View Full Version : warpfeed worth the cost?

02-28-2003, 08:19 PM
i am wondering if there worth it? i mean they look like they would get in my way on my micromag. so are they really that great?

03-01-2003, 07:19 PM
They are if it fits your playing style. It's up to you.

03-01-2003, 08:46 PM
Hell Yea there great get one and hook it up tight and right you will love it.

03-02-2003, 12:56 AM
You'll either love it or hate it. I had my RTP go down over the weekend and played a game with my Micro. I'd gotten so accustomed to the Warp that I swapped the valves out (Micro into the RTP) and continued to play that way.

They do allow you to bring the marker in very tight to your body (a friend of mine said it looks like I'm hiding behind mine).

The best advice, see if you can play with a Warped marker for a whole day. Borrow one from a friend, do whatever it (legally! :) ) takes. It wouldn't be fair to you to say, "Yes, it rocks, buy one today!" or "No, it blows, buy a Halo!" There's just too many variables. You play recball, or speedball (and what position)? How often do you play? Do you enjoy answering questions, because if you get a Warp, you'll be asked a LOT of them.

If worse comes to worse, look at the buy/sell forum here. You may be able to pick one up for cheap. If you don't like it, sell it on the same forum. You'll probably be able to sell it for the same amount that you bought it for. If you like it, keep it or sell it and buy a new one.

Sorry if that's not what you wanted to read, but it truly wouldn't be fair to say buy one, just because I like mine.


03-03-2003, 08:38 AM
Where as I do have a Warp Feed, I would have to say that they are totally worth the price! I absolutly love it! Much like CMDane said, it allows you to stay very tight and almost "hide" behind your gun.

Just to give you an example, I was playing yesterday as a walk on playing with this local Paint Ball team. I was the only one with the warp feed. Throughout the day they all made comments about how little profile I had when hidding behind an obstical and how it seems that I had a perfect shot at them while they couldn't take one on me even though they knew where I was.

I took a leap of faith, and bought a new one - only cause I know my playing style and how I like to be tight. But I would advice to do as CMDane said, and play with a friend's and see if you like it. Again, as he said some people like it some done. The very same person who kept commenting on how little profile I had, etc played with my gun for a few rounds, and totally hated it. *shrug*.

03-03-2003, 09:50 AM
Make sure you play a full day with it ,it takes a little time to get used to,but u will get the feel of it fast, i let my nefue play a few games with mine,man he was a little mad man.he is 14,that JT i traded with him for stunk bad.:D

03-03-2003, 11:24 AM
Without a doubt the warp feed is worth while, I have just purchased X-Mag, Warp, evo II, and man it rocks, all I saw all day long was hoppers, my mates said that with the warp I was harder to see & hit no hopper! Also found that rotating the gun to the left either round a baracade or simply to get a faster trigger pull was easy to do. Very worth the £99.

I say buy one.

03-03-2003, 05:26 PM
Being a lefty, I was unable to try one out. So, I took a leap of faith also and I love the warp. Another thing to consider is do you have the right body for the warp (see signature)? I suffered for years with a h/l p/f until I bought the warp. One feature that I really like is that you can fire the marker at any angle, even upside down, for a short burst.

03-03-2003, 10:01 PM
hey do yall kno where can find a warp feed for cheap PLZ TELL ME

03-03-2003, 10:17 PM
Check on these forums, thats the cheapest way!;)

03-04-2003, 08:59 AM
Paintballgear.com $119

03-04-2003, 01:14 PM
I have a warp feed, and I love it.......very fast, gets your hopper off the top of the gun........

but for the money, a halo or eggII will feed just as fast.......2 years ago, they were a great idea, I am not so sure any more.

03-04-2003, 01:30 PM
Its not the feed speed that makes the warp nice,its the lack of a hopper on top that makes these great.
Good jobAGD Kids

03-04-2003, 01:32 PM
yeah i think im going to just leave my 12v revvy on top and maybe get a evo II or halo b for that cost of a warp. i dont like the way there on the side i think it would bug me.