View Full Version : Oswego State paintball takes 2nd

03-03-2003, 10:50 AM
we played a 3 man tourny at Fury Paintball last night. Two of the guys from oswego state had never played tournys before and this was our first time playing as a team. but yeah we took second, losing only one game (unfortunatly that was the game that counted). there were a hand full of mags there, i was the only one on my team to shoot one. But i think i sold like 10 LX kits, people were asking to put there finger in my marker all night, i was the ony mag there with LX alot of old mag shooters were talkin about buyin another mag cause they love the marker but hated the chops. we even measured my mag compared to an impy, my mag from bottom of tank to top of hopper was 16 inches, the impy was 21 inches. but yeah i told everyone to sign on to AO and see what other people are sayin...all in all it was a great night and ALOT of fun. Thanks AGD!!!