View Full Version : Please help with this minimag...

03-01-2003, 02:46 PM
Minimag I am considering purchasing (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2712895263&category=16048)

Please tell me if this is a an ok minimag (parts wise).

You can use the link above, but I am also placing the information below.

This is the information givin:
"This is a Tricked Vert Minimag that had been chromed It has a long list of upgrades here are most, Chrome Benchmark Double Trigger Frame, Chrome Emag Barrel, Chrome Taso Barrel, Chrome Finger Gard, Shocktech 8 hole valve, Chrome Foregrip extender, 32 degrees pressure gauge, Gas through grip, Kapp High Rise, Keyless velocity adjuster, 32 degrees hopper, and tons of extra parts, Including the original 4 star valve. This is a great marker!"

This is the picture givin:


I need an asnwer BEFORE 7:00 CST. Thank you.

You have all been a great help, and if I do not purchase this product I will still rely on you all again sometime, count on it.

03-01-2003, 02:54 PM
Be sure and ask the seller if he/she still has the stock valve that was replaced by the Shocktech 8 hole mod. The 8 hole valve is an utter waste of money and CAN NOT out-perform the stock valve--anyone on this forum will tell you likewise. Other than that, if you get it for under $200--that's a great deal!

Good luck!


03-01-2003, 03:04 PM
Sure, he can hold out for something that looks better, but I still think that as long as you can get the stock valve with it, for around or less than $200, then it's a good deal.


03-01-2003, 04:48 PM
That doesnt look like a minimag body to me...I wouldnt get it, its also got that haggard trigger guard. Also, it doesnt look vert feed either. I dont trust it.

03-01-2003, 05:17 PM
Thx for the inpuyt.