View Full Version : woohoo. pepperballs!

02-27-2003, 07:26 PM
Maine police are now using pepperballs. on the news it looked like they were using tippy 68's. ADG makes the pepper balls right?
So watch out hippies!

02-27-2003, 07:39 PM
lol thats cool, they are probably using pro carbines repackaged and repriced (higher of course... ) instead of the cooler FN one

02-27-2003, 07:41 PM
heck i say they give the cops e-mags, show those protesting hippies whats up at 16 bps.....

02-27-2003, 07:43 PM
whats a FN?
ya, lol. lets give them something to really shoot with. its so funny to watch copsc shoot them on the news, they shoot so much like...like cops. lol

02-27-2003, 07:44 PM
FN is the nicer one, but its not really all that paintball related as pepperballs are.

02-27-2003, 07:45 PM
lol I remember seein stuff about these a while ago... and the only thing I can remember is this really serious-lookin cop w/ a pro-carbine and the hopper on backwards...made my day. :D

02-27-2003, 07:49 PM
lol. that is funny
i could see some mad suing going on if they hit someone in the face by accedent

02-27-2003, 08:18 PM
What happens if the break a ball in the chamber???

02-27-2003, 08:23 PM
Our county courts use that stuff here in San Dayglo. They use Tippys repackaged and the guns cost about $350ea. For a Fing Pro Carbine! They fire about 350fps, and they have water filled balls as well that they use more often, as once the pepper is used, it gets in the ventilation and the whole building gets a whiff. A buddy used the marker on an inmate with a water ball and the guy freaked thinking he had been shot with a real gun and gave up. Must not be a baller! Can you imagine yelling paintcheck! in the courtroom. Weird that law enforcement would go with something that has all the safety issues as playing w/o a mask to "deter" criminals. Serious chances of maiming, though the pepperball www.pepperball.com website says they should be aimed at the torso or nearby hard structures. Me, no AGD doesn't make them according to pepperball.

02-27-2003, 08:54 PM
eh, just give the ladies e-mags with pepper balls, cause remember fellas, no means NO!

02-27-2003, 08:59 PM
You should come up with your own brand of paint. Though only physcists would be likely to get the joke. Do you know what Bucky Balls are?

02-27-2003, 09:01 PM
mmm check out the diffrent paints....
id want some of these....


Solid round designed to break glass
Not intended for use on people
Available in quantities of 10, 100, and 750

02-27-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by soaklord
You should come up with your own brand of paint. Though only physcists would be likely to get the joke. Do you know what Bucky Balls are?


02-27-2003, 09:12 PM
hmmm, wonder what would happen if some 1 used some of those "powder irritant" balls during a game

02-27-2003, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by soaklord
You should come up with your own brand of paint. Though only physcists would be likely to get the joke. Do you know what Bucky Balls are?

It is the roundest and most symmetrical large molecule known to man. Buckministerfullerine continues to astonish with one amazing property after another. Named after American architect R. Buckminister Fuller who designed a geodesic dome with the same fundamental symmetry, C60 is the third major form of pure carbon; graphite and diamond are the other two. Buckyballs were discovered in 1985 - the product of an experiment on carbon molecules in space. However, it was not until 1991 that buckyball science came into its own. Just how do buckyballs manage their chemical and physical feats?

taken from this site (http://www.nidlink.com/~jfromm/bucky/bucky.htm)

02-27-2003, 09:21 PM
oh...OH yea. way ahead of you on that one. i make em out of bits and pieces of junk and put it all together in my garage...yep.....quality stuff.....those buckyballs....

02-27-2003, 09:30 PM
I have always wanted to sneak a few of those smelly gel bath balls into my hopper while playing. So when I hit someone, they smell all fruity for the rest of the day:D

02-27-2003, 11:40 PM
ok ,their as a big discussion about this a while back, AGD is the olny company to produce the specialty balls. THey are perfect circle, they make the plastic balls, the ones they are using. the plastic balls can hold any thing in them, from paint to pepper, to a love letter to your girlfriend(if written small enough!) The discussion was that the company wouldnt claim that agd made their paint as they would just appear as a middle man, and loose sales. Ths was one fo the big tom vs shartley threads, it was really a good read

They also make the valve and loading system for the FN303 which is the military project. Perfect circle also makes the finned paintballs which the fn303 shoots.

02-27-2003, 11:55 PM

Model: PS-RIOT 850
Features: 6 Speed Pods
68 cubic inch high-pressure air bottle
Hose with ON/OFF slide check
Hose to launcher connection adapter

Goldie D Pimp
02-28-2003, 12:02 AM
Our Local PD got the pepperball setup too. They're pretty wicked. Since we're the only place locally to get air and do repairs on the guns they bring them in to be chronied and repaired.

The guns themselves are actual tippmann pro carbines as someone else stated. They've just got the "pepperball" logo on the side instead of tippman. The serial ## and patent ## are the same.

The guns themselves are suggested to be chronied at around 350fps. At 300 fps they were breaking the outter layer of a foam core door from roughly 20 feet away. We shot 10 of the inert practice balls in our back room and within minutes you could smell them like CRAZY clear up by the front door, which is nearly 50 feet away from the point of impact.

The cool thing is they release about a 2ft diameter cloud of dust. So you don't even have to hit the guy with them. Just get near them and they'll be going down. If you DO hit them, they're going to be REALLY slowing down, but if you just shoot the wall next to them or ceiling, they'll feel the effects.

In the demonstration video they shoot a cop with them as a reinactment type thing. The guy being shot is trying to be billybadboy and after they shoot him a few times he starts walking towards the camera. They popped him a time or two more and he dropped to his knees gasping. Whoever was doing the shooting popped a couple of shots on the ground right in front of the "criminal" That poor guy dropped like a brick!!!

These are pretty sweet items. I could see where they could come in handy.

Will Wood
02-28-2003, 11:58 AM
I should be there Techie, Rich, We all know how good I am with Tippmanns...

Hmm.. cool. I hope I can see them in action some time.

02-28-2003, 12:23 PM
I didn't even realize that company, Pepperball, was based in San Diego. Woot woot...

02-28-2003, 01:12 PM
Yes, they are San Dayglo based, and the Union Trib did a whole article about them a few months ago.

02-28-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by soaklord
Weird that law enforcement would go with something that has all the safety issues as playing w/o a mask to "deter" criminals. Serious chances of maiming...

What are the alternatives? They could always shoot them with a firearm. They are safer than the alternatives, and VERY effective. I have a feeling they are going to catch on real soon. :D

02-28-2003, 08:38 PM
actually they teach the cops to shoot around the people. or maybie their chest at the most

02-28-2003, 08:43 PM
Stun Guns work good, a couple of weeks ago they had a Cops Stun Gun Special. I watched it for about 5min or so, it was a little sick but the stun guns were pretty effective. They stopped all people in their tracks except this one litle cok'ed up hispanc man. He had about 6 barbs in him which means three cops had their stun guns in him. He just kept running, until the cops took him down.

02-28-2003, 09:31 PM
I remember a few years ago when the WTO riots were happening in downtown Seattle and all the cops were using tipmans with the rubber balls to break up the crowds and all the people were complaining about the bruises. I know for a fact I wouldn't wanna get hit by one. Some of the welts shown on the news were insane, way bigger than I've seen a paintball make.

02-28-2003, 10:47 PM
well you see, the thing is, rubber bullets are just rubber coated metal ball bearings, they are very strong, and can potentially kill. these are much safer in the long run. and if your doing something illegal, dont you diserve to get hit in the face with a pepper ball?

03-01-2003, 10:09 AM
Well, maybe not in the face, but at least in the arse!

That's what I think!


Goldie D Pimp
03-01-2003, 10:30 AM
These things are more meant to protect the criminal than anything.

Riot control type situations would be one of the few places that the police would actually be shooting AT someone.

These seem to be more geared for barracade type situations. Someone's barracaded in a vehicle, you have a couple of choices. Send an officer to try to drag the guy out of the car and risk bodily harm to both parties. Or you can knock out his window with the glass breaker balls and pepperball him out.

Normally idiots that try to hurt the police are probably going to take a bullet. Now there's a safer alternative that won't kill the perp.... However i'm a firm believer in Darwinism, so basically all the pepperballs are doing is allowing the dumb to stay alive! :(

03-01-2003, 03:38 PM
if it stops someone dead in their tracks it would also be good for jail breaks, and maybie the army in a peacefull over seas protest

03-01-2003, 08:44 PM
Yup I saw the story here on the pepper balls.
I always wondered why they dont spray rioters with red paintballs,to dispurse them.
That would scare the hell out of me,some cop hammering me with a E-MAG loaded with pepper balls and red ones.
These portland cops cant shoot very well ,so you will be ok,just run,run,run:D

03-01-2003, 08:48 PM
Better yet get one of these, load em with red balls, pepper balls, etc. The thing would scare anyone silly...without even opening fire.

03-01-2003, 09:29 PM
well i cant get my scanner working but i have a pic from the newspaper of a cop kicking a protester in the jimmy, with a tear gas grenade launcher pointed at him. the cops in full riot gear w gas mask... its awsome. thats my kind of crowd controll;)