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02-26-2003, 07:22 PM
What makes an Intimidator better than an Impulse? Both are open bolt electropneumatic guns. Why would a timmy be better?

02-26-2003, 07:25 PM
Shhh ... it isn't ;)

If you spent as much as it costs for a stock Timmy on a stock impulse, IN MY OPINION the impy would perform better. Both have anti chop eyes and both are low pressure for shooting the really brittle tourney paint.

02-26-2003, 07:34 PM
Overall, the only thing the Timmy does better is the greatness of the trigger and the anti-chop system. In my opinion, the ACE system on the Timmy, and to an even greater extent the WAS board and ACE system on higher-end Timmys just totally owns the Vision system on the Imp. The imp vision has trouble reading various paint, whether they are black or 2-tone. Yeah, SP "solved this problem", but I keep on hearing complaints anyway. Also the SP vision seems to slow down ROF, and isless reliable than the Intimidator eye. The Vision only has an eye on one side, while the Timmy system has one on both sides, which helps with speed, reads all paints, and is just all around nicer.

02-26-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by poolshark5226
The imp vision has trouble reading various paint, whether they are black or 2-tone. Yeah, SP "solved this problem", but I keep on hearing complaints anyway. Also the SP vision seems to slow down ROF, and isless reliable than the Intimidator eye. The Vision only has an eye on one side, while the Timmy system has one on both sides, which helps with speed, reads all paints, and is just all around nicer. The vision on an imp only has problems reading black shelled paint (EDIT: Most tourney paint isn't black anyway.) 2-toned is no problem I have no idea where you heard that. The vision slows down ROF? What? ACTUALLY it's capped at 20+ bps. In non-vision the board is capped at 13.7 so you don't chop bad. How does having 2 eyes help with speed? Please explain this to me because I've never read this anywhere. I've seen more problems with Timmy eyes than I ever have with Vision eyes. At my local field even.

02-26-2003, 07:48 PM
actualy, the timmies still have ACE troubles, the best system has to be the x-mag system, where you can adjust it, and it sences black/white toned shells. that is a good feat

Im really sick of timmies this, timmies that. there a fad, and feel cheep to me. The impies, atleast, as much as i dis like them as well, are a little more solid atleast. also, they are not the softest on paint, dont let the electro pnumatic thing stear you wrong, both with malfunctioning, or with ace off, are easily capable of chopping

02-26-2003, 07:52 PM
Having owned a timmy, and now an impy....I like the imp better. Its faster, has a better trigger, looks better, and is more upgradeable. However, the impy simply has crappola long range accuracy, as opposed to the impy. However, I do prefer the imp.

02-26-2003, 08:19 PM
Oh guys, don't get me wrong, in my opinion, an upgraded imp beats the hell out of a timmy. In fact an Imp is what I shoot. About Vision not reading 2-tone paint, well, I don't have vision (or a cricket, but there were quite a few threads about it on IOG. As for vision slowing it down, if the ball isnt *PERFECTLY* in the bore, the gun won't shoot. On my friends Vision Imp, the ROF is like cut in half with vision. The Timmy vision would be faster because the sensors would read the ball more easily and accurately. I don't know about Timmy ACE problems, I guess I shouldn't have mentioned that part. I also feel that Timmies are cheaply made, long, and the Imp is an all around better gun, at least when upgraded. O love my imp, but I prefer Timmy ACE