View Full Version : Representing AGD... Need Help!

03-04-2003, 07:04 PM
Here's tha deal...




You may be thinking, DERN that CDAWG has some MAD AGD pride, but in reality I can't express my pride with this midge sticker. I just bought a tunamag and of all the awesome things it DID come with, it lacked any AGD stickers (this one is from a friend who recently bought an Emag - it did come with a sticker gah) . I want AGD Stickers. If you want car audio stickers, I have a few tite ones (DYNAUDIO, JBL, XM Radio, Dynamat). I personally don't put them on my car because it's like saying, "I have a lot of money in this BIA, come steal me!" But this thread actually is my attempt to get some tite free stickers. I mean hell, its free advertising for AGD right?

If you don't like this thread please don't "flame". To me the whole concept of arguing/bashing people on the internet is funny, but really people get something else to do. Like find me some free stickers. PM me if you really have some to send. Maybe I'll give you like $0.37 for shipping.

03-04-2003, 07:07 PM
PM me your address and I will send you some. My treat. Well AGD's treat but... ;)

03-04-2003, 07:16 PM
The AO community never ceases to amaze me...:D

03-04-2003, 07:27 PM
OH WAIT!!!! that is a Chevy... Hmmmm..... :D

03-04-2003, 07:40 PM
Hahaha my dad, brother and I ALL have Chevy (well actually GMC) Z71s, so don't hate! I noticed your truck in another thread and its nice... But since you decided to hate...

- Buy a Ford and you buy the best, Drive a mile and walk the rest.

- Nothing runs like a Ford. Thank God.

- 90 percent of all Ford's made in the last ten years are still on the road, The other 10 percent made it home.

- Q: How is a golf ball different from a Ford?
A: You can drive a golf ball 200 yards.

- Q: Why are there sidewalks beside most streets?
A: So Ford owners will have a nice place to walk home.

- Q: Did you hear about the new Ford Trucks?
A: They come with tailgate heaters to keep your hands warm when you are pushing them home.

- A man pulled up next to a little girl walking home from school and said "If you get in, I'll give you a lollypop." The girl kept walking. Following along slowly, the man said "Come on and get in the car with me and I'll give you two lolly pops." She kept her eyes on the sidewalk and continued on her way. The man said "Get in with me and I'll give you this whole bag of lollypops!" Finally, the girl turned and said "Look daddy, YOU bought the Ford, YOU ride in it!!!"

I'm sorry I just had to post that... you started it!:mad: :)

Archangel Damien
03-04-2003, 07:47 PM
the little girl joke is a classic :D

03-04-2003, 07:51 PM
We have car windshield stickers in the store!!


big stick (http://store.airgun.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=17&Product_ID=348&CATID=7)

03-04-2003, 07:52 PM
(cphilip slowly subtracts stickers from cdawgs pile...)

03-04-2003, 07:54 PM
...and they are indeed hot too! I almost forgot about them!

03-04-2003, 08:07 PM
Thats a waste of a windsheild sticker phil...jk:D :p

03-04-2003, 11:44 PM

those of you who would rather push a chevy than drive a ford usualy end up doing just that :)

I really think agd should make a big lion crest for back windows

03-05-2003, 01:49 AM

Nuff said.

RT pRo AuToMaG
03-05-2003, 02:20 AM
Ferrari, all i've got to say.

And plus phil's truck is the pimpest of them all! Don't hate!

03-05-2003, 08:37 AM

03-05-2003, 08:42 AM
HMMMMM Trucks.

If it meets your needs, it is the best truck on the market. PERIOD. :D You just have to HAVE one. ;)

I WANT ANOTHER TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am going to get one this summer! (Note: I have been saying that for the past 3 years, and something always came up… grrrrrrr But I think I have it budgeted this time. :))

03-05-2003, 12:57 PM
It's all about the windshield sticker!