View Full Version : HELP with cocker

02-27-2003, 05:39 PM
ok on my cocker when i pull the trigger it always moves the bolt back and fourth loading a ball each time. it does this but does not always fire/ puse air through the bolt to push the ball out. this makes teh gun a expensive blender. i know im not shortstroking cause i literally sat there for 15 minutes watching myself pull the trigger and it still did it. Is it the timing? i did recetnly get it timed, like last week but sometime my shop overlooks problems. any advice?

02-27-2003, 05:45 PM
take your bolt out, flip it over so the hole in down, then try again.

02-27-2003, 05:51 PM
cocker timing can be an art form too.

You want the sear to drop and there to be a little hesitation, then the 4way (3way) to cycle.

Where are you located? If you are close to here I'll do it for you, it takes 5 minutes.


02-27-2003, 05:57 PM
its not the bolt. ive owned 2 diff. cockers and i know not to do that with the bolt, but thnxs for the advice. i live in falmouth massachusetts. if anyone hes a good little step by step guide to time a cocker that wuld be grwat, could u plz e-mail it to me at [email protected]. Thnxs for all ur help so far.

02-27-2003, 06:08 PM
i just called my shop......... he says my screw on tank isnt set correctly...... But i dont see how this would affect it not shooting the balls.

02-27-2003, 06:50 PM
Just out of curiosity, does this 'cocker have an adjustable LPR? If it does, try giving it a 1/4 turn until it fires, then give it another half a turn... *shrug* worth a shot.


02-27-2003, 07:07 PM
Sounds like you need to drop the lug a little. Sear isnt catching on every cycle. Drop the lug and re-time the gun...........that should solve things.


02-27-2003, 07:55 PM
thnxs for all ur help guys im gonna try all this stuff. But i can only do so little cause i dont know how to time a gun.

02-27-2003, 08:36 PM
well, if the back block cycles fine, You do need to lower the hammer lug a bit. take out your bolt and stick an allen wrench down into the hole on top of the body behind the feed tube. push it into the sear and turn it counter-clockwise to lower the lug and make it engage the sear on every cycle. that's the basics...
check out www.air-powered.com


02-27-2003, 09:20 PM
Paintball Ravi's (http://www.paintballravi.com) has a step by step guide to timing a cocker, very easy to follow.

02-27-2003, 09:34 PM
Just check out ravi's site...then you will know how to time the gun by yourself. Its not that hard to get the basics

02-27-2003, 10:19 PM
is it at all possible though it could be my tank. its a 2k2 shochetch cocker just got it so i dont think it should have to many problems like this off hte bat. i dont rlly know though im used to angels not cockers. but i love my cocker when it works.

02-27-2003, 11:03 PM
The only thing your tank does is supply air. If your gun fires normally every once in a while, it couldn't possibly be a tank problem, because your gun is clearly getting air to cycle and shoot.

JAM had the idea right, but he was backwards: turn the lug CLOCKWISE about 1/4 turn to lower it, and that should fix your problem almost immediately. If not, try another 1/4 turn. If you turn it more than 1 full turn and it's still not fixed, then try raising your LPR pressure by 1/3 to 1/2 turn.

There's a good chance these steps will fix your problem.


02-28-2003, 01:29 AM
Gah! I had a whole long reply typed up, i tried to press submit and left the comp for a few hours, but it didn't go through.

Anyhow, listen.

When you pull the cocking rod back does it stay cocked? Then does a trigger pull release it?

If it doesn't cock back and just snaps all the way forward after you pull it you need to turn your hammer lug clockwise to make more lug catching the sear. Do it in small steps until it releases JUST at the beginning of your pull,then screw it in a tad bit more just to give ya a little slack.

If you simply cannot make the cocking rod release, as in it is always cocked and no matter how much you pull the trigger it won't release and go forward (much less likely than above), then you have to screw your hammer lug out, counter clock wise. Chances are you're gonna have to screw it in though.

This should be a quick fix. Cockers are simple once you sorta understand em, I only sorta get all the complexities of flawless cocker operation but I can problem solve and fix almost any problem with em.

PS- if you feel like your hammer lug is coming out of adjustment too often, pull the IVG out with the hammer along with it, take the lug all the way out and put some blue locktite or the equivalent all the way around a few of the threads. Put the lug back in, adjust as necessary, and leave it for a day or so. This will keep your settings where they should be, and makes later fine tuning easier actually because it takes more effort to turn the screw, and I find you can make more exact adjustments.

Hope you get it working

02-28-2003, 06:49 AM
no the thing goes through all its cycles.... it just doest send air up through the bolt all the time. thus it feeds and feeds and feeds untill it finally ahoots a ball and then i get a big green mess inside my gun. the locall shop thinks its not the gun at all but rather the tank. im gonna bring it to them and if they mess it up they can fix it for free:cool: