View Full Version : Another questionnaire: If you were thinking of joining a team...

Duke Henry
03-06-2003, 02:22 PM
What questions would you want addressed, and what information should you be expected to produce?

The last one I posted got a nice response, and I may post the results in the future...

03-06-2003, 03:04 PM
Team's history

Team's financial and travel restrictions

03-06-2003, 03:18 PM
Personally.. I want to know how the team handles misbehavior, training, practice regiment, what events, in what series, in what classification(novice rookie pro), I want to know what kind of team im jioning (aggressive, passive, or passive aggressive) , I want to know to who the established members of the team are and what positions they play on the field, I want to know current sponsorships, what is being done to get further sponsorships, equipment restrictions(due to sponsors), I (since im a front player) would want to know who my back players are, what gun they shoot, how fast they shoot them, and how much paint they bring with them, and wether the team does team paint or individual paint (prefer team since it inspires more cover from my back guys)..

now thats what i can think of for the moment alot of this is found during a practice, but i think you reallly do have to play at least once with a team before you can decide wether they are for you or not

pardon the massive paragraph =D

03-06-2003, 04:48 PM
Event schedule
Attitude towards cheating
Requirements in equipment if nesscasary(sponsors?)