View Full Version : For all of you Lasagna Lovers!!

The Frymarker
03-07-2003, 05:12 PM
Hey guys,

I thought I'd post another recipe after the clam chowder recipes that were oh so good! Make that 2 a month..hehe.

I had an idea for lasagna, I love to cook and eat, Heather's Cheese Lovers Lasagna.

Caution: Do not make this dish if you are lactose intolerant, or you have irrital bowel syndrome. Look no further!

You may need some type of bran the morning after this one, depending on your stomach!

Here goes Alfredo Lasagna

First cook about a half to a pound of hamburger,

I add garlic, onion, parsley, oregano, basil, chive, salt and pepper. To your taste....I never measure!

Boil lasagne noodles.

When hamburger is done add alfredo sauce to it, you can use a jar or make it from scratch

Alfredo sauce, 2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup of water, add grated parmesian, and romano cheese, 2 tbs of butter, pepper garlic, 1 egg yolk, simmer until thick, remove from heat promptly.

Save some sauce for the top of the lasagna.

Noodles should be done now.

Line the bottom of pan with 1 layer of noodles, on top add ricotta cheese, spead with spoon, then add hamburger, then add procuitto sliced thin or Pepporoni if you like to add a little spice to the lasagna, then add shredded mozzerella.

Repeat another layer.

Top layer just noodles, to the noodles take a little bit of garlic olive oil an spread sparingly over the top of the noodles, you can do this with your fingers. This will keep your top layer rom drying out in the oven. Then add some more alfredo sauce to the top, last but not least at some more mozzerella.

Cover pan with tin foil, preheat oven to 350d, place in oven for 35 to 40 minutes depending on your oven.


Depending on your taste add pepporoni slices in there if you like spicy, my kids like bland so I just have the proscuitto.

03-07-2003, 05:47 PM
Sounds mighty tasty, but I lack cooking skills.

03-07-2003, 05:50 PM
Do NOT email that to my wife. I'll be found dead the next morning. ;)

Sounds tastey though...

The Frymarker
03-07-2003, 05:57 PM
Hehe, no it is not a count your calories, or cholesterol meal.

My husband and kids are extremely picky eaters, when I made this last night there wasn't any left out of 13x9" baking pan.

It weighed roughly in the range of 7 pounds.

Kids the worst eaters, you know a recipe is good when your 4 and 2 year old ask for more.

03-07-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by The Frymarker
My husband and kids are extremely picky eaters...you know a recipe is good when your 4 and 2 year old ask for more.

Boy, aint that they trust. We make separate meals for the kids (6 and 9). There is NO way i'm eating what they eat!

BTW, I'm one of those latose guys. I can eat lasanga, but that thing would kill me! My wife would love it, however...

No emailing her! :D

The Frymarker
03-07-2003, 06:15 PM
Yes Hitech, I usually do the same, they never eat what I make.

For a while there I was making 3 separate meals, one for me, one for Tony and one for the kids.

Once in a while I hit upon something that everyone will eat.

Lucky me!!

Yes this isn't for lactose people, there is absolutely no red sauce in this dish!

The kids hate red sauce.

03-07-2003, 06:53 PM
That stuff sounds VERY good in fact...

Load SM5
03-07-2003, 07:15 PM
Oh my God my heart just stopped. If you found away to incorporate something fried, chili, or brown gravy (or all 3) in there it would be just perfect.;)

03-07-2003, 08:06 PM
How much do you guys eat?

I have been taking in around 6000-8000 calories a day for the past few weeks.


Maybe it's time to bust out a camera so we can do a before and after :o

I'm not like obese or anything, but it's to the point that when I slap one side of my face, you can see a "wave" travel across my face.

03-08-2003, 01:05 AM
Man that sounds mighty tastey. Don't think I've ever seen Lasagna with Alfrado sauce but it does seem like it woudl be good(really good to use it on pizza). I'll have to get my mom to cook it since I too am not the greatest cook of anything that doesn't come out of a box.

03-08-2003, 03:47 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Oh my God my heart just stopped. If you found away to incorporate something fried, chili, or brown gravy (or all 3) in there it would be just perfect.;)

hmm what about deep fried lasagna bites to dip in chili with mashed potatoes and brown gravey? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :D

The Frymarker
03-08-2003, 08:05 AM
Okay after controlled test subjects, me, my husband, and the two little ones, the outcome of one of the tests failed.

My husband stomch evidently is not as forgiving to garbage as mine and the kids. Let's just say he had many trips to the bathroom....funny because I thought cheese was an insta-bind material.

I made more and ate it.

Oh my God my heart just stopped. If you found away to incorporate something fried, chili, or brown gravy (or all 3) in there it would be just perfect.

Oh that's an easy one! Fry mashed potatoes, add some chili and brown sauce on toast, yep had that before.

How much do you guys eat?

I have been taking in around 6000-8000 calories a day for the past few weeks.


Well my hubby eats a lot, I'm prego and going to balloon up anyway..might as well enjoy it!

Load SM5
03-08-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
hmm what about deep fried lasagna bites to dip in chili with mashed potatoes and brown gravey? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :D


03-08-2003, 07:25 PM
Congrats Frymarker! You're going to need a larger lasagna pan. ;)

Wc Keep
03-08-2003, 07:53 PM
hey heather when are you going to adopt me????? i love my mothers lasagna but she hasnt made it in forever. think im going to have to make her make this.

03-09-2003, 11:26 PM
heh... sounds like it would be quite good... i'm a damn little picky eater but this sounds like something good... when my mom makes lasagna, i just take off the top layer of cheese and eat the rest :rolleyes:

The Frymarker
03-10-2003, 02:10 PM
hey heather when are you going to adopt me????? i love my mothers lasagna but she hasnt made it in forever. think im going to have to make her make this.

Adoption hehe I love to cook for people. I really love to go to the paintball games and have like a tailgate party on our car. I break out the dogs and chips.

I feed everyone;)

My hubby said once you need to start charging.

Wc Keep
03-10-2003, 09:37 PM
i can picture heather making this lasagna at the next ao day on the engine of her car.

03-10-2003, 10:38 PM
For the Bechamel (White) Sauce
4 Tbsp butter
4 Tbsp flour
2 1/2 cup heated milk
salt & pepper to taste
nutmeg to taste

For the Meat Sauce
onions - 1 white Vidalia large, 1 sweet red medium
peppers - any ones you want, I traditionally use 1 red, yellow and green (total 3)
1/2 lb each, ground steak & ground pork, ground veal lightly browned in olive oil
1/2 cup dry white wine
2 lb can Tutturosso whole skinned plum tomatoes in their own juice
1 cup chicken stock
2 Tbsp tomato paste (Tutturosso)
1 bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
salt & pepper to taste

Cheese - I use a trio of cheese being Mozzarella, Parmesan and Romano. I traditionally use a ratio of 3:1.5:1 but again, use whatever you like. One note here, I prefer to use regular mozzarella cheese simply because buying fresh mozz can be a bit expensive and it won't really add much to the taste but again, to each their own.

Okay, first I empty the large cans of whole plum tomatoes and my seasoning including the fresh bay leaf into a nice 4.5 qt sauce pan, cover and let them slowly simmer for about an hour.

While the tomatoes are boiling you need to prepare the onions and peppers. For this stage I really recommend that you go to Williams and Sonoma and get a HIGH quality mandoline. (those too afraid to be seen going into W&S can use their website.) The Mandoline will allow you too easily, quickly and professionally slice, julienne and dice the onions and peppers. Follow the directions for your specific mandoline and DICE the onions into smallest size possible (or whatever suits your fancy) and julienne the peppers to whatever size and consistency suits your fancy. (I prefer very small diced and julienne sizes for texture later on)

Once the tomatoes are realty nice and soft (about one hour) I use a stick blender to slightly break them up. Don't puree them cause if you do you'll kill the texture. If you don’t have a stick blender just use a wire potato masher (it looks like a wave oscillation pattern) Let this simmer another 15 minutes.

Okay, so now you have the beginnings of a really nice tomatoes sauce and a friggin HUGE pile of mutilated veggies.

Now you need you huge frying skillet or if you have access to it I really prefer to use a large 5 qt sauté pan. The straight sides allow for much better heat dispersal into the sauce then a skillet does. Okay, heat up the pan and toss in the meat. Brown it lightly until you have a decent amount of moisture in the bottom of the pan and toss in the veggies. At this point it is very important to not let the mixture sit. BE STIRRING!!! Do this for about 3-5 minutes or until the white onions pieces are somewhat translucent. If their brown you cooked' em too long. Now, carefully dump the contents of the sauté pan into the sauce pan along with the tomatoes paste and stir well for about 5 minutes. Go slowly here because you have several elements joining together from the hot juices from the meat and veggies and the hot tomatoes sauce. Avoid splatters! Hot oil burns. (which is why I no longer cook in the nude but that's another story.) Put the cover on and let it simmer for about 15 minutes, checking every few minutes to stir and scrape the bottom of the pan. Don't just mix the top. Keep making sure that nothing sits on the bottom for too long. Let the onions and veggies and meat and everything else just dance together and be friendly with each other.

Boil the lasagna noodles and preheat the oven to 350F.

Next make the béchamel sauce. In a saucepan melt the butter. Add flour, stir to combine and cook for about 3 minutes. Then add the hot milk, and cook whisking occasionally for 3-5 minutes until thickened and lightly coating the back of a spoon. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and nutmeg and set aside. This sauce can be tricky despite its relatively simple ingredients. Don't be afraid to practice making it a few times.

Combine the cheeses in a bowl

You'll want to use a 9x12x13-inch baking dish or larger. Make sure everything is done, meat sauce, béchamel, noodles and dry cheeses and turn off all heat save for the oven. Use a ladle to spread some of the sauce along the bottom of the pan. Not a lot here. Just eh sauce with as little of the bits and pieces is fine. This layer will only serve to aid in removing the lasagna later.

Next put the first layer of noodles, then pt in some of the meat sauce, the some of the béchamel and them some of the dry cheese. Then repeat all layers until you exhaust one or more supplies or the pan is full. The last layer is the dry cheese moisture. Loosely cover with tin foil (make a roof over the top, trying to prevent the foil from actually resting on the lasagna) Bake for about 20 minutes then take the foil off and bake for another 10. This lets the top layer of cheese get nice and crispy.

Let it cool for about 20-30 minutes, cut into serving pieces and place on each serving plate. I an willing to guarantee that you will have lots of extra sauce left over so make sure you have some nice Italian bread and let the guests spoon extra sauce onto their plates to dip.


One last note. I try to make my layers very thin but that is because I often make my own noodles which are about half the thickness of your average store bought noodles and do not need to be boiled so I get about 5 layers but you can expect an average of 3 layers.

Enjoy! Mangiare buono!