View Full Version : warp setup..

03-08-2003, 02:25 PM
Hey guys, I'm thinking about a warp but have a few quick questions that a search didnt help with.

Are you able to use different paintballs without having to re-adjusting your discs? I thought I've read somewhere that they need to be adjusted with for every paint you use, maybe I'm wrong here.

Would you suggest melting your hopper or drilling for the tube?

Only problem I forsee is shooting out the left side of a bunker. I don't really see this as a hassle though, because I can go on top of a bunker and have just as little visible. Just so I can take a few shots out the left side, I'll be fine.. what do you guys think about shooting out the left side, from a righty's grip? Any suggestions?


03-08-2003, 02:36 PM
i have used many many different types of paint without re-adjusting the discs in my warp.

as for melting or drilling, i havent bought a warp feed body yet so i havent had to deal with that issue yet.

with a warp you can tilt the gun almost all the way on its side and shoot out of the left side of a bunker. in my pic below i have the gun tilted at about a 45 degree angle and am shooting down the left tape.

i am very happy with my warp, combined with my hyperframe i can get off some very fast snap shots and maintain a respectible rof, even with a ten year old VL2000 feeder.

03-08-2003, 02:39 PM
Also, I have a Flatline tank, How am I supposed to read the gauges with the warp in the way. I suppose I can adjust the output pressure with the warp off, but what about the amount of air I have left? Is that visible with the warp on, I certainly don't think It will be, but who knows..


03-08-2003, 02:42 PM
No adjusting needed. I too have shot different paint with no problems.

If you have a warp feed, Drill it.

03-08-2003, 02:54 PM
I just "jerry-rigged" a warp to my mag. It's made outta some legos and somehow I got my revvy to stay on it as well. It's a rough "sketch" of it, but I'm not sure if I like it. The no hopper thing is defintaly attractive, but now I'm still debating on a low-rise/ule/egg II or warp.

The low-rise also looks nice. Right now I have a powerfeed for the wrong side. PF right and I'm right handed. But the low rise is quite a bit lower then the PF with the long feed AND elbow.

Any suggestions between the two setups?


03-08-2003, 03:55 PM
if you can then get a warp feed body, tightest it can get