View Full Version : Why do you love AGD so much?

03-07-2003, 11:16 PM
First of all I'd like to say I like AGD and there products and I support them in whatever they choose to do as long as the quality remains the same. AO is now the ONLY forum I visit, I dumped the rest of them.

Why do you love AGD so much? I know they are a very good company, and is one of the best, but why do we have an obsession with them? I've been trying to figure this one out for a LONG time. Why are we willing to spend $10 for an AGD key chain? And why do we treasure everything with an AGD logo? Personally I think the AO jerseys are ugly, but thats my opinion. What is it about this company that makes it able to have hardcore fans? Is it because some of us have no life :D?


03-07-2003, 11:21 PM
Well I wouldn't spend 10 dollars on a keychain, and I don't mind AO jerseys. I definately don't worship everything with an AGD logo ;)

I have owned a mag for the past 5 years. I think for starters living in wisconsin there are just a lot of mags in the area. As soon as I got my first mag I was just hooked on the performance of the product. A couple years ago I got a taste of the customer service of the company. I just trust the product so much I am too skeptical to go out and experience something else. Everytime I do, it is always a bad experience, or just not as good of an experience as shooting my mag. Cockers were not my cup of tea, The angels I had were nice but just didn't like me... Mag is where its at!

03-07-2003, 11:28 PM
That's funny.... I'm just using AGD on a day to day basis to fulfill my sexual urges.... just like I did my Ex-Girlfriend...

::: crowd- "OOOOhhhhhhhh" ::::


::: guy in backround- "Ooohh snap mofo, you dun up and dissed out the harshness" ::::

~da "has a complexity in da brain" baller

03-07-2003, 11:32 PM
which brings us to our next point.. what the hell is he talking about ;):D

Originally posted by PsychoBaller
That's funny.... I'm just using AGD on a day to day basis to fulfill my sexual urges.... just like I did my Ex-Girlfriend...

::: crowd- "OOOOhhhhhhhh" ::::


::: guy in backround- "Ooohh snap mofo, you dun up and dissed out the harshness" ::::

~da "has a complexity in da brain" baller

03-07-2003, 11:34 PM
Well the thing is. i may not "love" agd as much as a lot of the people. But i do believe that it is the best paintball company of all of them. The main reason is that, Tom, himself, listens to the people's needs. People say z-grip, he says how much of an angle. They also put a lot of pride behind their products. I have yet to see a poor quality product. Many people still use the stock frames and stock barrels, there must be some reason for this. They make sure that their products have no querks before releasing them to the public. (would you rather have a faulty gun now, or a perfected one later?) Basicly, AGD does everything a good company should do...well thats the reason i like it so much....

03-07-2003, 11:41 PM
Good customer service, friendly folks and excellent mechanical markers.

Still not sold on the E-Mag though.

03-08-2003, 01:21 AM
Tom is God! End of story:D

03-08-2003, 01:59 AM
a few main reasons here. 1. their support is THE BEST!
2. the newest upgrades they could come up with still work with their oldest marker (that's still being sold)(68 mag)
3. quote from above: "Tom is God!"

03-08-2003, 09:35 AM
maybe love isn't the right word . . . but HEY LOOK AT THE LOSER :D

03-08-2003, 09:47 AM
I'm not really dedicated to AGD, but I enjoy most of their products. Not a fan of the no-800 number-policy they have goin on at the store, but, that's not a big deal I guess.

Like a few others have said, the simplicity of their markers is a plus. I have an e-mag, and I love it. AGD doesn't produce any poorly designed products, or purely cosmetic upgrades. Take the e-mag, for example. There are plenty of upgrades available, but they all are performance enhancing (the ULE line comes to mind...). I think of all the mid to high end guns out there, AGD's are the most reliable.

Oh yeah and the official forum is alright too, I guess :D

03-08-2003, 10:21 AM
I would like to point out that there is no AGD Keychain to my knowledge. They are AO Keychains. There is a difference. It would be like saying you have a Ford Keychain, or a Mustang Keychain, or even more so a keychain dedicated to an online forum comprised of Ford owners or fans… there IS a difference. ;)

And the $10 is not because it is AO (or that AO is owned by AGD), it is because of the materials used to make it as well as the hands on time it takes to make and finish it. If it was made my machine and mass produced, it would probably cost under $5… but it isn’t. ;) It is all about man-hours, materials, and overall production numbers… which are limited.

Now…. as for why I love AGD…… Well, I don’t “Love” them, it is more like a very strong “like”. ;) They are the company I promote and back for the level of markers they make. When someone wants a lower end marker or have much less funds to work with, I don’t recommend AGD markers… and why? Because they can’t afford them. But once their budgets reach the point of being able to afford an AGD product, I always direct folks to them. I even tell them that from the start.

I DO “love” my RT Pro though! :D

03-08-2003, 10:25 AM
It's just something about that mustache....

03-08-2003, 11:04 AM
Well no one really knows me here; I don't post very often, but I'm here almost everyday browsing through all the new threads and everything.

Anyway, the reason I love AGD is mostly because of the quality. Everything is great quality, very very durable, and is made right here in the good 'ol US of A. Most companies (*cough, cough* WGP! *cough, cough*) have all their parts made in some asian country thousands of miles away by some minimum-wage worker that could care less. AGD actually cares about their product and how their customers feel about it.

Also, Tom asks US what we want to see. He doesn't go out and make random shiny parts for his guns that supposedly make it shoot farther or striaghter, he makes quality parts that actually do make the gun work better. We say we want Z's, he goes and makes them, even though they sold terribly at first. We say we want the fastest, most reliable marker on the planet, he goes and does it, and continues to upgrade it when he finds a problem with it. This is why I love AGD..(I love CCI too, for much the same reasons as AGD)


03-08-2003, 01:02 PM
Tom is cool, AO is even cooler

03-08-2003, 01:03 PM
I truly like them cause everyone of their products is made to the highest quality and every upgrade actually improves performance. Not to mention their customer service blows most other companies out of the water. I also like the fact that Tom consults AO about ideas on products and ideas from this board are actually taken into consideration. Those reasons are why I will always own at least one AGD marker.

03-08-2003, 01:15 PM
It's all about the 'stache.

Now, who wants a mustache ride? :)

03-08-2003, 02:14 PM
Unparralelled dedication to thier customer/fanbase. NO other company can come close to the support AGD gives all thier markers/stuff. Even if you didn't buy from them!

03-08-2003, 02:25 PM
Personally I just like the Lions in thier logo!! :)