View Full Version : n e one bored and have boogie board!!!!

johnny dee
03-08-2003, 08:12 PM
ok like it says boredand boogie board....more to the story, one time my bro and i had to clean the shed in ot backyard, and we found the old boogie boards so we dicided to keep them and shoot at them, so we put the m up gain our ghetto tagret in the backyard and shoot at it not knowing that they bounce off and come right back at you .....really slow tho of course, and we were like woah man so we would shoot as fast as we could and just run and than we realized that the closer to the house and better angle u put on the shot that it would bounce and hit the house...hard enough to break. so there we were ahooting away and hitting the house and the roof and yellow paint was everywhere. my mom got suspicious when she heard us laughing out asses off so she came outside and she fraked out. had a lot more cleaning to do but it was fun. so thats it. try it one day.

03-08-2003, 09:00 PM
umm..that was really hard to read do to spelling errors and bad grammar, i'm not being mean i'm just trying ta help ya out...

03-08-2003, 10:48 PM
Sounds like fun, although, yeahthatsme has a point about the grammar.

johnny dee
03-09-2003, 09:10 AM
yeah it is fun. sorry about all the spelling ad grammar errors, i was kinda tired when i typed that. not for the fact that u pointed that out i prolly wouldnt have noticed that. thanks

03-09-2003, 11:37 AM
This one time, at band camp..........