View Full Version : Clemson Paintball takes 3rd at NCPA Event

03-01-2003, 11:40 PM
Hey guys & gals of AO...

the friendly host team of AOSC (we reffed, fatman & cphilip did all the real work)
just hit up the GA Tech Open this weekend. It was a regular season NCPA event for us. We have another at Regulator's Outpost on March 22.

I put up a gallery from some great action shots.



Thanks for having a great forum.


03-02-2003, 12:07 AM
Great job guys! Congrats!!!!!!! NCPA Rocks!!!!

Hey, are we playing at the club field tomorrow? I may can make it but not sure yet. Been sick but a feeling a little better tonight. But would need some paint...

Load SM5
03-02-2003, 12:13 AM
Good job Rob!

03-02-2003, 02:15 AM
WOOT! Go Tigers:)

03-02-2003, 10:02 AM
<img src="http://www.parl.clemson.edu/~rclong/ultimate2003/march1/sized_clemson_robandmike.jpg">
<img src="http://www.parl.clemson.edu/~rclong/ultimate2003/march1/sized_clemson_brandonmikesteve.jpg">
<img src="http://www.parl.clemson.edu/~rclong/ultimate2003/march1/sized_clemson_lanelost.jpg">

In all honesty, the Citadel players are a great bunch. They even lent us a few pods of paint for our last game, which was after their last game.

It is always a better event when they show up.


03-02-2003, 11:44 AM
Good job guys. And good luck this season

03-02-2003, 04:27 PM
Hey, these guys played a great game. I'm very proud of all of them. Wish us all luck on the 22nd!!!


03-02-2003, 04:35 PM
I shall see you later this year possibly at Nationals.... as I'm on Rutgers Scarlet Knights.

We played at the West Point NEIC Invitational Tourny on Saturday. 2 of our Rutgers Squads made Finals (last 6teams)Rutgers A came in 3rd, and Rutgers B came in 5th out of 20 teams.

Sup Air Fields were on snow, wasnt that big a deal to play on, but the paint was this 4+ month old Purpleish BigBall, and each ball had easily 5-6 dimples- was horrible using the supplied paint. I saw every type of gun all day shooting goo with it. Also was below 30*

Next time we are going to BYOP. couple o games were purley decided by what paint people were shooting. I went to bunker someone, and GOooooo out the end o my barrel... was great (sarcasm).

~da baller

03-03-2003, 03:35 AM
Well, when you take normal paint, and you freeze it, it dimples and gets very brittle. That's just a fact of paint life. Sub 35 degrees you really need a winter ball (polar ice, arctic) to not get goo in most markers.

20 teams is a record turnout for the North-East conference, which is damned impressive considering the weather. But it wouldn't be an NEIC tournament without obscene weather conditions now, would it?

- Chris

03-03-2003, 05:09 AM
other than the day being below 35* while playing.... the Rumor was, ARMY loaded up the Hummers (which brought the paint down to the fields they set up) the night before. This being said, it most definately never got above 35* in the 24hr period around the tourny event time.

ALSO, the captain of my squad said it was the same paint used at the last West Point event, so its age might be another possible factor.

In any case, no teams having to use Supplied Paint were happy, but we should expect more from the paint supplied regardless of weather; is that our fault, or the weathers? I think it the suppliers should at least anticipate the conditions of tournaments, and accomadate for them. It is still winter, with plenty of time to realize that it was not getting warmer anytime soon.

All I know is Rutgers and some other teams discussed after the tourny that we are not going to use the Supplied paint ever again. It was horrendous.

03-03-2003, 08:13 AM
Yeah, old paint really blows but sometimes you just gotta suck it up and play the game...


03-03-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by PsychoBaller
other than the day being below 35* while playing.... the Rumor was, ARMY loaded up the Hummers (which brought the paint down to the fields they set up) the night before. This being said, it most definately never got above 35* in the 24hr period around the tourny event time.

35* hahahahahh!!!! I wish. You should have played at the last MICT at Purdue. I swear, it wasn't even 20* that day.

03-03-2003, 02:44 PM
<img src="http://www.parl.clemson.edu/~rclong/ultimate2003/march1/sized_clemson_mikedance.jpg">

03-05-2003, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by alkafluence

35* hahahahahh!!!! I wish. You should have played at the last MICT at Purdue. I swear, it wasn't even 20* that day.

Ah yes.... but ALKA,.... I guess u didnt realize that there is a huge River/lake right on the level where we had the playing fields at West Point (NY). We had one of those lake-to-land breezes going... and I swear that River was from the Antarctic. Most def. saw icebergs floating down it.. not just ice, but Bergs man.. hehehe.

Windchill factor added into the equation coming off the lake/river, and it was snowing parts o the day, as well as being outside from 7am-7pm and playing on Sup Air fields over a good 6" of snow. Not fun laying down in the snake for 2min or sitting in a bunker for that matter on snow.

~da baller

03-05-2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by PsychoBaller

Windchill factor added into the equation coming off the lake/river, and it was snowing parts o the day, as well as being outside from 7am-7pm and playing on Sup Air fields over a good 6" of snow. Not fun laying down in the snake for 2min or sitting in a bunker for that matter on snow.

~da baller

Oh, I agree with that, living off a lake is horrid around winter.

Any time you are near a large empty space with nothing to block the wind you are in trouble. The wind was a bit of a problem at Purdue too, because the field is right next to an airport. Acres and acres of empty runways and grass land.

I feel your pain ;) Makes you wish you lived somewhere down south, huh?

03-05-2003, 03:21 PM
the problem with the fall MICT @ purdue wasnt that the cold... its the fact that it was so disorganized, that we spent 14 hours standing in it.. captians meeting 2 hours late.. a 3 hour lunchbreak.. and they took another 2 hours to remake the field for finals...

That combined with the fact that absolutly no sunlight exists in purdue (it was basically as dark at midnight as it was at noon) <------ ok mild over exxageration but seriously it was weird.

and while were on the topic of lights.....


03-05-2003, 04:44 PM
2 hours plus 2 hours plus 3 hours... 7 hours of not playing paintball? I think you may be exagerating slightly. ;)

- Chris

03-05-2003, 05:35 PM
I admit there probably IS some exageration there but 14 hours for 25 teams on 3 fields is PATHETIC...

03-05-2003, 09:39 PM
Considering we were all over at the post-tournament festivities at 9 PM, 14 hours is probably a bit of an exageration as well. ;)

25 teams in 3 brackets is 2 8 team brackets and 1 9 team bracket. That's 92 games, or a wee bit over 6 hours on three fields. Semi-finals and finals are a wee bit more than an hour each, plus throwing in a break for lunch and that's 10 hours right there - from the first game until the last. Throwing in completely rebuilding a field for finals, getting done by 7 ain't a bad deal.

Not perfect, but not bad.

- Chris

03-05-2003, 10:07 PM
ok the captains meeting for the MICT festivities was SCHEDULED at 6:30AM

Anyone who knows anything about tournaments knows that your need to be there at least half an hour earlier to walk the fields (or rewalk for those that came the night before) and to get your gear set, paint bought, entry paid, and tanks filled, and guns chronoed. soo basically a you need to be there at the time of 6AM... the party started at 9pm correct? we had just over 1 hours worth of time between the end of finals and when the players party started (which i only remember cuz we got to sit in the bar waiting for hour after we got there). which means that finals ended at roughly 730 with roughly 15 minutes to pack up you get 7:45 PM.

6AM - 7:45 PM = 13hour 45 minute difference in time..NO not quite the 14hours but darn close (and still pathetic).. on that note im done debating here..

Congrats to EZ and the rest of clemson, sorry for cluttering your thread.. And to all to all the college team guys reading this.. see you at Nationals.

03-05-2003, 11:02 PM
That would have worked, if anyone had been there at 6:30. Sometimes teams vote one when they want to do things by when they show up no matter when you set the schedule.

Games started when the teams had their stuff together to start. They ended a wee bit over 10 hours later, which is about right for 25 teams in three brackets with semis and finals and a field rebuilding.

I'm all for constructive criticism of events, but lets tell it like it is - there's no way there was a 3 hour lunch and 2 hours of building the field for finals when the when all the games ran in 10 hours.

- Chris

Wc Keep
03-06-2003, 10:54 AM
congrats to the guys from clemson for doing so well.

and all you guys complaining about the weather, blackcell played in a skirmish tourney when it was 15* out and about 19 inches of snow on the ground.

03-06-2003, 12:05 PM
Let's all agree to disagree, and "give it up" for playing this awesome sport in less than ideal weather ;)

Congrats on the great finish Clemson guys...

Hey Chris or ezrunner, any chance you could post the final results here?


03-06-2003, 12:27 PM
1. Gerogia Tech
2. The Citadel
3. Clemson
4. Georgia
5. Georgia
6. Georgia Tech
7. Southern Polytechnic

Or www.rankings.college-paintball.com.

- Chris