View Full Version : Some Great Optical illusions

02-27-2003, 10:15 PM
Just thought I'd share these:


I think the last one is great... even thought it made me a little dizzy ;)

02-27-2003, 10:19 PM
lol..nice try...maybe next time u should at least try to reroute the url thru www.no-ip.com

02-27-2003, 10:21 PM
hey, there are some cool optical illusions... I know the last one is a little jumpy, but its still neat...

And I didn't know about that no-IP thing... until now... (cue maniacal laughter)

02-27-2003, 11:10 PM
LOL, a different one of these gets posted every week! :)

02-27-2003, 11:51 PM
Is that a seal or a walrus?

The below is about Walruses, and it true, and from the US Army field manual.

"You can milk a dead walrus, which will often yield as much as 16 quarts of milk. This same walrus, when milked an hour later, will give almost the same volume of milk."
-Department of the Army Field Manual

02-28-2003, 01:57 AM
Ya know... I REALLY hate those things. :mad:

You're gonna kill somebody with a heart condition!

02-28-2003, 03:40 AM
That one with th grid and shadow is great tho. I copied that into photoshop to check, and they are the exact same color. It's crazy. As you move one square back and forth it looks like it changes colors.

Just don't go past that one.