View Full Version : So who's good with a camera?

03-04-2003, 10:45 AM
alright guys,

I want to do an XMag article in an upcoming issue of PGI magazine, and need some help from you. If you have a camera and a computer (ok, so I guess you do have a computer), can you please email me some pics of your beloved XMag. They need to be hi-res (at least 300dpi, at least 600k), and I need three sorts of pics:

1)the whole gun on its own, preferably on a white background
2) parts of the gun up close (trigger, milling etc)
3) you holding the gun

Please send them to me at [email protected] and your baby may end up in the pages of PGI.

thanks guys
Editor, PGI

03-04-2003, 11:26 AM
Ant I have some high res pics of my X-mag with a white back ground. None of me holding it though. I'm usually the one taking pics :)

I've zipped em up but it's a huge file... just under 16meg... is your e-mail server open to take that?

When is the article due? AGDE are currently in the process of making my custom manik-e-mag and I could give you CAD renderings of that as well as some pics of the body etc....

03-04-2003, 11:43 AM
Come to think of it, if you want CAD renderings of the C&C X-mag I can provide those also... even show a simulation of the toolpath and it being machined?

Not sure if that will be of any relevance to your article at all but if it might be just let me know.

Since you are so close to AGDE you might want to try for some pics of the prototypes, how it was developed live and with feedback from the forums might add an interesting twist to how AO has played a part? The first Aztec one we did got slated here so it never made production :)

03-05-2003, 11:16 AM
Come on people! Help Ant out.

This is your chance to get your gun and maybe yourself famous on the hallowed pages of PGI!

Why aren't all the X-mag owners clambering all over this? (Maybe cos Ant gave the thread such a rubbish title? ;) )

Ant if you want some more action shots I have some from the WC of me playing (one of which I was chuffed with) I think Cleo(?) Has the rights to it probably though? and I'd need to get it scanned in...

Also I'm guesting with Rooster and Beaker at Sparklies M25 league so maybe we can get some action pics then.

03-05-2003, 11:28 AM
I’ll help!

Hey Tom, you want to send me an X-Mag?!?! ;)


03-05-2003, 01:27 PM
haha. i'm with shartley on that one. i'm good with a camera. i could get some nice pictures of an xmag. too bad i don't haavvvvve onnnnnne. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

03-05-2003, 06:10 PM
I'm good with a camera ,but, alas I don't own an XMag......

03-05-2003, 06:36 PM
I can get TONS of shots IF I had an XMag :D.

:DPretty Please:D
