View Full Version : Sniping

03-09-2003, 01:54 PM
I just started paintballing, and I would like to know what the best setup would be for a sniper. I don't play speedball, only woodsball.

I currently own a VL Genesis Surge II, with a 10in. barrel and 4 in. of fluting. I was also wondering if I should get a longer/better barrel for my VL until I purchase a new gun (for improved accuracy, etc.).

Is that $30 laser at WalMart really worth $30?

Please, no biased answers.

03-09-2003, 01:55 PM
I'd buy a ghillie suit and a tree stand. You know how to climb trees right? That's where the best sniper shots are!

03-09-2003, 01:58 PM
Sorry, maybe I should have been a little more specific. By setup, I meant which gun, what type of barrel, etc.

I've already got some good sniping positions picked out in the woods we play in.

03-09-2003, 02:01 PM
Oh, hmm. That laser is really worth the $30, it's sweet. Get about 3 feet of PVC from the hardware store and add that to the end of the Laser barrel and you're ready to snipe!

03-09-2003, 02:21 PM
Sniping doesn't really exist in paintball, despite the crap in the latest APG.

Now, what I would do if I wanted to specialize in ambushing (which is what paintball 'snipers' actually do) is pick up a 2001 or 2002 black shocker. It's quite consistent and very quiet with the stock All American Barrel, and runs well on CO2 (Since most woods fields don't fill air, or only fill 3000psi).

I'd get a Freak Jr for your Genesis, that way you can just add a freak back and longer tip when you upgrade.

Longer barrels don't really add much, apart from quietening the marker (And that only if heavily ported). Paint to barrel match is the real key. A barrel kit like the Freak or Pipe allows you to match the abrrel diameter to the paint you're using without spending $400+ on barrels.

03-09-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by mykroft
Sniping doesn't really exist in paintball


03-09-2003, 02:32 PM
All the woods ball fields here fill up to 4500. As a matter of fact, Skirmish in PA has a self serve table for filling. I get nervous everytime I see a 12 year old filling his tank, but hey.

As for sniping, get a good pump. You could even get a low end pump, either way, you will feel lke you are a sniper. My suggestions are a Phantom, SNiper II if you have money to spend, a Sterling obviously if you can find one. But the lower end pumps like Tracers and such can be fun as well. Get a lng barrel and you will "feel" like a sniper, but the reality is there isn't sniping in paintball. Get the pumps, and have fun.

03-09-2003, 02:41 PM
First of all all paintball guns shoot the same distance so don't think you can get some setup and be able to shoot further than anyone else. Exceptions are Galactic Z bodies and Flatlines, then you are sacrificing accuracy for distance. Its better just to arc your gun up ward. If you want to be a good sniper get a reasonably fast gun. When you want to hit somebody the first time it helps to have 10balls headed their way before they even know they are getting shot at to make sure you get a hit.

03-09-2003, 03:00 PM
You can sort of "snipe" in paintball, but none of the scope and hidden way far away kind of thing. Just know that if you shoot at them, they can shoot at you, so you want to make the shot worth it. Something you also might want to consider (if you have the patience to be a sniper) is to ambush people. Its pretty hard not to be seen, but its possible, ive seen it happen, and ive seen it successful.

Oh, that "laser" thing wont help at all unless you REALLY cant aim worth anything, and that skill just comes as you play.

Longer barrels do not help with accuracy or distance. Just get a barrel that suits your needs, and for accuracy I'd reccomend an All American. But for true accuracy, you need to get any decent barrel, and find a paint brand that FITS that barrel, and you can achieve almost pinpoint accuracy.

I hate to dissapoint people, but dont get into the whole "sniper" mentality when you play paintball. Unless you have a flatline or something and you REALLY REALLY wanted to, you *could* but frankly, being up there in the action is more fun. Try to get yourself into a small group in the game that has a goal, such as go up the left and flank the other team (always amazing when it works), or things like that. Usually going in small groups is more effective and more fun. If you havent actually played paintball yet, you should play games in a variety of positions until you find the one you like the most.

03-09-2003, 04:09 PM
Thanks for all the tips and such. This is the first paintball forum I've seen where everyone isn't, well, ignorant. I now know who to ask for paintball answers. I may be asking a lot of questions, but I just started playing after Christmas (gun was present).

I feel I should clarify again, hehe. Sorry.:D Now that I've read all this, what I meant before about sniping really is more of an "ambush" style. As for woodsball, I truly mean woodsball. No judges or officiality or anything. More like me and my friend go out into the woods near his house and invite the little kids down the street to get there buts whooped (they use BE Blades, hehe). Basically my friend and I set up "sniping" points in trees and in bushes, which are in reality just ambush spots. As for the barrel, I never really was looking for distance in a shot, just accuracy. Thanks for informing me about the kits!

How much should one of those kits cost? And the All American Barrel?

How much should one of the refiller tanks cost by itself?

And a quick technical question: I think it was in Toms Tips or something, but someone said that the air only pushes the ball 8-10 inches through the barrel, the rest of the barrel guides and *slows* the ball. If you have, say, a 16 inch barrel, couldn't you just increase the velocity to put more pressure into the barrel and have it leave at the *same* velocity as a shorter barrel? If so, wouldn't that increase the accuracy?

03-09-2003, 04:14 PM
First off, velocity in the barrel matters only to efficiency, since you chrony the ball after it exits the gun (If you're playing outlaw without a chrony, get one, NOW).

Barrel kits are usually about $200

If you want more distance, the only real option is teh tippmann Flatline. You lose accuracy and the balls tend to bounce at extreme range. (As far as I knoww, Z-Bodies aren't being made anymore)

03-09-2003, 04:16 PM
I am a paintball sniper!!!

03-09-2003, 04:31 PM
Ok, here's the $200 question. What is in the kit that makes it cost that much?

03-09-2003, 04:45 PM
They usually consist of several sizes of barrel inserts, or total backs, and a front section. This allows you to properly match your barrel to the size of the paint you are shooting. THIS gives you better accuracy and efficiency.

Barrel kits usually come with as little as one size, most go at a 3 size kit, and up to 5 is normal.

I suggest taking a look at any online paintball store and looking at a few of these kits and you will see exactly how it works, and why it costs what it does. You can actually save money if you use the same paint all the time and get ONE barrel that works well with it, OR buy 2 or 3 one piece barrels at $30 a piece to meet your average “large”, “medium”, or “small” paint needs. It is all up to you.

But kits are generally the preferred way to go if you have the funds for it.

03-09-2003, 04:53 PM
If you want a REALLY good barrel system get The Freak Kit from smart parts. It will have a perfect match for paint to barrel everytime. This kit costs anywhere from 180-230 bucks depending on if you get a sale or not.


I would recommend getting the All American tip with the total Freak kit for $200 from their website. Also, an all black barrel to help you hide better and a 12-16 inch barrel. I use a 16 inch barrel and it is very accurate.

03-09-2003, 05:02 PM
One of the most quiet barrels that you can get is the Smart Parts All American. Porting = quiet.

If they can't hear where you're shooting from, it's going to be much more difficult to spot you.

Good luck!

03-09-2003, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by madmatt151
All the woods ball fields here fill up to 4500. As a matter of fact, Skirmish in PA has a self serve table for filling.

Not to derail the thread, but isn't this a lawsuit (or at least an accident) waiting to happen?

03-09-2003, 06:01 PM
With proper vents and some other limitations it may be possible. Like only having tanks that are filled to 3000psi, so when somebody fills from it they cant blow their tank. Its possible, it may be worth saving the extra money a day it takes for someone to operate it.