View Full Version : Team Don't Know takes 3rd at final HRL event of the season!

03-04-2003, 11:12 AM
My team, Dont know (formerly Paper Cut), took third (we got new dye invisions for it) at this weekends Houston Rookie league event. All three of us shoot Level 10 mags. My brother shoots a classic, and Scott shoots a retromag and I shoot a warped microRT with a z-grip. We didnt have a single ball break or hot gun penalty over the entire tournament. Quite a tribute to the performance of AGD's guns. It was great fun. The 2nd place team had two warped emags as well. There was a great showing by the mag shooting teams. Inspite of great time we had, I did manage to have a terrible thing happen to me and my gun. We were running out of time in a crucial semi-final match and It was down to a 1 on 1. I had the flag so I decided that I was just going to have to make a break for the flag station, bunker the guy, and hang the flag. As I was going to bunker the guy and hang the flag, I ran into something. I was so concentrated on nailing the guy that I wasnt really paying attention to the huge tractor tire bunker that was right ahead of me. After I did the guy, I looked up and there was a rather large bunker about 3 feet in front of me. I thought to myself, "whoa... when did that get there?" Followed by, "oh ####!, I cant stop...this is gonna hurt!" I ended up slamming into the bunker sending my hopper and warp flying. I snapped the plastic warp housing and broke the warp hose. We did end up winning that game despite the fact that I was the last player on my team and was pulled for being more than 5 ft from live equipment. (the hopper flew about 10 feet!) The guy that I bunkered was playing on after being eliminated (by trying to shoot me as I ran by), and was penalized. Due to the fact that none of his teammates were left, they couldnt do a 1 for 1, so they gave us the automatic flag hang. We had another game on another field in 5 minutes, so I had to work fast to fix my gun. It involved a lot of electrical tape.... We taped my warp back to the gun... we had to use 1/2 a roll just so it was stable enough to be used. I also had to wrap the hose in tape because it got a huge split in it. Despite all the abuse I put the gun through, everthing still worked. the warp and the hopper still fed, and the gun still shot. I was thoroughly impressed at that. I didnt expect the warp to work after that, but it did. The field was making a video of the tournament that will go on sale later. They told me that they are definitely putting that in the video. As soon as I get a copy, I'll see if I can get someone to host the clip. Im sure you guys would get a kick out of seeing me hurt myself and my gun! :)

03-04-2003, 11:56 AM
Good job! Always good to hear that AGD products are helping to win games.

P.S. Personaly I would have used Duct Tape! :D ;)

03-04-2003, 12:51 PM
Woulda used duct tape, but all we had was electrical tape. :)

03-04-2003, 01:45 PM
Your team? :) We heard him run into the tire from the dead box across the field.