View Full Version : Anybody up for a Colorado AO day, version 2.0?

02-26-2003, 10:29 PM
Just wondering... I came across some good info from the local feild in Greely, Action Pursuit Paintball, about their big game schedule... I also posted this in the Scenario game forum, but... Check it out here:
Main Site
Big Games


Looks like we've decided on the July 26th, Battle for Middle Earth Scenario game at Action Pursuit Paintball in Greely for AO CO 2.0.

TheFlamingKoosh- Registered and Ready!
Bsolomon- Registered and Ready!
Boggerman-Registered and Ready!
jwren00-still going?
Treefarm-Can't come, sister in town
The Deacon- Can't come anymore
timbpaint-Registered and Ready!
Anyone else?

02-27-2003, 07:42 PM
I'm up for just about anything. New X-Mag rarin' to go!

03-02-2003, 03:04 PM
Oh I dunnoe. Not a big fan of going to AO meets..... ;)

Yeah I'm up for another one! Greely is fine and it'd be closer for you guys right? The last CO meet was in my backyard so I'm up for driving to you guys this time.

EDIT: Hey I vote wait till it's warmer. Just froze my keester off at Missouri's AO meet. Rather do something in the summer. I'm kinda sick of indoor and their 250 chronny limits.....

03-05-2003, 11:18 PM
Would the June date work for ya then? I'm planning on going to the one in april, then I can get a feel for how APG runs the big games and if they are worth going to. If you guys want to do the same thing as last time, that would be fine with me as well... I'm not too far from denver and I'd be glad to make a stop or two on the way if anyone needs a ride... wasn't someone here from Laramie?

03-06-2003, 12:31 PM
Yeah, june should work ok. So far anyway. Um... yeah brian68 or somethign like that. I'll dig up the list of who came last time. Well, we can try to get a place central for everyone.

Quite frankly I wasn't impressed with where we played last time. The ref's sucked (except this one like 12 yr old kid!), the games were designed for you to waste paint, expensive. eh. Oh wait, yeah, they had a freakin stream running across the property and we couldn't use the speedball course. The field owners refused to call me back, lied to me and I bet I can come up with a few more reasons if I think. That's about it for my griping, but suffice it to say I won't spend my money there again, and I try to convince everyone I know to stay away.

03-07-2003, 10:00 PM
I'm new to Mag ownership and Just found this forum as I was trying to track down a z-grip.

I live in Parker Colorado and we usually play at paintball adventures in sedelia.

I would like to get on the list of guys so we can get up to twenty and get the discount. I should be able to bring two to five guys with me. or more. Money (as always) is the only issue.

I got the superbolt and I plan to win many tournaments this year. Hey, any of you gonna play in the Mountain States Tournament Series? MSTS.

03-08-2003, 01:24 AM
I don't, but I know a few guys who do. One of my friends from High School is roomates with Tom Kutrubes at CSU. Tom plays for Sarpshooters Black, and he got my friend on Sharpshooters marble (I think thats the color) the novice team, and is playing in a tourny two weeks from now if memory serves...

But anyway, welcome to AO, look forward to seein 'yall!

03-08-2003, 02:54 AM
You can tell him to watch out for the Nomadz

03-08-2003, 03:34 AM
Parker!!?!!?!?!??! Dude you live close to me! I grew up in parker! Ponderosa Yo! :D Mah I'm not playing in the tourny.....only because I'm not on a team. If I could get on a team, I'd be all over it.

03-08-2003, 12:22 PM
My team is having practice tommorow at PBA in sedalia. show up and show us what cho got. Try to get there around 9:00. We have five guys for a five man tournament. We could always use two more. If ya got money and skills that is.

We are close to getting two sponsorships. free clothes if we do well on the 23rd. Maybe Titanium parts later

check out Paintballadv.com and get directions.

hope to see ya there.

03-08-2003, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by ATF
My team is having practice tommorow at PBA in sedalia. show up and show us what cho got. Try to get there around 9:00. We have five guys for a five man tournament. We could always use two more. If ya got money and skills that is.

We are close to getting two sponsorships. free clothes if we do well on the 23rd. Maybe Titanium parts later

check out Paintballadv.com and get directions.

hope to see ya there.

cool cool, sorry man don't konw if I can make it this weekend. Have to go get my new skates baked and fitted for my hockey game on monday. And I'm doing testing on that pre-break bolt idea that miscue came up with. If you don't have another practice before the 23rd maybe I'll just head down watch you guys play.

EDIT: Oh wait, tomorrow is Sun. Hey if I can get all my crap done today I'll be able to make it down to play. If not I'll try to swing down there anyway. Maybe they'll let me finish the testing there or something.

03-09-2003, 09:27 PM
If you were there I missed ya.

Ya didn't miss much. We did not win alot. My excuses include but are not limited to...

New guns for me and three other guys, our fifth guys broke two autocockers.

We tried to work on our communication in this our first practice together as a five man team. It didn't go well.

We could really use a good player who has experience with communication. We picked up a fourth and he is very good, he is a gymnast and wrestled in high school. I believe that helps tremendeously. We need a good fifth, the guy currently holding that position needs to get better.

A good back player who knows what the heck they are doing would be really nice. We also have a nice little field in the back yard but no air system.

If ya fit these criteria or even if ya don't, we expect to be there sunday for another practice and I will be there saturday to ref the field.

03-10-2003, 09:50 AM
Cool cool, yeah I stopped by for a few minutes, but couldn't remeber the teams name. Shoulda gotten what cars you guys were driving or something.

Don't worry about communication, it'll come with practice as long as you make it a priority.

Yeah, I'm looking into a scuba, but don't know if it's worth it at this point.

04-07-2003, 08:30 PM
Well seeing how its been a month.... UP!

Oh, and anyone interested in going to the first Scenario game, Counter-Strike, it has been moved up to April 19th, early registration due by the 12th, this saturday.

I'm pretty sure I'll still be going to this one with the www.playpaintballcolorado.com guys, but funds are kind of tight, and I don't know if I'll meet the pre-reg deadline...

04-19-2003, 09:05 PM
Ok... Today was weird... I got shot more times then I can remember, My mag chopped more balls then I care to talk about, some people didn't follow the rules....

And it was STILL the best day of paintball I've ever played!

Seriously guys, I think that this would make a GREAT place for an AO day (assuming we can muster the troops). I even won something today too! walked off with a spyder threaded Aradus barrel... the organizer of the event said that I can call psychoballistics to get it changed to the newest model and any thread type I want... I don't think they make Mag ones though... DOH!

But I'm about to spam this thread with the pics I took today. I played with guys from www.playpaintballcolorado.com , what a nice bunch they are too... Great guys to play with and it really made the day that much better.

04-19-2003, 09:10 PM
I should say: Thats Flip on the Left (he won a Steel back Longbow barrel at the event) and Deacon on the right holding his newly won Ricochet 2k.

Down here is the pillboxes used the the "operation Overlord" part of the game. That was a fun time. The "Germans" are supposed to hold the fort for 10 minutes before the "americans" can eliminate them. Americans get unlimited respawns, while one hit takes a german out of the game. It was pretty fair, though both times we played it the Americans won... When it was our turn to hold it, we held out to the last 20 seconds (and a few peoples Rico's timers said it was over 10 minutes) so it was a VERY close game that time...

And I'm pretty tired, so more pics tomorrow.

04-20-2003, 08:41 PM
YAAAY! more pictures!

Here is Fearless Leader! Knight Owl of team Renegades. He was our General for the "Terrorists".

04-20-2003, 08:46 PM
Here are a few people from CPC... Cap'n Wedge on the Right, then Falcon, Coons rear end, and Hex to the left... along with a few others, these were the guys I was playin with.

04-20-2003, 08:51 PM
This is just a picture of a mass amount of people before the games started... there were "only" 60 people there, but it sure did feel like more!

04-20-2003, 09:01 PM
Hehe... "Before"

04-20-2003, 09:03 PM
And After...

What this doesnt show is the shot to my CO2 tank and two shots on the other side... luckily Gun hits didn't get you out...

04-21-2003, 01:31 PM
hehe, yeah, that was FUN!!! (im hex) The counters were full of wipers and some people who were just idiots, like this guy who Coon gogged, and he called for a paintcheck!!! then coon gogged him again, and he still kept playin!!!! Also, when these two guys tried to bunker me, one came around to my right side and one straight in, i shot the guy on the right in the head and i hit the guy in front of me 2-4 times before he even got a shot off, he ended up hittin me in the knee. As i took the walk, i told him he was hit, and he just said "Nope, i hit you first" and wiped off all the paint splotches. dumb turd of a large mouthed bass. lol. but it was still fun!! My favorite parts were literally dancing across the field in the open in front of 5-10 blues, during the AM portion of the game, and not taking a hit, and also just unloading 500 rounds with my Response Trigger on the ugly Americans during Operation Overlord in about 30 seconds =). I just held the trigger and swept. Or, also, KnightOwl set up a Claymore by our bunker, and when several blues tried to bunker us, he pulled it. I didnt see the actual spew of paint, but i did look at it afterwards and the whole area around the thing was solid white. Man, those Renegades sure make some quality mines!! And red won, btw, just not officially. The ricochet timers had been up for like 30 seconds before the americans eliminated the last of us. But still, the prize was an E-Blade, and i dont even have an autococker. Overall, a great day. its all good =)

<edit: forgot that i havent fixed my sig yet, turned it off>

04-22-2003, 02:01 AM
I would be interested in the June 28 game for a second AO day. I might be able to drag a few more along with me, but no guarantees.

It looks like you guys had a blast.

05-14-2003, 01:23 PM

05-14-2003, 07:09 PM
Let's pick a time and place and see if we can generate some interest.

05-14-2003, 07:15 PM
I'll follow the X-Mag... hehehe...

If you don't feel like the "scenario" game at APP, let me know somewhere else, I can go most anywhere... I've heard the next one (modern wars) won't be like a scenario, just a large rec type game... instead of one 8 hour day of non-stop play there will be different "games." Like the D-Day rush shown above and some other timed games Anthony can cook up.

But like I said up there, Counter-Strike was one of the funnest days I've played paintball...

06-12-2003, 12:15 PM
Up for AO day 2.0!

06-12-2003, 12:19 PM
June 28th isn't gonna work for me. I have whitewater rafting, a bachelor's party, and it's the night before my birthday so I'll be downtown probably.

How's july hit everyone. I think it's clear for me right now.

06-12-2003, 12:23 PM
July 4th weekend and the following(12-13) are out for me, but I'm game for whatever otherwise.

06-12-2003, 12:57 PM
I guess the 28th won't work out for me either... I'd have to FORCE myself to go to it, and use up the cash I would rather not...

But pick a time, date, and place far enough ahead and I'll be there or die trying. Hopefully sometime this summer before school starts again (It just got out! It can't start again!). The AR mag needs to see some of its own kind!

06-12-2003, 12:59 PM
What about july 26th? That work?

06-12-2003, 06:19 PM
sounds good to me

06-12-2003, 06:37 PM
I'll try to be there also - where's there?

06-12-2003, 08:14 PM
If this happens I will probably come and play with you all though I dont use a mag. July 26 is Battle for Middle Earth Scenerio game at APP in Greeley though if ya choose that weekend. I may not use a mag but not many use a VM anymore, oh ya, I am the one Koosh was talking about that uses a warp on a VM, hehe.

06-13-2003, 07:50 AM
Anybody got a preferance between AO day like last time, try to get a hyper or speedball field (probably not enough people) or go to that scenario?

06-13-2003, 10:17 AM
I was kicking around the idea of doing the scenario/big game anyway, so that would probably be my vote.

For those of you considering, here's the scoop:

Action Pursuit Paintball (the field in Greeley)
July 26th is the "Battle for Middle Earth" (i.e. Lord of the Rings) $5000.00 in prizes.
Pre-registration $50.00, regular registration $60.00
Pre registered paint $65.00/2000, regular $75.00 (field paint only)

This is a nice field located next to a river with a good- sized creek running through the field. Lots of very large (bunker-sized)Cottonwood trees.

06-13-2003, 10:25 AM
Yeah, the first Scenario at APP was really fun.

Anthony (the guy that runs the place) had said on his forums that if the attendance for the "modern wars" (the June 28th game) wasn't high enough, it would effect the prize package for the July game. Oh well, I coming for a fun day of pball, not to win crap (although it would be nice).

Anthony is also a bit of an "over estimator." He said that he gave away over $8000 in prizes at the Counter-Strike game, but I would be suprized if it topped 3k... still alot of prizes though...

06-13-2003, 12:54 PM
Can we pin this down for sure? I will have to request vacation at work no matter when we play, unless you all want to come over to Grand Junction:D .

06-13-2003, 01:32 PM
26th in greely. Anybody got an issue with that? Speak now or forever hold your peace. :cool:

06-13-2003, 05:22 PM
I will be at the July 26th game for sure as I know many other people also planning on being there.

06-15-2003, 12:24 PM
The date works for me... Lets get this party STARTED!

06-15-2003, 02:02 PM
As far as I know, I will be there. I'm also trying to get my team sponsor involved (COPS911.com) - maybe as an event sponsor, and he thinks he can come down for the game.

06-15-2003, 02:03 PM
Oh, and one more thing. Should we all put ourselves down as Team AO Colorado and try to play on the same side?

06-15-2003, 07:23 PM
I like that idea bsoloman, we can unleash some mag-powered havoc on the unsuspecting players just like the first Colorado AO day.:D

06-20-2003, 03:27 AM
Are we still on track for this??:confused:

06-20-2003, 08:56 AM
Yeah I'm still going! Should be a good time!

Now I don't really see myself dressing up....but it'll be fun. Are we going for the orc team or the elf team? :D

06-20-2003, 11:39 AM
I don't know if Anthony got more organized, but for the CS game everyone just showed up, then they decieded teams at the event...

06-20-2003, 11:44 AM
Gotcha. Hmmmm I suppose that'll work too. Hey does the registration include all day air?

06-20-2003, 11:50 AM
that was another of my minor annoyances... You buy an Air card for $5. I don't know how it goes for HPA, but any tank to a 20oz was one punch, 20oz's were 2 punches. 5 punches and the card is worthelss. I would guess the HPA would go to 88ci tanks for two punches, but I'm not sure. I mean, I'm spending $50 for registration and $65 for paint, if I register early. The least he can do is include some air!

06-20-2003, 12:07 PM
Well we'll see I just emailed him about all day air passes so hopefully he'll do something. I don't really mind 5 or 10 bucks for an all day hpa card. But I'm not sure I want to spend $3 for every 45/3k fill.

06-25-2003, 04:11 PM
Well I emailed and asked asked how much all day hpa was and he said an air card was $5. Tried to get out of him what paint was going to be used and he wouldn't say.

06-25-2003, 04:15 PM
At Counter Strike it was Kick'n Premium Plus... Don't know if he'll be using the same for all the scenarios... I know a few guys going to the next big game on Saturday, so I'll ask them if its the same.

06-25-2003, 04:18 PM
Cool. If they can find out if the $5 card is really for all day HPA that'd be great too.

The Deacon
06-25-2003, 04:30 PM
Hey guys, I'll be there too. Getting a Classic RT this week, so I'll run with you mag guys.

06-25-2003, 04:33 PM
OK So far we've got: (I'll edit the original post with our final plans)

TheFlamingKoosh + 2 (hopefully)
Treefarm (coming with the PPC guys)
The Deacon
Anyone else?

06-25-2003, 04:33 PM
Cool! Should be a good time man. Last time was pretty fun! Where do you play normally?

The Deacon
06-25-2003, 04:36 PM
Usually at Milliken, Action Pursuit sometimes. Used to play at APC a lot, but I don't like their set-up too well. Lack of reffing and safety standards being he key two points. Bascially, anywhere within the Denver to Loveland I'll play at.

06-25-2003, 04:41 PM
Gotcha, yeah I haven't played in awhile but the last few times I have it was at APC. Haven't seen any bad safety stuff there, but I've heard it from a few people now. I just don't like the 250 chronny. I pretty much have to take level 10 out to get it to work. Sucks. Where's Milliken and what are the fees like?

The Deacon
06-25-2003, 04:48 PM
Well, Milliken is at, um, Milliken... ;) It's a city up near Greeley kinda. http://www.angelfire.com/nb/eatpaint (Milliken Paintball Club Website.) That's the best place for info. BYOP, BYOA, $5 field fee.

My first time at APC, there were no refs. Second time: no refs. Third time: Blind ref. Barrel plugs weren't enforced, gun discharged in staging area. Yikes.

I actually live in Brighton, and there's a new field opening there. I expect to play there a lot. It's where 470 and 70/76 (I live near it and can't even remember what it is... :confused: ) meet. It's owned by the APC guys and opens in a month or so.

06-26-2003, 08:16 AM
Cool, may have to check it out sometime. Be nice to find a place that wasn't $20 field fee, $4 per fill, and $70 a case! :p

06-27-2003, 08:36 AM
I'm in. Looks like we could have our own squad if we all pre-register. They usually allow full auto at these games.

06-27-2003, 12:18 PM
Thanks to ShooterJMs offlist vigilance I am now aware of this event, and for sure will be there. I will be bringing foot condoms this year.


06-27-2003, 01:50 PM
Sweet! I was hoping you were still at that email! :cool:

06-27-2003, 03:02 PM

Good to see you're still alive and kickin'

06-30-2003, 12:35 PM
I am very much alive and kick frequently. I am ashamed to say that I have not played once since our last outing. Will be playing this Thursday at Sedalia at a private bachelor party though ;-)

What are the details of this game... The information I find at actionpaintball.com is really "thin". How long is it?

I really would like to go as a team, or at least find a way we can all be on the same side. Also, want to talk about comms. I like using radios in big games. Anyone else setup for this?


06-30-2003, 01:17 PM
Here's what I found out:

Pre-registration ends the Saturday of the week before the event, so in this case, Saturday the 19th. Pre-reg saves you $10 on the event and $10/case of paint.

Teams (sides) are set up immediately before the game, so don't worry about registering with any particular info. We just need to get together before the game and all step to one side or the other.

He said that game-on is at 8:30am and the game should run until about 5:30pm. Plan on being there NO LATER THAN about 7:00am to deal with sign-in/paint/air/teams, etc... The field gate will be open on Friday evening and you can camp at the field if you like (there is no formal procedure for this - just show up and drop your tent).

He said he had a good turn-out for the one he ran this past weekend, and he says he knows the one on July 26th is expected to be bigger.

On the issue of communications, I run FRS/GMRS radios with channel and subchannel (I have 2), so for anyone else that has one, we can pick a channel in the morning and should be good to go.

06-30-2003, 01:45 PM
Thanks for the info.

I'm not a morning person, so would either camp if it sounded like fun ( and if I thought I'd get some sleep ) or just stay in a hotel.

Best Western, $67
Motel6, $46 ( Orbitz.com )

I'm only traveling from Denver, but a hotel still makes sense to me, and if anyone else is travelling further, so staying overnight, we could meet up for dinner the night before for some Before Event Evaluation & Reconoiter ( B.E.E.R ).

I have FRS but it isn't reliable. I'll buy FRS / GMRS to keep options open - wanted one anyway. Does the one you have refrain from doing an audible roger beep from the handset even when using a headset? I had that issue with one of my FRS.

Getting excited now ;-) I'm going to go out and buy a new tank fill valve and a spares pack today to get me in the mood.


06-30-2003, 01:57 PM
This sounds like it will be a blast! I have the Motorola Talkabout radios, I believe that they are FRS, will they be compatable with what you are using? If so, I will go out and score a headset or two for them.

06-30-2003, 02:17 PM
If the FRS / GMRS radios are used on an FRS frequency then all are compatible.

This sounds fine to me. It is possible to snoop the other teams communications ( even when using privacy codes ) but in my experience it doesn't do much good in a game. The only advantage of using GMRS radios on GMRS channels would be that people with just FRS radios couldn't snoop. The GMRS channels are higher output, but more than needed.

The best headphones I've used are the ones with the boom mic that have a kind of @ shaped plastic bit that hooks around the ear to hold everything in place.

Has anyone got night vision? If so, you don't need to bring it... you would look stupid in daylight ;-) Same goes for purple spandex - probably not appropriate.

I like camo, but if anyone can come up with a subtle team / AO adornment to add lets do that too.

PS. If it would help organize things I can do up to 16 connections on a dial in conference call. We could schedule something. ( 303-395-3444 - ** - 1234 )

06-30-2003, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by dawump
Has anyone got night vision? If so, you don't need to bring it... you would look stupid in daylight ;-) Same goes for purple spandex - probably not appropriate.

Hmm well that just RUINS my "Barney the purple dinosaur:The Navy SEAL Years" costume.....:D

06-30-2003, 02:47 PM
I can't see purple. The Barney the Dinasaur costume could cause team problems.

Here's another crazy idea. Anyone play Americas Army? Best darn simulation I've ever seen, and it's free from americasarmy.com. It's totally insane. With the phone conference thing I have we could do some team training.

If anyone else plays my handle is "an old fat woman" and I usually play the Fraggers Hall servers.


06-30-2003, 04:46 PM

If you can't see purple, you won't be able to see about 1/2 of my X-Mag ;-)

You guys pretty well covered the FRS/GMRS issues (we use GMRS for the reasons you mentioned - more powerful and less people have them so less people listening in)

I'll probably camp on Friday night, since Greeley is about 1-1/4 hours from my house, so if you guys are out and about, stop by and see if I'm around.

07-02-2003, 07:43 PM
I'm planning on the camp it there(Fri). Can we bring our own grill? We need to figure out the pre-registration so we can be on the same team.

07-02-2003, 07:46 PM
Grills are allowed, but no open fires.

Teams decieded the day of the event, so we can register seperately and not worry about not being on the same team.

07-02-2003, 07:50 PM
pre-reg paint is 65.00/case do I have to pre pay for it? what if I want 5 cases??? just kidding.

07-02-2003, 07:55 PM
I'm not sure... I'd give anthony an email or a phone call and see if you do can do that... I know if you pre-buy paint, and want more at the event, you get it for the pre-reg price, but I don't know if you don't buy any at all if you get it for the same price...

07-11-2003, 06:05 PM
Just checking in. What's the head count so far? Are we going to get the pre-reg price, bsolomon said pre-reg ends the 19th. Do I need to send someone a check to confirm? Also was wondering about attire. If you think camo is best or it don't matter, since it's a senario game.

07-11-2003, 06:09 PM
I re-read the posts and we can all register seperatley and still be on the same team. We just fill out the form and put Team AO on it?

07-11-2003, 09:04 PM
You can pre-reg over the phone if you have a credit/debit card, otherwise you can send Action Pursuit a Check and he'll take care of ya.... try www.actionpursuitpaintball.com to get the phone numbers etc. APP also has his forums too, you might be able to get an answer there. I live pretty close to APP, so I'm just going to drive down there sometime this week to register. If you want, I can bring your registration goodies too.

But yeah, you don't need to mark anything on the form, we just need to all group together at the event to make sure we are all included on the same team.

07-12-2003, 06:23 PM
From Anthony on Action Pursuits Forums...

Final Mission for Battle for Middle Earth
"Battle of the Archers"
This will be an epic battle that will take place at the end of the day- final mission details will be given on game day but here is some preliminary info.

You will want to construct a shield of bring something to use as a shield, dimesions will be limited to a a 3' circle. It must be worn on the arm and can be constructed of any material ( plexi-glass, wood, plastic)

In the movie there are several scenes in which the elves and orcs exhange huge barrages of arrows to set the scene of the ground offensive.

In this battle only a head or torso shot will kill. If a limb is hit then it becomes ineffective and non-operational.

Both teams will start on high ground facing off between a big depression in the ground where the focal point of the battle will be.

Obviously this will be a paint intensive final battle and will not be for the weak of heart. Players can expect to sustain alot of hits while still being able to help your team.

Orc and Elvish banners will look sweet in this game so bring em if ya got em.

We will set of some erie looking smoke grenades before the battle starts to simulate the fog of war.

More info to come.

remember the shield dimesions should be resonable and use common sense. Dont ask me stupid questions about shields just bring something cool.

Remember how the romans used shields to create what in essence was a moving wall....tactics folks....

lightning rift
07-14-2003, 12:05 AM
i dont own a mag, im considering one, but at the moment i really just need to shoot one and see what its like. i was sent here by deacon and flamingkoosh. deacon told me that u all were coming to battle for middle earth and that i could hook up with u. so i says: "sweeeeeeeeet!" in that Cartman kinda way. my only prob at the moment is i need to either a) give someone a ride or b) get a ride with someone else. these are not my rules, but my mom's, and so far i havent found a solution to either of them.
so, i really really really want to join you guys, but i need some help here. I live in lakewood, its west side of denver, so if u need a ride or want to give me one that would rock, cuz i really wanted to come. if u want to camp out, that's what i hope to do, since i hate getting up at 5:00 in the morning. (i took an astrophysics class last semester and it was at 6:30am. that sucked :o )

my email is [email protected], and im now a happy member of this forum and will be active here on a daily basis.


07-14-2003, 10:28 AM
lightning rift,

check your email - I think I can help you out

07-14-2003, 10:33 AM
If bsolomon can't or whatever let me know man, I can probably swing by and give ya a ride. And you can shoot probably shoot my mag too, one of backups should be ready to go by then. Welcome to the forums man!

07-14-2003, 12:21 PM
3' diameter sheilds for the final battle eh?

I think there are going to be a lot of trash cans missing their lids for a couple of days.


lightning rift
07-14-2003, 07:15 PM
so far looks like bsolomon can give me a lift. just need to get past my mom. shes a real guard-dog if u know what i mean... but ya, i got ur email and if im playing my cards in the right order i can pull this off.

as for shields, anyone know where i can buy one of those saucer sleds in july?:cool:

07-14-2003, 07:31 PM
You can assure your mom that bsolomon hardly ever breaks the law, and even when he does he usually doesn't get caught.


07-15-2003, 07:33 AM
i'm sure there will plenty of extra mags around. we could probably build a couple just from spare parts!!!

07-16-2003, 02:49 PM
I have a complete mag, minus the Valve, Rail and Sear pin... so yeah, there should be at least one more mag for ya to use...

Meanwhile The Deacon and I just coordinated our costumes for this. We are guaranteed to win best costume too, I don't see how anybody can hold a candle to this... The Deacon gave a little preview.

(We also have elf costumes too just in case we are on that side...)

07-16-2003, 02:58 PM
hehehe funny! What are you guys doing for shields? I don't have any snow disks. Maybe I will try the trash can lid idea that dawump suggested. Well. With a gun port cut into it anyway! :D

07-16-2003, 04:06 PM
It would be best if it was transparent - although after a few hits it will not be transparent any more!

I JUST threw away a motorcycle windshield that would have rocked... How about a large sunroof from a car? I can get those for $20.

What about this:


WOW!!!! I just realized that this URL which is the first thing that came up on google is an autogenerated page from a product that I developed - Search Engine Killer - that is designed to get good search engine rankings for online stores! It works ;-)

The 4th URL that came up is a DIFFERENT store using the my software too. Makes me fee all warm inside.


lightning rift
07-16-2003, 04:53 PM
sounds like I have myself a ride and enough mags to shoot two-handed :D. I went to the renaissance fesival this weekend, and decided that was the best place to get a costume for this scenario. Took one look at the price tag of a cape :eek: though and decided I would rather wear cardboard and a bag over my head.

07-16-2003, 05:58 PM
i'm thinkin a round shield 36" dia clear plexi-glass with a hole to shoot thru. although a rectangular one say 24X36 would provide better shielding. has anyone figured out how to carry a case of paint each for this last battle? how about some body armor for what i'm sure is going to be multiple hits? full auto 21 rnds second!! ouch!!

07-16-2003, 06:08 PM
Since I have time on my hands, I'm working on my custom AO CO shield, which is, of course, hexagonal in shape - plywood with a lexan viewing port. So far it's coming out pretty nice.

So when you get there, look for the AO CO shield!

07-17-2003, 09:45 PM
Has everyone Pre-Reg'ed yet? Deadline is Saturday at 5pm to save some cash!

My shield will most likely be ghetto-tized... I just hope I don't get very many splinters from the damn thing!

07-18-2003, 11:08 AM
I am experimenting with the concept of an "organic" shield made out of foreskins. The hope is that it can be pocket sized until I need to use it, then I can just give it a rub to make it expand to 3 feet.


07-18-2003, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by dawump
I am experimenting with the concept of an "organic" shield made out of foreskins. The hope is that it can be pocket sized until I need to use it, then I can just give it a rub to make it expand to 3 feet.


Dude! You're one sick S.O.B.! LOL

lightning rift
07-18-2003, 05:05 PM
it would be cool to glue broken mirror pieces or something very reflective to ur shield... then, not only would u be able to blind people, but youd look like a knight!

not to mention that with the heat expected, you could fry hot dogs on it for lunch.:p

07-18-2003, 06:07 PM
myself and boggerman have pre-reg. we're working on our shields. they are going to be cool, definatley custom. the team costume is good to go also "orc #1".:)

07-18-2003, 07:38 PM
I'm pre-registered also, and my shield is ready to go!

07-18-2003, 11:36 PM
Hey, Hey, Hey... Since I concieved the idea, I am Orc #1! Thats why Deacon was #2 in the picture... Unfortunately he told me he can't go to this game anymore, its his grandparents 50th aniversary or something like that.... Sucks for him!

Soooooo..... is it a week from now yet?

07-19-2003, 12:19 AM
Hey, we just might be made famous!


07-21-2003, 01:50 PM
I'm pre-registered too. Who is going to be around Friday Night? I'm trying to decide whether to get a Hotel room so that the morning is easy.

I'm going to work on my trashcan lid... er shield later. I think I'm going to drill out a 4 x 4 area with 1/4 inch holes so that I can see through it and a barrel port. I'm also going to create a stand so that it can stand up by itself, so I can lye behind it and use it as cover.


07-21-2003, 02:02 PM
I'm thinking about camping out, even though I live all of 20 miles away...

I work nights all this week, 10pm to 6am... up until Friday morning, then I'm off for the weekend. I usually would just go to sleep all day, but that means I'll be awake all of Friday night, and tired again for Saturday's game... So I'm toying with the idea of just staying awake all of Friday, driving to APP then when the gate opens at 7pm (I think thats what he said) crawl into the back of my car and fall asleep for 12 hours...

But hey, I dunno...

Now a favor: Does someone have an extra Radio I could borrow, or would it be worth it to buy some of my own? How aboot some extra pods? I'm buying a 5 pod harness from a friend, pods not included, and I only have 1 100 rounder to my own...

07-21-2003, 02:08 PM
hmmm right.....shield.... I may be going with the trashcan lid idea too. Unfortunately I can't go up friday night. It's my girl's birthday party so I kinda have to show up. I'm the DD though so I shouldn't be TOO hard up for the game. ;)

07-21-2003, 02:09 PM
Ahh I'm a dirty double poster.

Anyway, koosh. I don't have any extra pods but I'll bring all the radios I can find. Could be anywhere from zero to 3 or 4.

07-21-2003, 02:22 PM
Definitely camping Friday night.

Extra radio - check
Extra pods - check

07-21-2003, 09:43 PM
i'll be there fri also camping out. i have a 10x10 ez-up and i'm bringing 3 tables and a 5 gal water jug. if we could all meet up and camp near. i'll be there hopefully fri afternoon sometime. i want to miss the rushhour and it's about a 5hr drive.

07-21-2003, 09:53 PM
you know, if everyone else is camping out, I guess I better too!

Heck it'll be worth it just to avoid the hassle of having to find a parking spot alone. Anthony had mentioned on his forums that they have over 100 people pre-registered, and I'd imagine that number is going to be going up...

It sucks though, I wanted to win the AKA Viking they are giving away! The more people that register, the less thats going to happen!

07-22-2003, 12:07 AM
Oh Jeez.. This makes me look like a big girly poof talking about hotel rooms. I might camp out too.


07-22-2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by TheFlamingKoosh
It sucks though, I wanted to win the AKA Viking they are giving away! The more people that register, the less thats going to happen!

Awww man I want the viking! If anyone here wins it I get to at least shoot it right!?!?!?!?

07-22-2003, 02:36 PM
To make it easier to hook up let's choose a radio frequency.

Will anyone be using a radio that CAN'T use the 38 privacy codes?

Does anyone have JUST FRS.


07-22-2003, 02:39 PM
I have NO idea what mine do. I'll try to check em out tonight.

07-22-2003, 09:46 PM
i was hoping we could find a spot to camp close but i've been to enough games to know sometimes that is'nt possible. i'm sure we'll find each other. and then we can migrate to an area. i'll have the "AO-CO" on my shield so you know it's me. i'm going to shoot for around 3:00-4:00pm fri.

07-22-2003, 09:50 PM
I feel like a bum, really...

I sent my body and rail off to get milled for a pump-kit... He told me before that he'd have it back to me in time for the 26th, but now says that they will be milled by the end of the week which sort of leaves me up a creek...

Which leaves me yet ANOTHER request...

I have an old Standard Feed body I could probably use with my warp, but i don't have a spare rail... that is the only thing I need to be rockin and rollin...

The good news is that I might have found a radio and pods I can use!

But hey, if this works out, I'll let you borrow my new Viking every now and then ;)

07-23-2003, 09:03 AM
No spare rails but if I can find a max flow rebuild kit I'll bring the shocker and I'll find out if my impy is back from smarty parts yet. Although why would it be? I mean. It's only been there over a month and a half. :rolleyes:

07-23-2003, 03:12 PM
Does anyone know of a pb store in Denver that will have a R/T parts kit for my emag? I would like to stop and pick one up, just in case.

07-23-2003, 03:35 PM
Check with the store from PBA. I can't remember for sure, but I seem to recall that they did have parts kits (although they aren't exactly an autoMag store!). Here's their info link:


Phone number 303 762 6160

07-23-2003, 03:53 PM
The paintball adventures store in SOUTH denver, on Hampden just west of Santefe ( only accessible from the south by frontage road ) had one last time I was in about a month ago.


07-23-2003, 07:32 PM
Sooo... now that we are 3 days away from this wonderous event, I need to ask a fairly obvious question.

Does everyone have directions to the field?

07-24-2003, 12:14 AM
When I get there ( around 6 I think on Friday ) I'll be looking for people on Channel 3 FRS ( with no subchannel ).


07-24-2003, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by TheFlamingKoosh
Sooo... now that we are 3 days away from this wonderous event, I need to ask a fairly obvious question.

Does everyone have directions to the field?

Actually, no. But I am registered and stuff now. Talked to the anthony guy and he said the paint was good medium bore stuff, shoots well out of .689

Now to get to work on that whole shield thing....:D

07-24-2003, 10:19 AM

Are you guys bringing food? I thought we'd probably eat out on Friday night, and no doubt Saturday night too, but don't know what the plan is for breakfast / lunch on Saturday. Anyone know if there is food available at the event?


07-24-2003, 05:59 PM
Anyone still looking for shield ideas? I FINALLY had a chance to have a think about it.

Photo attached. This is one of those under bed storage things from Walmart, and a concrete shaper from Home Depot. Still to attach it, but I think this is going to be good ;-)

07-25-2003, 01:57 AM
Hey Keith, just pop rivet it together, that way when you are done, you can just drill out the rivets and use the storage thingy.:D

07-25-2003, 08:53 AM
Well you guys can call me "sissy boy" for saturday, because it doesnt look like I'll be camping after all... Staying awake for another 12 hours will be hard enough, I don't want to fall asleep while I'm driving and make it much, much worse.

But I'll show up there between 6 and 6:30 to get a primo parking spot.

I'll TRY and bring a fold up table, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to cram that along with the rest of my pball crap in my tiny little Supra... Anyone else have something like that we can use? Anthony has some tables set up there, but with 60 people it was pretty crowded, with the 100+ he expects there would be next to nothing available...

Oh, and Boggerman, did you ever get the Emag up and running?

07-25-2003, 09:16 AM
I'll be up sat as well. I'll try to throw a card table in my car as well as a cooler or something for paint. Theoretically I'll be there decently early. Need to do that shield thing tonight though....dang it. Or maybe when I'm there......

I'm in a black 2 door accord. I have most everyone's cell too.

07-25-2003, 09:51 AM
I drilled holes through the trowel and screwed it through the containter into a strip of wood. Also added a gun port with a cut off sock, so that when I don't have my barrel sticking through it, it can't take incoming paint.

It's pretty good ;-)

I'm still a definite camper for Friday night. I'll be looking for you guys on FRS channel 3. I'll probably be there at 6 or before, so wait for me for food.


07-25-2003, 10:29 AM
i'm leaving grand junction today around 10:00am should put me there around 3:00. I have a 10x10 ez-up and i'm bringing 3-6ft tables. also i have a 5gal water cooler with ice water. you'll know it's me when you see the really cool shields marked with "AO-CO". see ya there. i'm bringing cereal for breakfast and just a sub-sand for munchin on sat.

07-25-2003, 10:33 AM
OK Tim,

I'll be there as early as I can. Currently having radio headset issues which I have to resolve...

See if you can get us a spot with some shade!


07-25-2003, 11:22 AM
I will try to be there before 7am, but see if you early risers can save some parking spaces so we can all park together.

07-25-2003, 11:31 AM
I'll give it a shot. BTW I'll try to get my radio's on channel 3 and all, but I'll be in a blue jt jersey and black/orange pants.

Remember to bring camera's too. I'll try to remember to bring my vid camera and a charged battery too.

07-25-2003, 11:36 AM
I'll be wearing the most worthless, god-awful camo you can see... faded shades of brown just don't work well on bright green feilds ;)

But I'll bring my Digital camera... of course it can only hold 1100 pictures at 640X480, or 145 at 1600X1200 so we might have to conserve a little...:P

07-25-2003, 02:29 PM
Just checked. NO FOOD at the event at all, but there is stuff about a mile away. Coffee will be a NEED tomorrow morning.


07-25-2003, 02:37 PM
wow. yeah, note to self: bring caffine, water, and a snack!

07-25-2003, 03:24 PM
I'm wondering if there is a fire rule.. Seems like too much grief though to start making all that in the morning. Better to go find a 7-11, drink the stuff they have labelled as coffee and chug a redbull.


lightning rift
07-27-2003, 02:16 PM
thought i would post my review of the event.

Despite being moderately organized, it was an excellent scenario. The missions made sense, followed a story line, and best of all, we completed all but 2 (I think.) of them. AO, CPC, and the Renegades were on one team, against...well, some other people. Generally speaking, it was pretty one sided the whole day, except for the final battle that we lost twice in a row. This "mistake" was due to the fact that the elves had shields and massive cover, while the orcs had an open field and shields. The first attempt at the final battle ended up with the elves rushing the remaining orcs, a illegal move. So, since they had 1, yes ONE ref for this battle, they restarted it. Then, our orcish army lost again.
Those are my only complaints. Oh, and dont forget bug spray when u go to APP. the bugs are insane!

The heat of battle, the 100F temp, the BDUs, the teamwork, and the fun were all plentiful and worth it! Ill be sure to find u guys for the august game, too.

07-27-2003, 02:18 PM
I got bored when I got home last night... made an "official" wrap up thread in the main forum, complete with pics ;)
