View Full Version : Barrels

03-08-2003, 10:03 PM
any sugestions for a barrel. Right now im using a rifled barrel<12in>. Its pretty accurate but when i start rippin the trigger the shots lose consistancy and its annoying. So im wondering if anybody has a barrel that shots like the good ol "perfect" angel.:eek:

03-09-2003, 05:27 AM
honestly, what you're looking at is a problem in the user, not the barrel.

if the gun shoots adequately when you're not ripping on the trigger... Have you had any experience with real firearms. they tell you not to yank the trigger as that causes the gun to move and your shot to go off target. this is what you're seeing. Fix this problem, and your accuracy will return.

you'd have the same problem on an angel or any other gun on the market.

on a side note. Weather a barrel is riffled or not has no effect on accuracy. The biggest factor is paint to barrel match. That is a match on the order of .001". given that you're having good shots sometimes leads me to believe you have a good match already with the brand and style of paint you're shooting.

The long story short, is practice my friend. or.. just don't shoot so fast ;-)

03-09-2003, 09:36 AM
yes, nero is right :) If your shots start out accurate then get inaccurate as you fire fast, that means you are yanking the gun around a little or the paint is very inconsistant (highly unlikely)

03-09-2003, 12:30 PM
Paint / Barrel Match


03-09-2003, 01:52 PM
Dude it sounds like an air supply/recharge problem. If you have a mag check to make sure you're reg seat is clean and doesnt have any flaws, and run some oil through your valve. If you're using a secondary reg, get rid of it. Maybe your tank could need servicing, who knows, but what you're referring to is "drop off", when you shoot too fast for one component of your setup to provide airflow, so your shots come out slower during fast firing.

03-10-2003, 09:03 AM
Its not from the gun bouncing around. I cant really explain it, so ill just ask what barrel yall think has the best accuracy<long rang>. By the way i have an Automag RT with the lvl 10 superbolt

03-10-2003, 10:01 AM
all barrels that are decent will have similar accuracy and range IF THE PAINT TO BARREL MATCH IS GOOD. I personally use the Lapco brand of barrels. I have two barrels. one for med paint, and one for large paint. I can shoot any kinda paint I want. Ive shot freaks, CP kits, Dyes and most everything else. I keep going back to Lapco