View Full Version : Anyone cathing the Metallica/Sanatarium tour this summer?

paint king
03-05-2003, 06:49 PM
Just what the title says. Also let me know where your going to it. Thanks.

03-05-2003, 07:00 PM
Dude i cant wait for it bro, i just got clearence from my parents for me and my best friend to go its gonna be great :D

paint king
03-05-2003, 07:01 PM
Yeah i cant wait either.......

Me and my 3 best friends who all happen to play paintball are driving up to montreal for the day. Should be great.

03-05-2003, 07:03 PM
Damnit!!! I just checked the schedule agian and charlotte NC isnt there anymore :( :( :( now if i can only find away to get to alanta.

paint king
03-05-2003, 07:05 PM
Do anything to see Metallica in concert. It's worth it.

03-05-2003, 07:08 PM
last time i saw metallica was when they toured with gnr. my lord did they make axl look like the chump he really is. i would like to take in this tour, i like metallica and limp bizkit, whats the addy for tour info?

paint king
03-05-2003, 07:10 PM
Im lookin at the dates right now.....


There u go.

03-05-2003, 07:21 PM
thanks for the link, i actually decided to use my melon and i went to limp bizkits site and got the dates.

Current Tour - Summer Sanitarium Date Location Country Venue
7/4/2003 Pontiac,MI USA Silverdome
7/6/2003 Foxboro,MA USA Gillete Stadium
7/13/2003 Orlando,FL USA Citrus Bowl
7/19/2003 Columbus,OH USA Ohio Stadium
7/25/2003 St. Louis,MO USA Edward Jones Dome
7/27/2003 Minneapolis,MN USA Metrodome
8/1/2003 Denver,CO USA Invesco Mile High
8/3/2003 Irving,TX USA Texas Stadium

edit: this is not a full list. on tickmaster they have several more dates but at $75 a ticket i will pass on this.

03-05-2003, 07:34 PM
who sold out now?!?!! they were good up until load... re-load just .... im gonna shut up.

also.. limp bizkit.. what the hell is that?!?!

03-05-2003, 08:03 PM
$60 is way too expensive for my tastes, even with how much I love Metallica. It is a bunch of other bands, but I just want to see Metallica.

03-05-2003, 08:05 PM
I'm so looking forward to this concert. I sure hope I get to go. Well, kinda. Limp biscuit and linkin park make me not want to go....

03-05-2003, 08:16 PM
I have two reasons for not going...
1. Limp
2. Bizkit

Although I may suffer through them in order to see METALLICA!!!

03-05-2003, 08:18 PM
oh man.. last I heard, metallica was doing a song with ja rule..

There's no way i'd ever go to see those money grubbin' bastards.

03-05-2003, 08:23 PM
4 of the many reasons I'm not going:
Reason #1: Metallica new stuff sux.
Reason #2: Limp Bizkit, won't be good w/o Wes
Reason #3: Way to expensive for my blood
Reason #4: Mudvayne, no talent in my opinion.

I'd go only to see Linkin, Deftones and the classic metallica stuff. Especially "one"

03-05-2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by AllAmericanMag
I have two reasons for not going...
1. Limp
2. Bizkit

Although I may suffer through them in order to see METALLICA!!!

Man you are so exactly right!! Love Metallica...hate limp bizkit. Metallica needs to come out with their new cd now! i dont want to wait till june.

03-05-2003, 09:28 PM
Nothing wrong with Limp Bizkit, just Fred Durst. :)

BTW, the loss of Wes Borland isn't that great. How guitar intense are the songs? How creative is the guitar work? Not much, he left because as an artist, Limp Bizkit isn't the greatest band to be in for a guitarist.

Although Metallica's Load and Reload CD's weren't great for Metallica, it is good music. If another band were to have released those songs, they would have been seen differently. As Metallica music, the albums just didn't sound like them, but it's still good music.

I've grown to accept those albums. I have Load. It is in actuatlity pretty good to listen to.

Metallica's new album is supposed to sound a lot like Puppets, or so I've heard from the DJ's on the radio.

03-05-2003, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by nippinout
Although Metallica's Load and Reload CD's weren't great for Metallica, it is good music. If another band were to have released those songs, they would have been seen differently. As Metallica music, the albums just didn't sound like them, but it's still good music.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

paint king
03-07-2003, 05:58 PM
Yeah i agree with all of you on the limp bizkit and linkin park thing, but for metallica ill wait. They should be playing some of the really new stuff off the new album, which hopefully is better than load and re-load. Just as nippinout said though load and re-load isnt bad its just not real "metallica".

03-07-2003, 06:57 PM
I have a good friend that is but I dont think I will be...

03-07-2003, 08:13 PM
i was going to go to the show in toronto, but we decided not to.

i'm gonna try and win tix off of the radio for the detroit show though :)...good luck me

03-08-2003, 01:58 AM
Metallica died sometime after the And Justice For All album. Metallifu@!s

03-08-2003, 10:17 AM
I agree...Metallica's older speed metal is way better than their newer stuff (black album on) but they still rock though. Plus, their tour has a lot of other good acts on it. A former team member of ours is organizing a road trip to go catch one of the dates on the tour...the St. Louis one. Hey Aaron (lopxtc), if you're planning on going let me know. Maybe you could hook up with our group.

johnny dee
03-08-2003, 07:59 PM
the closest one to me is in washington dc and ill be DAMMNED if i miss it....there my favorite band ever and one of the main reasons that i picked up the guitar in the 5th grade....thats when i got ...and justice for all. and have been hooked ever sence.

03-08-2003, 10:50 PM
never been to a Metallica concert, but would love to.

Am I the only one that thinks they looked better after they got cut their manes off?

03-08-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
never been to a Metallica concert, but would love to.

Am I the only one that thinks they looked better after they got cut their manes off?

Sorry, they are still good, but they were 10x better in their earlier days. :D

03-08-2003, 10:56 PM
10 times better? in reference to what?

03-09-2003, 03:50 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
never been to a Metallica concert, but would love to.

Am I the only one that thinks they looked better after they got cut their manes off?

Although they don't have the rockin hair as long as they used to, they are growing some of it back from recent pics.

Load had them all with very short hair.

Kirk has been balding from day one. Lars HAS been bald from day one lol.

BTW, the new Metallica album is going to rock as well as the new Linkin Park.

03-09-2003, 05:31 AM
I have floor tickts for the LA show if anyone is interested. Although you'd have to figure out a way to get them from me. Meaning: I won't get them delivered until 2 weeks prior to the show and I need to be paid in advance.

BTW, I am going as well. Just bought too many tickets.

johnny dee
03-09-2003, 02:26 PM
YES, they did cut there hair off for load and reload, only because james was in a hunting accident and had to have it cut off, so the rest of the band did, and yes whoever siad it Kirk and Lars are both balding. Lars more than Kirk. Whoever thinks that they sold out is wrong, if you listen to kill em' all you can see that Kirk ia playing fast jsut to be fast. No real method to the madness. MetallicA made Kirk take lessons from Joe Satriani. The later albums had musical structure, he used more bluesy riffs and scales instead of just going at it. Trust me im a MetallicAholic and obsessed with MetallicA.

03-10-2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by DaveDog
Metallica died sometime after the And Justice For All album. Metallifu@!s

Amen, brother!

I had the misfortune of seeing Metallica with Danzig and Suicidal Tendencies about 8 years ago. This was after all 3 bands had released their last semi-listenable albums (Black album, Still Cyco and Danzig 3). What a horrible concert it was... Kirk was drunk before hitting the stage and couldn't keep up with a single song. James looked bored, Lars was, uh, Lars. Jason was happy as hell, but only because he was back home in Michigan and had most of his family at the show. They barely made an effort before giving up (and making me wish I had saved my $35 for a ticket to a good show). And to be honest, if you've seen one Metallica show, you've seen them all. Rarely will they actually play something other than the standards, you hear the same tired old jokes and comments, and James still says F in the exact same places. (Not to change subject, but the last time Megadeth came around I saw them at 3 shows over the course of a week. 3 completely different sets, one of which treated us to the best version of The Mechanix I've ever heard.)

Metallica peaked with Justice. It was still filled with pain after Cliff's passing, and despite a weak mix carried the band beyond anything it's released since.

(And don't even get me started on the whole Napster Bad (www.campchaos.com/cartoons/napsterbad) thing. Trading songs was just fine, and encouraged by the band UNTIL they made it big, then it's verboten. Kiss my grits.)

03-10-2003, 06:23 PM
linkin parks new cd should be better than their last one, but it still wont be very good. they have too much rap rapt up in everything

03-10-2003, 11:12 PM
Sorry but I'm still pissed off at them. For a band that built it's fan base around bootlegs of concerts to go after napster truly rubs my rhubarb.

johnny dee
03-11-2003, 03:44 PM
hey, i still love metallica as much as i did before, but i can uderstand y they did that, and true there music was made popular by bootlegs, as my bands is. so i have feel a little bit on both the bands side and the traders side. overall i trade music but i also buy alot of cd's, i use napster, kazaa or some of the other music trading programs to find out wether or not i like a band and if i do like them ill probably go buy the cd.