View Full Version : that inner 'I'm glad I got a mag' thought...

03-01-2003, 03:31 PM
Well, I went to the local pev's store(in Manassas) the other day w/ my bud, and we were joking about how the guys in there don't really like mags, and so we go in, and I take a look around...they have several cockers, shockers, impulses, and timmies. Out of curiosity, I ask to see a cocker, any cocker, because I've never really gotten that close to them, and wanted to get a better feel of how they feel in my hand...

So the kid hands me down a Dye autococker, and I'm looking at it and playing with it( sure is pretty) I show it to my friend, and he says "naw man, don't like, too many parts hangin' out" "too much stuff to go wrong" or something like that, and so I am still looking at it and messing around with the backblock (it almost is addictive!) and one of the guys in the store kindly asks me, "please don't pull the trigger with it back, it puts extra stress on the gun" Of course I said sorry, no prob, cause what do I know about cockers? After looking at it for a while, I gave it back to the kid, and then spent just a few more minutes in there, and then left, all the while, that inner thought kept resounding...

"I'm sure glad I bought a mag...I'm sure glad I bought a mag..."

We both had a good laugh over the whole "putting stress on the gun", but after all, is that true? I have no idea, but it's just one more reason for me to stay clear of cockers...

There has been several times where I've gone into the fairfax pevs store w/ my mag, and all the time seeing guys pick up cockers for repair...it made me think of that same thought...Thank you so much Tom Kaye for making such a great product that allows me not to have to worry about that stuff:) By the way, the Fairfax store rocks...very strong support for mag owners...good job guys.

I personally don't have anything against cockers...I can't say they shoot great or horrible because I don't shoot cockers. I'm sure when properly set up, they are a fantastic marker, but it sure made me glad that I own a rock of a paintball gun called a mag, so I don't have to worry about putting stress on it when I pull the trigger:D

Anybody else has any similar stories when you had that same thought?

03-01-2003, 04:11 PM
That was great--"it puts extra stress on the gun"--ha, ha, ha! What about when you're playing? "Well, the really real reason that cockers can't shoot 19 bps is because we don't want to put too much extra stress on the gun..."

hahahahahahahahaha...that's classic!

I just thought it was funny. Cockers are cool guns that work great (when they work) otherwise they'd be extinct.

Long live the Automag!


03-01-2003, 04:18 PM
the only way to break a cocker is to mess with it. If you have any common sense then they dont break. And timing can be done in 5 mins, thats a lot shoter than when i had to take apart my emag to mess with the valve.

All in all if you want to be ignorant to any gun but a mag have fun, but when ppl say mags suck you cant say anything because they are just like you.

03-01-2003, 04:23 PM
RobAGD works at fairfax pevs

and we were joking about how the guys in there don't really like mags

What? :) It is the strongest mag store I know of

then you said this

very strong support for mag owners
so I dont know what to think :)

03-01-2003, 04:48 PM
yeah, sorry, that was confusing...

The store we went into was the Pev's in Manassas, which is like 20 min from where I live. There are some cool guys there, but there are some I guess that don't like mags. The one in Fairfax is farther, but yeah it's way cool up there...ya know, cause Rob's up there! Thats where I got my first mag from 2 years ago, built by Rob:)

Again, yes, it was being ignorant about the cocker, but I certainly wasn't abusing it, I had no idea you couldn't cycle the backblock w/out a problem.


03-01-2003, 04:49 PM
from what I have been told, is that you shouldn't cycle the gun without air because it has the POTENTIAL to mess with the timing...but who knows...I know I never want to find that out..

03-01-2003, 04:49 PM
i love my emag, and hopefully this sfl i'm getting will give me the same reliability and love my emag gives me... if not i hope it someday will :) lol

03-01-2003, 04:56 PM
"from what I have been told, is that you shouldn't cycle the gun without air because it has the POTENTIAL to mess with the timing...but who knows...I know I never want to find that out.."

Very possible...If so I had no idea, because I am totally unfamiliar with cockers...but like you I wouldn't ever want to deal with that. Maybe a cocker user could provide some more insight into this...


03-01-2003, 04:58 PM
hahaha i got a lil plan for you go get a sticker made taht says "you should have bought a mag" then go back down there and flash is around!

03-01-2003, 05:55 PM
As far as putting stress on the gun, the answer is no. It's actually a pretty stupid response. However, firing the gun without air does mess with the timing, but it would take hours upon hours(like 12 strait) of doing that to get it out of time. My opinion is the kid didn't want you messing with it anymore, or he's just uninformed...

Lakeview Bulldog
03-01-2003, 10:22 PM
The first time I stripped my Mag I was able to figure out how to put it back together again. I am still amazed at how something so simple can deliver that much performance. I tell everyone I find who wants to get a paintball gun to get a Mag. You just cant go wrong.

03-02-2003, 03:42 AM
actually mags arnt as simple as every one would seem to claim. its just that the inner workings are fully encapsulated and are built solidly. There is also a fact that i can be damaging to the cup seal of a gun when dry fired, as well as to o-rings if they are in the way when you pull the trigger, as the gun is not cycleing as it is supposed to.

polish sausage had the best explanation so far though, he wanted you to quit messing with the gun.

03-02-2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by TheGreyMage
actually mags arnt as simple as every one would seem to claim. its just that the inner workings are fully encapsulated and are built solidly. There is also a fact that i can be damaging to the cup seal of a gun when dry fired, as well as to o-rings if they are in the way when you pull the trigger, as the gun is not cycleing as it is supposed to.

polish sausage had the best explanation so far though, he wanted you to quit messing with the gun.

How do you dry fire a mag? Mine doesn't make a peep w/o air.

I do love the sound of a cocker firing, though.