View Full Version : Do some rec players go to far?

03-07-2003, 10:46 PM
I play paintball for fun , not to win ( unless its one on one or something).I dont play tournies ,In playing rec ball winning is just a bonus , its nice but who cares if you won or lost. So it drives me nuts to see these insane guys out on the feild yelling and screaming at these younger , inexperienced players if they do something wrong . Shure they may not be to great , but you know they are the future . Do you think thesesguys are gonna keep coming out to be yelled at , I doubt it . Does anyone else think some players are too critical of others .

03-07-2003, 10:54 PM
What the hell are you talking about?

03-07-2003, 10:58 PM
I understand him
And I agree, people take it too far

03-07-2003, 11:01 PM
I remember everyone (including me) going off at this newbie kid w/ an electro spyder for bonus balling everyone he could... Most everyone there were recballers but he needed to learn to have control over his trigger finger.

03-07-2003, 11:05 PM
Squid, did you like click on the wrong post or something? I got his message pretty clearly.

I get what you are saying but it can get fraustrating when people are acting cowardly. Personally I've never yelled at inexperienced players, only the experienced because they know better. Still it can be very annoying when the younger players simply don't know what they are doing. Do we yell at them? NO! Yelling is only going to make it worst and those of us who have yelled at younger players a in a REC ball game should think about what they are yelling about and ask if it is worth it. As for scaring people away, that's not entirely true :) I've been yelled in and out all day when I first started, but it didn't keep me away, it was fun and I wanted to keep doing it ;). I believe it is just some bad apples that do this and it's definitely not the major percentage of paintballers that do this sort of thing, just some bad apples . . .

Also sure is spelled sure not shure ;)

03-07-2003, 11:24 PM
ive been shot from behind in the butt from 5ft away by some inexperienced player with a hot finger....thats no fun....i try to stay away from playing rec ball now...plus its not really alot of fun playing with a bunch of inexperienced players....

03-08-2003, 12:21 AM
I can understand where you are coming from and I agree.

When I go (Which hasn't been for a while :mad: ) I try to get one or two beginners to come with me in the same bunker or next bunker over. So I can give tips during play and such. It takes them two games or so, then I let them go on their own. And I hunt them down. :p

03-08-2003, 01:23 AM
Im sure what he said makes perfect sense, but I suppose I am not properly interpreting it? :confused:

03-08-2003, 08:40 AM
The only time ive ever yelled at a new player was one time a while ago when I suddlenly got shot at by someone on my own team, and I dont know how he could mistake me for someone on the other team. IT wasnt that that made me mad, it was when i yelled "hey im on your team" and he goes "ok" and starts shooting me somemore.

I yell at my freinds for doin stupid crap, but never if I know itl make em mad.

03-08-2003, 08:58 AM
squid what hes saying is that people take rec ball to seriously and spas out on the little ones and newbies when they do something wrong.

03-08-2003, 09:00 AM
I think it depends on the level of Rec Play. The skills and experience of your fellow players and those you are playing against should be taken into consideration.

If it is a normal Walk-on day, if you yell and scream at less experienced players, you are not only silly but being a jerk. The spirit of the game is what matters. If you want a more challenging game, then go find one. There are plenty of fields that cater to the “Tournament” attitude and or higher skill levels. And there is nothing wrong with this…. in fact it is a GOOD thing.

Time and place, my friends, time and place. And normal Rec Play is about the game and having fun… win or lose. Rec… RECREATION. ;)

It is one thing guiding new players and teaching them… it is another thing bullying them and yelling at them.

03-08-2003, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
squid what hes saying is that people take rec ball to seriously and spas out on the little ones and newbies when they do something wrong.

Gotcha...Thanks, but I didnt know that there was such thing as serious rec ballers.lol.

03-08-2003, 09:03 AM
yea, it seems that some people get way to into it. like this one group of guys i played with, they had camo to the max, and thought they were the best snipers in the world or something. and me and this one kid went up one side of the field with them, one got shot and they all started to argue with the ref even though its a clear shot. so me and this kid are trying to keep them from advancing. and then one of the camo guys starts going off on us for not moving up, and keeps shouting at us.

i ask him for some cover fire while i try to move up, and by this time, theres about another 2 guys up there. so this kids on the verge of crying, and this guy won't let up, saying things like its completely our fault if we lose. and i politely as i can let the guy know that this game is supposedly for fun. so he starts going off about something when i shoot him in the foot(not to harm, but to eliminate) and said, you're out.

after that they stayed generally far away from us, and when we were together, he had calmed down abit.

-in short, some newbies can use advice, but you don't need to go nuts at them. (except if they keep shooting you on your team :D :D )

03-08-2003, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-

Gotcha...Thanks, but I didnt know that there was such thing as serious rec ballers.lol.
LOL Yes, there are serious Rec Ballers. I am one of them…. when it is the right time and place. I usually save my more serious play for my private field (as well as just having fun).. but when I go to organized fields I go to JUST have fun. I go to be around other paintball players, chat about the sport and things going on in the world, see friends that I have not seen in a while, and to just enjoy the game… win or lose.

Again…. There are serious Rec Games, just as serious if not more so than Tournament play. The format is just different. :)