View Full Version : Opening Day at Blast Camp!! Any 1 there?

Mag Master 04
03-01-2003, 11:15 PM
if u dont know blast camp is in northwest indiana and today, march 1st, was there opening day...i think i herd there waz an estimated 400 people that signed in thats a great turnout for them, did any 1 go if so...what were u wearing i probably saw u there...i had the neon green JT jersey w the Zmag...so whats yur opinion on this fine day

03-02-2003, 11:03 AM
last opening day i went to there was years ago.

When they didn't bring enough paint, and had merv drive to the store alone to pack a truck full of paint. Which took half the day. Then increased the price of paint for those who still needed it.

Mag Master 04
03-02-2003, 11:30 AM
yea it was 60 a case yesterday and merv took off a few times for paint but they had 4 guys go seperate through- out the day so it wasnt bad at all, we got there early and bought 2 cases so we didnt have to worry, the only thing i didnt like is chrono, it took 4 years to chrono evry 1. they should invest in some hand held chronos cuz my lvl10 wouldnt let me chrono cuz the ball wouldnt fall in there all the way

03-02-2003, 07:38 PM
I did opening day last year but this year I had to work. I bet it was cold and amuddy mess though. Seems like the only thing you can count on. Last year it was only 200 people.

Mag Master 04
03-02-2003, 09:41 PM
it wasnt too cold but it was muddy...there was a great turnout this year...did any 1 go this year?:confused:

03-02-2003, 11:56 PM
no offense guys, but that place is a joke. much better places to go in NW indiana area.

Mag Master 04
03-03-2003, 05:32 PM
like..?? lets see, 1.)sherwood, phsssttt! whos ever herd of that its too small and out in the middle of no where.
2.)omega, muhahaha 1 field wonder ha. 3.) cedar lake not really in n/w indiana but way to far out there. 4.) my house haha thats too small and i cant get enough ppl to come and have a descent game. 5.) i ddunno any more so blast camp is the best place for me...and there is some very good competition that goes there and its alot of fun at the same time, so if you wanna be even more of a cock...id like to see you name some places that are "Better" than good ole' blast camp and yea have u ever been there to contridict it?:rolleyes:

03-03-2003, 05:47 PM
i didnt go this year. blast camp is the kinda place where you go when u first start paintball, like woods ball, or like target practice:D . i think its funner to think about all the fun memories i had there from when i first started playing than it actually is to play there now. opening day is a blast though. i prefer badlandz, country club for when its crappy out, or challenge park.

there are soo many fields in the NW indiana region. and thats why im lucky to live here. all less than an hour away:

-badlandz, 40 minutes away, home of the chicago open
-country club paintball,40 minutes away, indoors, the place to go when its winter and you NEED to play
-challenge park, 1 hour away, the paintballers dreamland
-blast camp, already talked about this
-omega sportz complex, 15 min away, this place is a joke
-adrenalland, new field in cedar lake, 15min away, nobody ever goes here and i dont think they know how to run a paintball field, they kinda have to be open for people to play....
there are 3 others i completely forgot about. they are the ones where the CPSA series will be held.

ahhh woulndt u guys who have like 1 run down field within an hour away from you love to live here???? lol jj guys.(cant forget the bad boyz toyz and warped sportz 1 mile away from eachother)jw, but is paintball as big where you all live as it is here????

03-03-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by CpSuPeRkId

ahhh woulndt u guys who have like 1 run down field within an hour away from you love to live here???? lol jj guys.(cant forget the bad boyz toyz and warped sportz 1 mile away from eachother)jw, but is paintball as big where you all live as it is here????

Isn't it great. I live in North Central Indiana and have 5 or 6 fields at least within an hours drive not to mention all that you mentioned within 2hrs. Unfortunately I still play at the closest not the best field. It is a simple matter of not wanting to waste my time.

Mag Master 04
03-03-2003, 09:01 PM
b ack to opening day...loooks like no one went this year...o well

03-04-2003, 03:58 PM
because it's pointless to pay that much $ to play there.

and... badlandz. only the best place in the midwest.
i've been there, why else would i dis it if i hadn't..?
and finally.. what competition?

Mag Master 04
03-04-2003, 04:23 PM
well theres alot of teams that come through there, and price wise...its not bad just gewt a free admission and buy yur paint at sum where else just make sure its got white fill and its team colors i went there and spend $ only on my fills and i filled 1 time, and i got my paint for cheap online so i only spemd 8 bucks there

03-04-2003, 04:49 PM
teams? i've seen 1 bam player.. thats it.

Mag Master 04
03-04-2003, 09:33 PM
there were 2 teams there this weekend and...no 1 cares bout yur stupid opinion any ways..so stop tryin to be a smart @$$ before u embariss yur self

Mag Master 04
03-04-2003, 09:38 PM
can a mod close this thread? this turned out to be a waist of every 1s time cuz sum 1 thinks he needs to be a hard @$$ cough (Crazy) cough, crazy ill tell ya what shoot me a PM and ill play u 1 on 1 and we will settle this the ease way in my view but the hard way in yurs:rolleyes:

03-04-2003, 10:22 PM
What "teams"? there arn't teams in recball idiot...
Embarrass myself? go back to second grade kid.
I'd play you one on one but i'd rather save my time and money shooting little kids like yourself. Want a piece? come play nppl chicago super 7.

im out.

Mag Master 04
03-04-2003, 10:28 PM
there are full teams that come through and practice there and im not an idiot..im probably older that you bro any ways, haha lil kids ha... o wait shoulda know Valpo haha, yea i seem to recall kickin all yur asses few times incase u didnt know im from chesterton and we kicked yur aces multiple times untill yur boy JT had to pull a friggin gun, yea thats right to all you just listenin a real gun, dude theres fightin and thers pure bull S..T and that was so not cool dude, so yea, like i said...im up for it..any time any place

03-04-2003, 10:35 PM
you have got to be jokeing? were talking about paintball right? where are you getting a real gun? What are you talking about "kicking our ***" ? please... elaborate.

03-04-2003, 10:38 PM
*cought crazy Cough*, yeah me and mag over here we'll play you and who ever you bring on Nppl Super 7 and we'll see who takes the glory... lil kid... your a joke... Dude! just stop!!!

03-04-2003, 10:39 PM
haha. all the way from FL?

the plague
03-04-2003, 10:41 PM
edited by Mod

Mag Master 04
03-04-2003, 10:43 PM
do u go to VHS? if u do then u would know wtf im talkin bout...yur boy over there at valpo JT ppl call him jt money pulled a gun on my boy robbie after we whooped yur buts 4 or 5 times in some fights u know the valpo chesterton fights? and yur bot thinks he needs to be slick and pulls a gun, it happened at inmanns i think either that or jackson elementary school alls i know is we kicked yur buts and we will do it again if u like! well see you at supa 7 in chi yea well see whats up

03-04-2003, 10:47 PM
Does this look like a Valpo vs chesterton fight board? No. it's a paintball board retard. I don't deal with hilljack trash that has to fight to make themselves feel good.
you guys over in chesterton gonna be able to pay for super 7 without taking another mortgage out on the trailer?

Mag Master 04
03-04-2003, 10:49 PM
who the F are you man this aint yur biz and all this fighting talk is makin me anxious u want a bite too

03-04-2003, 10:50 PM
Yeah, i guess he would considering he's on my team.

Mag Master 04
03-04-2003, 10:53 PM
Again, edit

the plague
03-04-2003, 10:53 PM

the plague
03-04-2003, 10:55 PM
i shoot a Shocktech Matrix.... whats that my gun costs more then your life... yah put your mouth on the curb kid.

Mag Master 04
03-04-2003, 10:59 PM

03-04-2003, 11:00 PM
your the one acting like it's an actual fight.. Let alone bringing up actual fights that we have nothing to do with..

the plague
03-04-2003, 11:01 PM
yah.. T money thug represent... Pie Rev 4 lYf3. Holla back werd?

Load SM5
03-04-2003, 11:05 PM
This thread is done. Mag Master 04 and the plague, you both have 3 days bans for blatant circumventing of the cuss filter. Take a few days to read the rules.