View Full Version : internet problem

03-03-2003, 10:30 PM
Guys I am in a dilema and would like ur fair opinion on this. I was in a trade with this guy my angel air for his maxflow. We were going to go thru third party but he convinced me that he would send his tank to me first and then I would overnight my tank on monday. Well I received his tank on monday and after looking at it, it is not at all what I expected. He gave me no mounting rail to mount it and he screwed off his new gauges on the tank and put old ones on. heck this tank is high pressure and it has impulse low pressure gauges on it! The part that the mounting rail conects too looks like his dog has been chewing on it to long. The thing looks like its never been cleaned. Well now that I am not sending my tank to him today he is very angry with me saying that he will give very negative feed back. (which matters cause pbnation is where I get most offers) I dont know what to do but I will not get ripped off. What should I do. The guy wants me to overnight it to him and pay for his shipping fee's also. He said the max is in perfect condition and it isnt. I am thinking about taking pics to show everyone and then overnight it back. what do u think?

03-03-2003, 11:01 PM
Take pictures and document it.

Show him what you think is wrong with the tank and ask him why he didn't tell you the truth about it.

Save all your convo's


03-04-2003, 11:06 PM
Guys here is an email that i sent him as of late. What do u think. Did I do the right thing?

I have sent out ur tank the tracking number wont work 2 hours after i send ur tank. I think rather than bicker we need to talk. Here is my problems with the tank and whats going on. When I first received ur tank on monday, It was between 4-5 in the afternoon. Upon receiving the package, I was appalled at the condition ur tank was in. I first noticed what I have told u that, The rail was missing, and the place on the tank attached to the rail was chewed out big time. I have never seen a maxflow in that condition. Honestly bro. I looked at the gauges and knew the one that tells u the pressure thats left on the tank was from an old style maxflow. and the low pressure gauge looks like its from an impulse. U gave me a high pressure reg with a low pressure gauge, (what if I wanted to run my cocker at 400 how would i be able to tell what pressure is in the gun? ) and then when u call u tell me that these are aftermarket guages when I know they're not. Why would u buy aftermarket regs from the same company that the tank comes from.They are nearly a downgrade; the question the comes up is why? Then I looked at the tank closer, It was in massive need of cleaning. There were pieces of paintball shells in the reg. If u took the reg off the gun u could see paint and pieces of shell. U gave me no Fittings so I have to waste more teflon and take the fittings off my air. The arm that turns the maxflow on is missing a chunk of metal. The tank had casual but acceptable tool marks on it which I understand but The chewed top isnt acceptable. U even glued on the lok sok it came with. Not completely sure but that might be hazardous or void warrenties to the tank. I definetly know that I would have to cut the lok soks off to rehydro and to put any type of tank cover on.

When informed u about this U said u would send me new gauges, springs, dow, and work on getting a new arm. Though I dont know how i would even go about taking an arm off. U were very respectable on the phone and I command that. Our communcation was probably the best I have seen at of the many times I have dealt with people. AIMs, emails and numerous phone conversations went on. When I decided to send the tank back u said u wanted it over nighted, and ur shipping cost back. Well that's all good and dandy but who would really do that. U told me the tank was in good condition and it wasnt. So in less than 24 hours I turned around and sent ur tank back. Unfortunately I was only able to make to the post office after 4 and If I shipped it over night to u the postmaster stated that It would only be guaranteed to get to u on thursday due to it being over 4 o' clock. I have a turn around time over less than 24 hours and u tell me that ur contacting the police on me? I mean I really believe that it childish. Ur demands to get the tank to u overnighted and u wanted me to pay the price for u to ship the maxflow to me. Which u claim was some 15 dollars (no so sure I did the same thing with a bigger box for 10) is ridiculous. I mean I am going to take a 40-50 dollar loss with u having no loss and this orginally started cause u lied about the condition of ur tank. Yes I realized that I lied and said that I would over night it but even if I did what the result have been different? I dont think so. I am utterly disgusted with what happened here and I am glad what I was able get a snap shot of the tank so people may have some idea of what I went thru.

03-04-2003, 11:16 PM
Take pictures,and any convos you had you should post if you can.

03-05-2003, 04:37 PM
Just a little reply to this thread, but he cannot call the cops on you if you used a website to trade, buy, sell, auciton, ect. My parents have an EBay business with thousands of feedback and a couple negatives that shouldn't have been there in the first place. They get lied to, cheated, and blackmailed. So what you are going through is common.

I will ask my parents for some advice for you. They might be able to tell me something that could help in your current situation. But for now you need to get us a picture of that tank, if you took one before you sent it back. and post it and keep on posting any conversations between the two of you.