View Full Version : Eggo 2 or Richoceht AK which one to get?

03-01-2003, 02:36 AM
Eggo 2 or Richoceht AK which one to get? I hear the eggo is a force feed hopper, kinda like halo is it not?

I have a PF left, LX, Clasisc mag, and a Vforce shield mask, I hear the eggos tend to bump ya in the face wit this particular equipment loadout, true? Although i think an eggo2 is overkill for a basic mag?

Anyways, which of the two should i get, i play front to mid, snapshoot a lot, so i need a hopper with a fairly balanced center of mass.

Anyone got pros and cons of each hopper. thnx a lot yall. I tend to trust AO'ers that them pbreview.com reviews.

03-01-2003, 08:08 AM
I hate to say it but I would take a evo 2 over a ricochette. (I have 2 broken ricos sitting in a box in my living room the shells don't seem to hold up at all)

but on another note the halo tsa will be out soon, and that looks promising and around the same price that you are looking at.

and now for my personal oppinion I LOVE MY HALO B and would never go back.

gliney the mag monkey
Mass Destruction

03-01-2003, 08:21 AM
Egg2 or Halo B. Got both, egg2 for the emag, and halo b for the xmag (when it arrives).

I was outshooting my ricochet with my cocker. They are a little faster then a 9 volt revy, but the xboard is faster. If this gives you any idea to refer to.

chris geiger

03-01-2003, 10:23 AM
I say go for the EVO II, I just got mine and i love it, now i never outshoot my loader untill AGD releases e-mag programing that allows me to shoot above 16bps. Evo II on the inside looks almost identical to the Halo(y they were sued) And eventually VL will release the new board which allows the EVO II to load up to 22bps. Other good stuff is that it is cheeper than Halo, lighter than Halo, holds more than Halo, uses less batteries than Halo, and in my opinion looks better than Halo(i think it looks futuristic and sexy so curvy:D unlike the Halo's traditional loader shape) I have never tried a rico so i can't compare the EVO II to it but I have tried the Halo.

03-01-2003, 10:50 AM
Well you know the shells cannot be any worse than the BE Revvys, on the Rico. An i recently Purchased a Rico 2k, Looks really promising and i read 100's of reviews before i placed my order and there weren't any bad reviews at all. Everybody that had them loved them. Of course i have a warpfeed, soo i doubt i will ever out shoot the Rico, or my warp feed. Soo i think i am cool with the Rico.I have a Revvy Xboard on a warp, and a Rico 2k on a warp, and the Rico has a lower on the top and sides, Feel s really nice, I think this will probably be my last loader, and the Revvy with X-Board on the Warp, Is my Backup Setup.
I also hear that Ricochet Has awesome Customer Service.

03-01-2003, 10:59 AM
both of mine (and several other local peoples) have had the shell crack off at the feed neck one of mine was the old style shell and one was a new style with the o ring grooves

03-01-2003, 12:07 PM
i doubt i wil have the porblem since the center of gravity is not up high, since mine is mountedon the warp

03-01-2003, 01:06 PM
Halo B. nuff said :)

03-01-2003, 01:30 PM
halo b too heavy and a little overkill for mechancial markers

03-01-2003, 06:22 PM
Get the Evo 2, I'm probably going to be getting rid of my Rico in the near future for one myself.

I have yet to have a problem with it's shells (the Rico's), but man, the electronics have left me sorely diappointed. So far, I have outshot my Ricochet on my Black Magic Cocker w/ Eclipse Blade (not E-Blade) several times. Not too impressed with the feed rates. The LED light that shows if your batteries are alright also seems to randomly go from red to green whenever it wants (whether I have new or old batteries). The angled body has only gotten one bounce ever, and that was when I lent it to my friend for a few games. The only thing I do like, is that it's small and light compared to most hoppers, but it'll take more than that for me to recommend getting one.

03-01-2003, 07:46 PM
Eggo DUCE!

03-01-2003, 08:27 PM
Evo II you shouldnt even question it

03-02-2003, 05:08 PM
Egg, Evvy, eVLution II, whatever you call it, get it. :) They rock.

03-02-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by magmonkey
both of mine (and several other local peoples) have had the shell crack off at the feed neck one of mine was the old style shell and one was a new style with the o ring grooves

You should call Ricochet, and let them know that that happened, if you already haven't. They will replace it free of charge I'm sure.

Oh yes, Evolution II's are OVERRATED. If you want a consistent feeder go with the Rico or Revvy, if you want a hopper that will feed fast all the time get the HALO B, and if you want an hopper that will feed fast MOST of the time then get the Evo II.

03-02-2003, 10:24 PM
yea my Ricco, kept up with me today , hittin abut 12bps

03-02-2003, 11:06 PM
Eggo 2 all the way.

03-03-2003, 12:13 AM
Whoa! Whoa, great responses yall, i guess this is a common question, thanks for your time. My main concern is not speed/feed rate. As you all know we pballers dont buy equipment, we invest in them and some how look for a returns/gains over a period of time.

Im looking for: realiability, a hopper i wont hafta mess around with to often or snapping feed necks

Practicality, im shooting a mechanical marker, 10 -12 bps tops.

Comfort, somethng that wont bump on my noggin, or be to "unwieldy".

Value, somthing that wont cost an arm and a leg to buy AND to keep in operational contition

Thnx Yall!

03-03-2003, 10:03 AM
its up to you, They all are decent loaders, just the necks of the revvys will snap off, b/c they are Brass Eagle Garbage. And thos people with the Riccos Breaking must have gotten a bad batch. B/c mine seem a lot more durable, than the Revvy. But anyhow good luck witht he selesction

03-03-2003, 05:24 PM
go with egg 2