View Full Version : question for tom,

02-28-2003, 07:11 PM
well mr kaye I have some questions for you. I was told by some of the older paintballers, that back in the late 80s and early 90s that the automag originally had pneumatics on the outside like the cocker. so is this true? also when you first had your first rough drafts for the mag, what did you picture it like? was it something totally different than what it actually is today, or is it exactly what you meant it to be?

also, what were some drawbacks that you expirienced while the production and inovation stages? also what about the design, at the time(and still) you had an original and unique design, what brought this on? did you see it as a superior design or did you just wanted something different?

well thats all really for now, please feel free to fill us in wiht some other interesting details and hurtles you encountered.

thanks alot

02-28-2003, 07:12 PM
If you havent, you should watch the level 7 video, it may help out with some of these questions.I highly doubt the pnuematics being on the outside ( I cant quite remember though )

02-28-2003, 07:14 PM
well i have an original RT, so I have the RT video, I also have the first emag video tom made, I bought my classic mag used so it didn't come with anything. later AZZKIKR

02-28-2003, 10:59 PM
nope, the p1 had no pnumatics on the outside, it was an inline blowback, and they had ttouble with it, so they droped that design, and went to the blow foreward design

I highly reccomend getting the video from the online store, its worth it

02-28-2003, 11:38 PM
yeh, P1 was a blowbkac. tom realized back in the day they sucked and dropped it. the P2 was the predecessor to the automag you see tody. great marker. hope tom still has it somewhere.

there was one mag made with pnuematics. Punisher's customs did it

02-28-2003, 11:47 PM
azzkikr, contact AGD, I'm sure the info is somewhere on the site, I bet they'll get you a video. Pretty cool for those of us that lived through the early 90's lol.

02-28-2003, 11:52 PM
I just checkout their website and you have to pay for the videos now, manuals are still free.

03-01-2003, 02:10 AM
Funny how history gets twisted around when you try and write it 14 years later.

First of all the first semi I ever made was in 1988. The autococker didn't even come out until 1991. That semi was called the Panther and it was a blowback. I never EVER had any kind of semi with pneumatics hanging off the front. Thats for people who have a pump gun and want to MAKE IT INTO a semi.

The Panther worked and still does to this day but had issues with the orings freezing with CO2. We didn't know about expansion chambers and such back then. It worked so good that we sold the design to another company who gave it to Daisy (now Brass Eagle) to make. Of course as you can imagine, they couldnt make a high quality marker so we ended up buying the design back at a big discount.

We designe a second proto in 1989 that was also a blowback but it had recocking problems. In late 1989 I developed the current Automag which you see today to get rid of the recocking problem. That marker was code named P4 for Panther design #4 and some old timers will remember that designation.

Since that time people have made up all types of stories including me copying a nail gun. They are all false, end of story.


03-01-2003, 10:16 AM
cool, anyone has any pics of these proto? I like a little history every now and then. thanks AZZKIKR