some nice stuff stolen, speakers, a tent and a few other things out of my car. A friend stole a battery checker, cost $50 but he gave em a really nice dog. SO its hard to say with friends.

I just have this bad feeling, after ive upgraded my gun the shiney blue metal will attract a thief. Thieves like shiny metal things.

I guess the best idea I could think of from looking through things here, would be to put a metal lock box of some sort in your car. If you have a large investment like an Emag. I would say maybe a metal truck tool box if you have a truck and weld metal locks to it. A smaller metal box of some sort for a car and bolt that sucker down.

Id like to bring my autographed Spplat attack stuff for Tom and Mancow to sign but I just can't. Cause I know a stealer is out there.

Sorry your just not getting it. Im leaving it home. :p

02-27-2003, 05:13 AM
I've never had a problem with theft, but I know it happens. Not a big scenerio player, so I don't know how to take care of that sort of thing, but i do take care of myself when I'm rec-balling.

I drive a 1991 subaru legacy station wagon and the trunk makes for a nice staging area. I can sit there and eat lunch there too :)

I have everything sitting in the back there, my paint, extra stuff, etc.. etc.. and I just close it up and lock it when I head off to a game. I toss the key in my pocket, but I should probably get something like a carabiner(sp?) that'll attatch it to my belt or something.

Basically, No one is getting my stuff unless they break a window, or use a slim-jim, but that's probably not going to happen considering there's field operators and whatnot in the staging area all the time.

I think the most important thing is just not to be careless.

02-27-2003, 08:04 AM
Well, what I'm planning to do for Shatnerball is to put my gear in a locked truck box. Paint will probably go inside a styrofoam cooler. As was said before, just make sure to never leave your gear unattended.

04-13-2003, 08:54 PM
I checked in the AO store for this and didnt see it.

Wanted to buy it before I mentioned it.

There is a backpack at Walmart, its huge for $9.99. It has wheels several compartments and a carry handle.

Its black, grey and blue. Personally I think its indistiguishable from the $50 packs online.

Before you become one of the people in these threads, go check it out.

04-13-2003, 08:59 PM
Buy a locking guncase or toolbox you can put the gun in, I have both.