View Full Version : You know what would be cool?

02-26-2003, 10:36 PM
My friend and I got some high quality glow in the dark 6mm BBs and charged them for hours then started playing airsoft at night. It's kinda weird how you can't see them glow when they travel through the air unless it's heading straight at you. THEY LOOK LIKE LASERS. It's really cool, so I was thinking how cool it'd be to play night paintball with glow in the dark paintballs . . . anyone out there know how to make glow in the dark dust or something like that?

02-26-2003, 10:42 PM
they make em actually... there getting pretty popular at night scenario games, ricochet even makes a special hopper for play that charges em while their in the hopper

02-26-2003, 10:47 PM
I'm not completely sure what I'm talking about, but: I'm pretty sure there are tracer paintballs, or something you can do to MAKE tracer paintballs...or else I dreamed it :rolleyes: ...but it would sure be cool, if it isn't possible already!!!!!

02-26-2003, 10:54 PM
Hey Guys,

Xtreme Paintballs makes a glow in the dark paintball called Crip-To-Nite or something like that. Am I allowed to give you the address for the online store you can buy them at? Mods? I'm still pretty new here.:D

02-26-2003, 10:56 PM
ive seen them in a magazine but i dont think i have it ne more it wuold be kewl to pball in the dark

02-26-2003, 11:09 PM
lol pullman I've never seen anybody get in trouble for posting a link to a product at an online store. Go for it, I for one am too lazy to find it myself. :D

02-26-2003, 11:57 PM
There was a tournament at a feild by my house. They got a lot of glow in the dark paint, set up the feild at 12 in the morning, and everyone wore white jumpsuits. They also put black lights for some of the games. It was crazy, you knew where everyone was, because you just saw big white globs. Ohh it was cool!

02-27-2003, 12:02 AM
lol that reminds me of those "nice" laser tag places...everybody glows up like a <i>*insert something really bright here*</i> under the blacklights.

02-27-2003, 12:09 AM
Yeah. This is a weird feild. We could be sitting down for lunch, and the owner says "GAME TIME!!!!" and everybody grabs their guns and masks and goes at it in his front yard:). We were up in the streets. One cool parts, is they have port-a-pottys on the field:D. But you can only be in them for i little while. I go in there when something goes wrong with my gun, havent done it since i got my mag.:D

02-27-2003, 12:12 AM
February PB2X talks about a chrome ricochet hopper that charges the paintballs in seconds, but its not in production and they dont even have it motorized yet

02-27-2003, 12:20 AM
I believe I saw that RICO loader in a PigTV movie. If I remember correctly, he puts uncharged glow in the dark balls into the hopper, and seconds later he lets them fall down the feed, and they are fully lit.

Very cool concept and only takes seconds to charge..

Good buy if thats your bag..


02-27-2003, 12:49 AM
Here's the address I was talking about. I've never used them, but I'm curious.


02-27-2003, 10:13 AM
heres a glimpse of the ricochet glow in the dark charging hopper thingamabob: http://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/loaders/ricochet_uv/index.shtml

02-27-2003, 11:27 AM
do any of you know anything about the release of those Recochet loaders? i have searched but nothing (i want one)
Paintball at night in the woods in my guillie nothing like it.... you get the full effect of war.

02-27-2003, 01:09 PM
The ricochet loaders have been released. I asked for a motorized version and they said I have to wait for quite a while if at all...my local store has a few of them. They sell you a set with a case of glow in the dark paint and the rico hopper..

02-27-2003, 01:13 PM
It does look like one heck of a lot of fun. I tried some of the paintballs out at night and it's like being behind a starwars 'Blaster' it's a great effect.

I can't wait to try it out in an indoor or something at night... that would rock.

02-27-2003, 11:39 PM
We have all of this stuff: We stock the paintballs, rent and sell the hoppers, and play glow in the dark ball at xtremem paintball in mobile, Al.

That being said, its VERY cool, completely different, and a heckuva lot of fun. The ricochet UV hoppers have 7 small blacklights mounted inside of them, run off a 9 volt, and have a reflective coated inside. You can take the balls right out of the bag, with no pre-charge, put them in the hopper, turn it on, and in a minute or two be shooting 'lazer beams' from your marker.

Motorized versions are not available yet. As soon as they are, I will own one.

When playing the game, we do it in a standard rec-ball format, with the addition of glow braclets attached to the player's mask as well as another attached to the drop forward area of their marker. Regardless of where we play at, (woods/ speedball) it's really cool- - -you can't see people- - you see 2 little glowing circles: the glow braclets. 2 different colors distinguish teams. The balls glow that freaky '3 mile island' green, all the way from your gun to the target, and even glow for a good 30 seconds or so after they break.

The company that is behind all of this is skelton crew entertainment. They are your hook up for the hoppers and paint, as well as other neat G.I.D. stuff. wretched 7 paintball is the name of the company (actually im not sure if its that or skelton crew. . .) At any rate, the website address is http://www.nightpaintball.com/ Through there you can get all the info you need to get this glowing (going) at your local field. It's definitly worth it.

We are in the process of bringing glow-in-the-dark ball to at least a twice a month thing. . . every other friday or so.
