View Full Version : Overshooting/Bonus balling...part of the game?

03-02-2003, 10:12 PM
Today, I witnessed two instances in which overshooting or bonus balling almost caused fights, and in a third instance, my team was yelled at by spectators for putting multiple shots on players during bunker moves, in which the immature members of the other team shot back at us after being clearly eliminated.

My question is, are people too hotheaded?

While I agree it shouldn't be done, getting bonus-balled on the way off the field happens. Today, I witnessed the most immature response to a mere 6 extra shots, and I for one would not want to see anyone hurt in a fight just because of a few extra paintballs.

In addition, when players do not leave the field and continue shooting, especially during blatant elimination situations. Why is it that the other team thought it fit to fire back at point blank range with the intent to hurt, over a bit of trigger bounce causing a few extra hits?

In my opinion, these two aspects are, regretably, part of the game, and by no means should be taken to the extreme of violence.

Any opinions?

Load SM5
03-02-2003, 10:22 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by SyntaxError

My question is, are people too hotheaded?

In a word, yes. Due to frustration of being bunkered out of the pain that comes with taking a few extra shots, players tend to overreact and fly off.

While I agree it shouldn't be done, getting bonus-balled on the way off the field happens. Today, I witnessed the most immature response to a mere 6 extra shots, and I for one would not want to see anyone hurt in a fight just because of a few extra paintballs.

I agree totally. If I get bunkered I expect to take a few extra shots. If there's agame on the line people will lay on the trigger a little longer to make sure that there going to be a break. And the way markers fire these days an extra .5 seconds on the trigger can mean and extra 5 balls. Adrenaline also makes you a little heavier on the trigger than normal.

In addition, when players do not leave the field and continue shooting, especially during blatant elimination situations. Why is it that the other team thought it fit to fire back at point blank range with the intent to hurt, over a bit of trigger bounce causing a few extra hits?

Part of that is the hot-headedness that can come with tourney play and (IMO) the younger players saw it on a PB vid and think that's yelling, cursing, bonus-balling and whining about calls are what the game is about. Again that is just my opinion. I rarely ever see a guy get bunkered in a game and tell the guy that bunkered him "nice move!".

03-02-2003, 10:27 PM
it all depends on situation... you do that to johnny newbie at my field and i can garentee you they wont find you till the spring thaw... in a tourney against some one when theres a chance he might turn around and shoot back after getting hit, smoke him.... on a dead player walking off in any situation. no you shouldnt shoot

03-02-2003, 10:29 PM
Bonus-balling is something you should make a practice. Overshooting is something that should be kept to a minimum, but should seldom happen. It does happen a bit to often, in my opinion.

I've seen dead man walks from a team with only 2 guys left on the field and those two won a 4-2 because of it. Bonus balling will make sure that stupid mistakes like this won't happen.

However, it isn't necessary to shoot that person 5-15 times. Two times is more than adequate. I've always been told also to not stop firing until i see you see it break. Depending on your reaction time and your ROF, waiting for a break on your opponent could be an extra 10 balls. Sometimes you're shooting a string at a person when he gets up to go out. If he happens to take his time and walk into that string, it could mean 5-8 balls before you stop shooting. These things you can't avoid, so really they are just a part of the game.

People should realize that these things happen. Some people don't like to lose. Being shot out means that they lost and it's aggrivating. When you get shot a few more times, it just leads to flared tempers and possible fights. As much as i don't think it's necessary, outbreaks are a part of the game as well. It's going to happen. People don't want to get shot, and getting shot 10 times will piss people off. If they get to far carried away, they're the ones at risk of being penalized for it. Just take it like a grain of salt and keep on your game.

03-02-2003, 10:30 PM
i have actually said nice move to someone who has bunkered me, but it was an exceptionally nice bunker :) other than that, if you intentionally bonus ball your getting balled back. trigger bouce is supposedly illegal anyway so if you cant handle your marker, people deserve to get pissed.

Heya Beefstew, sig's a little too large. Max allowable is 175x350. See if you can't cut it down a bit. Thanks -Load

03-02-2003, 10:57 PM
If I get bunkered, and it was a good bunker (not a bunker when its like 5 on 1...) I usually go talk to the guy and let him know that it was a cool move etc etc.

03-02-2003, 11:01 PM
OK, first off, a mere 6 balls? after your shot the first time or 2, the adrenaline wears off, and those mere 6 balls tend to hurt a lil. THat i can see an over reaction comming out of.

Now me, i will lay on the person untill i clearly se them raise their hand, and call them selves out. ONe problem, is you are suposed to walk off the field with yout hand up, alot of people dont do that, if i dont see their hand up, i will put a ball or 2 into you. Just a lil warning to the ao'ers out there!

Now, i say people need to chill, and dont over react. Paintball is one of the chillest sports, and if your over reacting and cursing, then you all need to look at your selves. were all brothers, and we all need to get along!

03-02-2003, 11:04 PM
I think the natural reaction to bonus balling is to flip out. But you have to psychologically train yourself to realize that the extra balls you receive were probably by accident. I don't think it's right to shoot someone excessively though. Like the others said, you should expect a few extra hits. I deliver a few extra hits myself until that player calls themself out, due to wiping/cheating... However I don't like it when I have a blatant hit on my lens, and I'm walking to the deadbox, and am bonus balled by an opposing player. That's just not cool.

People need to realize though that this is a game, if not a recreational sport. It's supposed to be fun. If people just train themselves to realize that they should expect a few bonus balls, then we would avoid all of these potential fights.

03-02-2003, 11:10 PM
its expected if you play paintball, that is just the type of game it is. 90% of the time it is unintentional. If i get bonus balled or bunckered, i usually get mad, but i can walk it off, and cool down really quickly and show no hard feeling whatsoever

03-02-2003, 11:31 PM
Until "playing on" is eliminated as a general practice, bonus balls will be a part of the game. Hopefully most baller recognize that fact.

But there will always be a population that is pissed about just getting eliminated and aggresive to boot. I've found that the owners/refs at the fields I play at most will recognize the hotheads and not penalize the regulars who use common sense.

03-02-2003, 11:31 PM
it's part of the game, just don't be stupid about it. Usualy if i bonus ball someone due to rof, or not knowing whether they are out or in. i usually say "sorry man blah blah" a half dozen times. In one case i let the guy shoot me in the back.

03-02-2003, 11:36 PM
i would not let someone shoot me just b/c he got bonus balled, screw that, his fault for not yelling loud enough for me to hear if he said he was out

03-02-2003, 11:46 PM
I think people are fair game until they raise their gun and signify that they are out. It's simply too hard to tell with certainty when people are eliminated sometimes. This also takes cheating into consideration. They may keep playing after being eliminated, which I say constitutes bonus balls to mark them up more... such that there is no question as to whether they were in or out afterwards... multiple shots = harder to wipe or make excuses.

I dunno what tourny rules are... but I think that raising gun should mean that you are pulling yourself out and nobody can shoot you. If people bonus ball you/overshoot when gun is raised... that's a big no-no. But once gun is raised... that's it.

03-03-2003, 01:46 AM
I played last month with a bunch of newbies and they were getting mad at being shot alot, understandably. But when they had the chance, they were lighting me up constantly, and I just shrugged it off. I KNOW its part of the game. I didn't come out here to knit or sew, and I know that I am gooan get hit and it will hurt sometimes. People need to remember that. My biggest aggrivation that day was the "experienced" guy with his *cough* spyder who was screaming bloody murder because he got bunkered and got hit fairly close. He had 4 of my guys pinned, and when they finally were able to get out from his spray of paint, they ran up on him, and he cried. This I didn't undertand. I mean he had to see this coming. The ref told him he should have surrendered when he saw them coming, but he didn't. SO he got shot, its part of the game.

03-03-2003, 02:41 AM
Originally posted by magman007

Now me, i will lay on the person untill i clearly se them raise their hand, and call them selves out. ONe problem, is you are suposed to walk off the field with yout hand up, alot of people dont do that, if i dont see their hand up, i will put a ball or 2 into you. Just a lil warning to the ao'ers out there!

I have noticed this too. The loudest complainers, seem to be the ones who stand up and walk off (presumably because they must maintain their cool, "I play like a pro", aloofness to the noobs), with no indication to the field that they are out. I have no problem giving these guys two more to be sure. I always walk off with my gun AND other hand raised high. It is rare that I get a bonus ball, and those tend to be ones I walked into, not intentional shots.

03-03-2003, 03:30 AM
If you're being a dick just because other people are or may be dicks, you're still a dick.

If you're putting 6 extra shots in someone's back on a bunker move, and are then surprised when they get pissed and turn around and light you up, then I think you're an idiot. You're being a dick, they're being a dick.

Now, when I get shot and stand up to walk off the field, I fully expect to get shot again on the way back - not because people should be bonus balling me, but because it's pretty much inevitable that I'm going to walk through someone's like of fire or the other team just didn't see me get hit and there are still 20 balls flying over my bunker or whatever. You can't be on a paintball field and not expect to be hit. If you think that's possible, try reffing - when you're not behind a bunker, you're going to get shot.

That said, bonus balling is idiotic. It unnecessarily pissed off other people, and if you're wasting you're time shooting at eliminated players, you're NOT shooting at live ones.

When I'm practicing, I'll put one shot on someone I'm bunkering and one shot only. If it bounces or misses or something, then I can shoot again, and if I get eliminated first it's no big deal. In tournaments I'll do 2-3 on bunkers to be sure. And I will agree with everyone else that if I shoot you and you're not calling yourself out I'm going to shoot you more.

But there's no strength of character in making sure everyone knows you're not scared of making an *** of yourself.

Maybe I'm just odd. I play paintball for fun; I could give a rats *** about winning. It's not any fun when everyone else at the field is pissed at you.

- Chris

spore 283
03-03-2003, 03:47 AM
I play a lot of tourney paintball. If you are out on the expect to get shot. You should expect to get shot at least 3 times when you get bunkered. when you get shot get off the field as fast as you can and you won't take those extra hits. I don't agree with shooting people to hurt,or with bonus balling players for the hell of it. When playing in higher levels of competion you play to win,and sometimes you have to shoot people 3-6 times to make sure they will leave the field. You also have to remember that when you die there are more players out there still shooting at other players so if you get in the line of fire you might get shoot at 20 bps accidently. Getting shot is part of the game everyone needs to accept it. Not everyone has the correct respect for the game,and will keep shooting you leaving the field. Like I said expect to get shoot thats the game. So when you get hit get off the field and do it fast and you shouldn't take those extra hits.

03-03-2003, 05:00 AM
when either of the following occurs;

1) You've already been called out and the ref yells that "the player is out" numerous times, I raise my hand signaling I'm out.... and either I get hit another 3-4 times on my hand, or after my hand is already raised, I'm hit another 3-5 times just getting up.


2) I'm jogging back to the dead box and I get hit another 3-5 times in the side or back, even if a bunker is not remotely near me, so it makes me wonder what the other team is shooting at....

~da baller

03-03-2003, 05:46 AM
I double tapped a guy at 2 feet this past weekend, he had no problems with it, Yay me!

Here's my patented getting off the field move.

Mag goes in the air. Yelling OUT OUT OUT. Head cocked over to try and protect my short neck. Other hand covering the boys, just in case someone gets a little rambunctious. I took one in the pinky this weekend while keeping the jewel drawer covered :eek:

RT pRo AuToMaG
03-03-2003, 08:58 PM
Overshooting is defiantly part of a game and people just need to get over it. There is a part where it becomes too much (like getting 15+ bonus balls) but i'm fine with 2..3..4..5, maybe even 7-10 in tourneys. When the game is on the line, what do you expect? You give some, you get some. I have a story about this:

I was at my local field when I first got my Matrix. A guy runs down the field to bunker me, and I see all of the little kids with rentals trying to shoot him, so I'm just waiting for him to shoot me. He runs past me, and I don't feel anything, so I ended up shooting him like 6 times in the stomach, just from natural reaction. Next thing I hear is "WHAT! I shot you first!" Happens that he shot me 7 or 8 times in the pack. Now, if he really hadn't shot me, I know he would have lit me up when he realized that he didn't hit me. I apoligezed and it was all cool.

I've also recieved bonus balls a countless number of times, but why complain, guns shoot fast, it's hard to stop, especially if you are in the sweetspot with an emag on hybrid or an RT pro.

03-03-2003, 09:34 PM
A: Trigger bounce happens on all types of guns.

B: Bonus balling is bad. It does happen. If you wipe or play unclean, you should be lit up. If you are getting bunkered, the other player can show a little discipline.

When you have someone cold, and you fire 5 shots, and 2 break, that is the game. When you shoot 20 shots and 16 break, that is excessive.

People also need to chill. Take it to a ref.


03-03-2003, 09:57 PM

some intresting posts.

IF I am playing rec, and that is what I play most of the time, I would expect from an experienced player no more than 3 maybe up to 5. anymore than that from an experinced player, we may have words when we get off the field. There is no need for 15bps on my mask or in my back. You guys no dam well when someone has been hit. I have noticed lately that I mostly get eliminations in the first 3~5 shots.

If its a newb i dont mind getting lit up but I will ask them to take it easy on my next time. I am still very impressed by some of the rental tippy's that I swear can hit 12+bps into my bunker.

About a month ago I was at my home field. I was elminted and standing at the back of our field(real small field). The refee had called the game and about 15sec later this guy in a spyder comes blazing out of my left eye. I took 2 to the mask and 2 to the throat. Mind you I am standing infront of a bunker with my bright *** blue angel sitting on the ground leanning againist my leg!! I was so hot, he came real close to an *** whoppin.

About 2 years ago we had a rec game with both of our rec teams and a bunch of nebs. I brought my wife out, girlfriend at the time. the other team had our B players on it she was the last one in the game. I think it was a 4-1 my wife hiding behind a bunker holding on for dear life gets lit by one of our players that should have known better. Hell I even yeld for them to slow play down so she wasnt overwhelmed. That next game I just *happened* to meet this guy in one of our woodsfields. I think he took 5~6 down his back and left leg.
It is simple guys, its a safety issue, especially in rec ball.

Now if I am playing in a tourney,
I dont mind 6~7 good shots from another player. Hey its a tourney, but to be honest I think that will change as we assimilate more players into the game.

its just like karate, car racing etc, control the power you are given or it will be controled for you.


03-03-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError

. Today, I witnessed the most immature response to a mere 6 extra shots,

I dont want to sound "immature", but I would be pretty angry if I was bunkered with 6 extra shots. I dont know about you all but I experiance severe pain when im shot from a foot away. However if it was just while I was getting up or walking off... I dunno, it would depend on how blatant it was.

Also, I hardly even shoot 6 balls at a person anyways ... I cant imagine shooting someone an EXTRA 6 times... I seriously cannot imagine myself doing it. I know when he is out, I see it, I stop shooting. I hardly shoot 6 balls at a person anyways to get him out.

03-03-2003, 10:27 PM
dude i took 14 balls today (it was by 4 difrent people but still) it hurts ya but if your going to wine i wouldnt recomend tournaments because people bonus ball like nun other. But when you shoot back or almost start a fight thats just gay. i took one straight to the face were my mask didnt cover but its not like the dude was trying to hurt me he just came around and fired

03-04-2003, 06:54 AM
Overshooting is a problem, yes. But sometimes it can not be avoided, or is what I would call “reasonable” given the situation.

One such time was committed by myself. I was playing rec ball and had one other player with me behind a small wall of wood. There was about 5 other players advancing on us and they got behind a small stand of trees. I lit up the trees!!!!! And I mean GOOD. :D I heard “ow” .. “ow””ow”…. But no one yelled that they were out, or stepped out with their marker raised.

I then heard “Hey stop shooting (expletive)! You got us! Damn (expletive)!”.

I simply stopped shooting and yelled back “Sorry, next time call yourself out when you first get hit.”

And the other time was when I was on my way to bunkering someone. I was just about to light them up when they, and a team member in another bunker saw me. The BOTH lit me up like a Christmas Tree. I immediately raised my marker and yelled that I was out. But their adrenaline was still pumping pretty hard and they were younger players. The ref had to literally jump in and cover me with his own body (that is a great ref) and wave his hands yelling that I was out.

I was not upset, even though I went home with quite a few welts that day.

For me, it is not about the action, but the INTENT of that action. I never get upset over simple exuberant play. I don’t get upset that someone might hit me more than might be necessary in the heat of play. But I DO get upset if it is clear that the action was deliberate and malicious. And I have seen that happen.

Again, for me it is intent that is important, not the amount of balls that hit me (within reason).

03-04-2003, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by SyntaxError
[clip]... Today, I witnessed the most immature response to a mere 6 extra shots, and I for one would not want to see anyone hurt in a fight just because of a few extra paintballs.[clip]"mere six extra shots"!?!?!?!
okay, I can see that possibly in a firefight when the paint is a flying and sprying is abounding, but in a bunkering situation? hmmmm... 6 extra shots isn't a "few" in my opinion.

However - tournies/spedball is not the same as recball and overshooting rules vary (if they exist at all). My personal feeling is that if you enter the tourney arena, you should be well aware that you may get "shot-up", and be able to deal with it as necesary.

03-04-2003, 09:39 AM
I was with Adam and the reason the fight was started was this. A guy was hit twice or so by some kid in the back, he walked off the field gun in the air, back turned, and the kid kept shooting, hit an at least an extra six times down his arm when he was only 15ft of so from the dead box. The Next issue was the same back player bunkered a kid, looked like a good move. Then you find out that the kid is MAYBE 11 years old, and was reloading at the time. This kid walked off the field with 13 welts from a single move, thats a hell of a lot more than bonus balling or overshooting. I don't care how fast you can shoot, to bunker a kid and hit him 13+ times, that means you knew what you were doing and you're a complete arse! To anyone watching that game, you would've seen the same thing.

In short, the kid was a typical punk with an angel who thinks he can get away with anything. I for one hope he changes his attitude or he's gonna get someone hurt, be it another player or himself...

Wc Keep
03-04-2003, 10:37 AM
heres my tke on how to shoot. i put three balls into a person. 1 for the wipe 1 for the bounce and 1 to make sure they are eliminated. if i see a hit and the person doesnt call themselves out ill put 1-2 more into them just to let them get the message that they are out. i never ever overshoot just cause i wouldnt like to get over shot myself.

now a mere 6 extra shots??? syntax i dont think you know what a mere 6 extra shots really are.

03-04-2003, 10:41 AM
unless its a ref right?



03-04-2003, 12:27 PM
First let me define these terms.

Bonus balling - Purposely shooting someone when you know they are eliminated.
Overshooting - Continuing to shoot someone when you know they are eliminated.

Neither of these has ANY place in paintball. It should be (and usually is) a penalty in a tournament. It should be cause for "discipline" in rec ball games. There is absolutely NO reason for either of those.

That said, I probably shoot players after they are eliminated all the time. The problem is that far too many players won't properly signal their elimination. PUT YOUR HAND UP! KEEP IT UP AS YOU EXIT THE FIELD. Why is this so hard? Prior to about a year ago I am not aware of EVER being overshot or bonus balled. Even in "pro" tournaments. Even when playing against the Iron Men. ;) A friend of mine got all bent out of shape the last time we played because he was yelling hit and the opposing player wouldn't stop shooting. Did he have his hand up? NO. The opposing player even apologized when he realized my buddy was out. It wasn't his fault, however.

When you are eliminated, PUT YOUR HAD UP. Get over it people, leave your egos in the staging area. Walk off the field with you hand up. This isn't hard. NONE of you are good enough to never be eliminated. Get over it.

Egos are the problem.

03-04-2003, 01:46 PM
In one incident on my field (I had been eliminated) two of my teamates bunkered the last opponent, one teamate eliminated the player. The eliminated player then proceded to imeadiatly rip off his mask. My other teamate simultaniously shot one ball wich hit the eliminated player in the sholder, the eliminated player, for retribution turns and light up my teamate. I walked onto the field grabbed the guy by the throat, bashed him into a bunker, riped his marker out of his hand, threw it and told him to get off my field and property and to never return.

Afterwards I spoke with the guys team captain, I told him I was srry about the action I had to take. He agreed with my reaction and told me that the player would be trown off the team for his behavior. Our two teams are very close and there was no reason for the guy to flip out like that.

03-04-2003, 01:52 PM
During the castle conques I attended last year me and a friend tryed to make a crazy run from the front wall to the center tower in the courtyard, the only problem was thay the back wall had been invaded and was ocupied by the enemy.
We both got lit up like nothing I have ever seen in my life. We walked to the dead box and my friend counted the paint marks on my back, I had gotten hit 28 times on my back alone. My friend was in the same boat.

After that I don't compalin about taking a measly 8-10 "Bonus Balls" granted it's still not pleasant, but it takes a whole lot of paint to make me loose my temper

Wc Keep
03-04-2003, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by ezrunner
unless its a ref right?



this is a good point you brought up ezrunner. ezrunner was greatly overshot at sc ao day by me. but it wasnt on purpose what happened was i had come out and begun to lay a string of paint down my shooting lane. ezrunner had stepped into this shooting lane and once i noticed that he was in the shooting lane it was already to late because a good 25-30 balls were heading his way.

ezrunner was overshot because he stepped into a shooting lane which many people do.

03-04-2003, 03:05 PM
come to think of it, there was as pretty funny bonus balling occurance at my field one time. there was this kid there (probably younger than 14) and playing with his orange 2002 timmy with eggo2 and u get the idea. well all night he was being a stuck up d!3k. so much that in a 2 on 1 situation, he was shot out, but hade 2 or 3 used pods lying on the floor. so after taking about five steps to teh outside netting, he turns around and heads back for his pods, which were conviently behind and a little to the right side of a bunker. so he pics them up, and as he steps out the left side of the bunker (out of cover) he gets popped with 3 or so shots, and starts showing off an attitude.:D Personally myself and several others thought it was funny and had a good laugh at the kid. Damn those snobby ones can be a pain!:D especially when they think theyre the shiz playing on a sponsored team at that age. lol

03-04-2003, 05:54 PM
i still cant beleive how bad peoplecomplaine about getting bonus balled. i know ive said this before but its going to happen. if u dont like it dont play because its going to happen. many times in tourneys we over shoot people its not to be an asse but to intimidate people and it works. or someone will shoot back and get a 1 for 1 i know it sounds cheap but people lose there anger to quick and they pay. any tourney player out there will do the same dont deny it. but ya thats all i have to say

03-04-2003, 06:56 PM
No, Overshooting and Bonus balling should not be a part of the game. I have a few occurances that I'm still ticked off about.

One was this weekend. You see at the field I go to, the manager sponsors two teams. One is Team XPB, the other is XPB Kidz. Well anyways to the point, there was about 3 people from Team XPB, one guy from the Kidz, and about 2 other regulars and one newbie playing last sunday. Well the guys from XPB wanted to stay on their team so they did a 3v4. The first game the guy from Kidz and another regular blazed over them .. one ran tape and one ran down the middle. In the next game though, the guy from Kidz and one of the guys from XPB both went into the 50 off break. The guy from Kidz was hit off the break twice so he went to put his gun up right when the guy from XPB came over to bunker him, so the XPB guy thought he was trying to shoot him, so he put about 4 on him. That's understandable. So the guy is now laying on the ground (he's 14 years old) because he took 2 really painful ones to the side and two in the goggles. His gun is laying beside him. Thw guy from XPB comes up ANOTHER TIME and puts 6 more on him. He got hit a total of 12 times, 10 being from about 2 feet away. The kid came over to the sideline where I was reffing and started to tear up and cry. I couldn't believe the guy from XPB did that. He came up again and despite the two blatant marks on the kid's mask and the fact that his gun was laying BESIDE him shot him 6 more times. He apologized and then just walked off like it was nothing. I don't know if he was trying to prove something from before (from when the kid ran down the center and bunkered him) or what but I was mad. If any of the guys from XPB read this I'm not slandering anyone cause I didn't mention any names but if you don't realize that it was wrong too, you have something wrong with you.

The second time something happened was in a team practice. We were playing a 2v3 and right off break my teammate dropped. This made it a 1v3 now. I expected to get bunkered so I came out the left side of my bunker and shot about 3 at a guy coming to bunker me. I saw one break on his thigh and said "Get out!" but he kept running and shot me about 3 times (two hitting me in the same place on the hand ... it was bleeding so bad i thought he cracked my fingernail). THEN he got to the netting, turned around and shot 5 more at me. These weren't quick hits either, my hand was over my head and I had time to turn around and say "What are you doing?!" I just shot about 5 at the closest bunker in anger and sat down. After awhile I walked up to staging and pointed out the break on his thigh and he said in a tourney you don't stop you just keep on running. I explained to him that it was practice and only 1 or 2 is needed to prove the point, and that we don't cheat on our team. He didn't really seem to care and just walked up to get an air fill.

In both cases there was blatant overshooting/bonusballing going on. In both cases it wasn't necessary. So yes, it is a part of the sport, but it shouldn't be there.

03-04-2003, 07:29 PM
I think it happens and will continue to happen unless there is a cange of some sort in the manner in which the game is played.

For the most part I don't take issue with taking a few extra balls when I get shot out. If I run into a string I know there are probably another ten or so in the air when the first one hits me. When things get fast and furious I know the guys on the other side of the field aren't going to restrain their trigger fingers. BUT, there are far too many players that don't think when they play. I've seen pleyers come around a bunker and nail the guy who is facing the other way 10 or more times in the back. I've seen others put a string on opponents that have their markers well above thier heads. We need to use a lot more restraint in this game before it will be more acceptable to the masses.

I for one would like to see the dead mans walk eliminated, too many players bonus ball others for fear of it (or they are using it as an excuse).

03-04-2003, 07:44 PM
Ultimator, I know your not trying to slander, but I was playing that game, and it didn't exactly happen that way..

He apologized and then just walked off like it was nothing.

Yes, he did apologize, but he stood around an made sure he was alright, we ALL did. T has been bunkered like that and he knows exactly how it feels. I've personally seen him in so much pain he sat on the ground speechless for about 5 minutes.

I don't know if he was trying to prove something from before

And the answer is no, all the guys we played that game were good friends of ours, we had nothing to prove. After the game we got rolled, we told them all good game, nice move and such. It wa rec ball, we have nothing to prove, we were all out there for fun. I know who you are, and it doesn't matter, Ultimator, we're both right in a sense. But give T some credit.

And the story about y'alls practice, if anyone ever shot me frm the sidelines, I'd smoke 'em with my tank.

Anyway, it's all good. We're all still friends.

03-04-2003, 08:09 PM
I was giving WC_keep a hard time. They were playing some hard ball and I was checking a player and got stiched up the back and leg :-)

I was reffing and that makes me a field obstacle, not a player.


Players should not shoot them purposefully, but in this instance, a player was out, behind a bunker and would not raise their gun to signal being out.

The 2 of us reffing that player were calling game and they guys had their mags screaming paint so they didn't hear. We had to step into the paint to get the player off the field.


03-04-2003, 08:29 PM
I am not even going to respond to this, save myself some flaming. After the wiping thread i am done with the arguing and debating scenarios.

03-04-2003, 08:52 PM
my-rt we already u know plenty bout getting bonus balled. but for now lets call them insurance shots. lol

03-04-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Jurta
Ultimator, I know your not trying to slander, but I was playing that game, and it didn't exactly happen that way..

He apologized and then just walked off like it was nothing.

Yes, he did apologize, but he stood around an made sure he was alright, we ALL did. T has been bunkered like that and he knows exactly how it feels. I've personally seen him in so much pain he sat on the ground speechless for about 5 minutes.

I don't know if he was trying to prove something from before

And the answer is no, all the guys we played that game were good friends of ours, we had nothing to prove. After the game we got rolled, we told them all good game, nice move and such. It wa rec ball, we have nothing to prove, we were all out there for fun. I know who you are, and it doesn't matter, Ultimator, we're both right in a sense. But give T some credit.

And the story about y'alls practice, if anyone ever shot me frm the sidelines, I'd smoke 'em with my tank.

Anyway, it's all good. We're all still friends. I feel you bro, but I was just telling it like I saw it. I saw him apologize a few times, then i talked to the guy from Kidz for a second. Then the next thing I know he was walking away. I know he didn't necessarily mean anything by it. I'm not trying to make T look bad, I was just telling my side of the story. Me and the guy from Kidz are good friends and I felt for him when he got done like a beeotch :)

I didn't really think he was trying to prove something so I wrote I don't know if he was. I didn't think anyone would think anything more than he might have meant something by it. In fact now that I think of it doesn't make much sense, because he probably didn't even know who was on the other side of the bunker. :)

Agreed, it's still all good. I don't have anything against T for what he did. I know he was all hyped up and stuff like that. But 12 times ..... If I was the guy from Kidz I would've wanted someone to say something too, and I think you would've also. I mean the boy broke down and cried.

Either way, all it was was a game. No hard feelings from either side of the table.

EDIT: Made things more clear.

03-04-2003, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016

I dont want to sound "immature", but I would be pretty angry if I was bunkered with 6 extra shots.

Sorry to not clear it up, but the guy kinda stood up while I was shooting across his lane, and it hit him. I apologized though, it definately didnt warrant that response.

03-04-2003, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by ezrunner


very true......


03-04-2003, 10:38 PM
Actually, he didn't really cry.. he sucked it up. I was proud of him for that. He took it well, and I know it hurt .. Anyway, it's all good. See you this weekend.

RT pRo AuToMaG
03-05-2003, 03:13 AM
Originally posted by hitech
First let me define these terms.

Bonus balling - Purposely shooting someone when you know they are eliminated.
Overshooting - Continuing to shoot someone when you know they are eliminated.

Neither of these has ANY place in paintball. It should be (and usually is) a penalty in a tournament. It should be cause for "discipline" in rec ball games. There is absolutely NO reason for either of those.

Bonus balling and overshooting is entirely different. Getting bonus balls is getting a few extras which can be the result of overshooting, but can also come from being caught in a stream of paint

Overshooting is just like you said, shooting when you know they are eliminated.

Bonus balling is almost uncontrollable. If I send a string of 17 bps at you, and you decide to peek around the corner, I can't pull the 16 that are allready in the air away from you. And are you kidding about bonus balls and overshooting being penalties at tourneys? Have you ever watched a tourney??? If the tourney is on the line, i'll shoot you until you get to the deadbox, i have no problem with that, i pay for the tourney, i try to win. Rec games, bonus balls come from high rof. When the guy is running down the tape, trying to bunker me, he's getting a hopper coming right at him. Now, he gets shot once, can i pull the extra balls out of the air? Can you?

It seems most of the guys complaining about overshooting are the rec ballers with slower guns, or the whiners that cry about everything.

It does get to a point where it's excessive. I don't expect to get lit up walking to the deadbox, but as long as i'm behind a bunker, i am ready to take 200 if i have to. That's what seperates the hardcore tourney players and the local tourney players. Look at a pro game, ****, look at a rookie game. At the mardi gras open, i dont think there was one person in the whole tourney that got only one ball. If you call yourself out, i'm not gonna stop and wait for you to leave, i'm gonna keep on going, i won't lose sleep over you getting 15 balls. It may hurt, it may not be fun, but as long as people wipe, balls miss, balls bounce, people play on, and any other instance like that, bonus balls will exist.

03-05-2003, 07:01 AM
OK I'm going to explain the definitions of both.

To me both overshooting and bonus-balling are all on purpose. It is very rarely that i get hit 6 times walking off the field running through streams and when the team is shooting almost 4 cases a game that shows the posibitly of doing it.

The only time i get hit alot walking off the field is the other team purposly shooting me off the field. In World Cup against OBR we had one of our front guys get gogged then running off the field take like 13 hits to the back....and those were just the ones that broke. I got hit in the hopper that game and got shot 5 times in the head...2 of those hit my right ear....and i was the only one on that side.

As for overshooting i guess in some cases it might not be on purpose but you still did overshoot the guy. You get that adrenaline rush and just rip on the trigger and all the sudden the guy got hit 5 times, it's on accident but you still did it.

I've been hit so many times i dont feel it anymore(except in the forehead those hurt) which is kind of bad because it's easy to play on. If you want a sport with less pain or something go play golf. I know getting shot that many times isnt part of the game but it happens, suck it up. Next time dont get bunkered and you wont be in this situation :D

03-05-2003, 11:43 AM
Bonus balling is almost uncontrollable. If I send a string of 17 bps at you, and you decide to peek around the corner, I can't pull the 16 that are already in the air away from you.

First of all, you can't send a string of 17 bps at me. You can't shoot that fast (unless you have the roller trigger).

And are you kidding about bonus balls and overshooting being penalties at tourneys? Have you ever watched a tourney???

I haven't watched to many tournaments from the side lines. Mostly played. However, they were a long time ago, and both of those were most certainly penalties. It's quite possible that they are no longer. Tournament paintball rules have taken steps backward. However, here is a rule covering some of it from the NPPL:

10.26. Players that engage in unsportsmanlike conduct, including, but not limited to...excessive shooting at an eliminated player after being warned by a judge to cease such activity...

If the tourney is on the line, I'll shoot you until you get to the deadbox, I have no problem with that, I pay for the tourney, I try to win.

Then you are part of the problem.

Rec games, bonus balls come from high rof...Now, he gets shot once, can i pull the extra balls out of the air? Can you?

Refer to my definitions.

It seems most of the guys complaining about overshooting are the rec ballers with slower guns, or the whiners that cry about everything.

Sorry, but I doubt you that much faster than me. And I am complaining about it. Not because it happens to me, but because I see it happen to others.

It does get to a point where it's excessive. I don't expect to get lit up walking to the deadbox,

But you have no problem doing it to someone else: "I'll shoot you until you get to the deadbox, I have no problem with that"

but as long as I'm behind a bunker, I am ready to take 200 if I have to.

I know you don't mean 200 before you call yourself out, right ;)

If you call yourself out, I'm not gonna stop and wait for you to leave, I'm gonna keep on going

Then you are part of the problem. Give the state of tournament paintball you will probably get away with it for sometime. BTW, I have done the same thing, but it was in response to players calling themselves out and then asking the ref for a paintcheck. I did not make a habit of it

Wc Keep
03-05-2003, 11:52 AM
"I'll shoot you until you get to the deadbox, I have no problem with that"

this just isnt acceptable. theres no need to keep shooting at him. plus if the tourney is on the line and you get shot and you shoot someone else thats a penalty.

03-05-2003, 12:40 PM
hey syntax, you were playing at rex when that happened right? i heard about all those fights and stuff when i was there on monday night.. sounded interesting :)

my take on it, i think it depends on how the field is set up, and the situation of play. obviously, noone likes getting shot, ESPECIALLY if you're already out. i think the universal rule should be that any person with their gun raised, is out. this would eliminate the dead mans walk bs, and it would let alive players know not to shoot out players. rexplex's airball field is VERY small, and when you're out, if you are running to the deadbox, you can easily expect to take a couple of shots on the way there. you run accross so many firing lanes on that tiny field, you cant expect anything else.

the occaisional bonus ball is okay IF the player is cheating, walking off without his gun above his head, or trying to dead man walk to your end of the field.

overshooting is not okay at all. it happens, due to the fact that its an accident, but when it's intentional, there should be some type of punishment.

03-05-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Surreal
The occasional bonus ball is okay IF the player is cheating, walking off without his gun above his head...

If the player is not properly signaling his elimination, it ain't a bonus ball! :D

03-05-2003, 04:25 PM
my philosophy... get off the field or get shot... armband or not.

03-05-2003, 04:54 PM
Yes some people are WAY too hot-headed. I pulled a run-thru and one of the guys I shot came after me yelling that if I ever shot him again he'd give me one in the eye. I didn't even overshoot him, some people...

03-05-2003, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Surreal
hey syntax, you were playing at rex when that happened right? i heard about all those fights and stuff when i was there on monday night.. sounded interesting :)

Yeah I was playing that day, it was being talked about? Hehe, better watch my back when I go there tonight:D

Not really interesting, more immature hehe

03-05-2003, 09:56 PM
I don't mind tanking 2-3 shots when I walk off... But even so, I make is very clear that I am out, I yell, HIT HIT, OUT OUT, or whatever I feel like at the time. Then I put my gun up in the air, then stand up slowly and walk off. I have stood up before after having my gun very visable.. and taken 2 in the mask.
The most blatant thing that has ever happened to me was when the game was over... A guy from my team starts drilling my in the back after a stood up from my spot from advancing on the field...
People so need to cool off. I went with a group of people, let off 5 shots BEFORE a person was out, and as he stopped shooting and raised his gun, while running, 3 hit him in the hand. He started with the F--k display, and even went as far to say he was going to, quote(from a ref): kick my ***. That is WAYY to far for me. Being 15, and him somewhere between 25-30, I was scared. But then again if he did hit me, I could sue and get rich. Way to far for 3 balls.... And he didn't wear gloves because they didn't let him shoot fast enough... Would you rather take 3 in the hand... Or shoot what? 2 bps slower... God get real. Now if I was 10-12 years old and that was my first time playing, I can seriously say, I would have never played again after being threatened like that, over a GAME.

03-09-2003, 05:24 AM
I don't know about the rest of you, but when I am hit Iam expecting people to keep playing and try to get the others on my team. I put my gunup and get the hell out of the way! I mean this is the game we chose to play. You know there are balls flying, move! If someone is intentionally shooting at me, different story. But I can only think of one time this happened to me. Other than that, I get out of the way fast and have no problems.

03-09-2003, 11:11 AM
yea, it depends on the situation, i was pinned down, so i ran...stupid move, but it was stupid to stay where i was. i got lite up like a *POOF* christmas tree i got hit like 6-8 times before i even realized i was hit...then i kinda walked to the fence and limped of the feild. paintballs don't hurt, but when you get 6 of them in a row, then they start to, hell i had 3 extra nipples for like a month. but i didn't 'complain about that at all

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