View Full Version : Cocker Faster Than A Mag??

T 22 M
03-09-2003, 02:19 PM
I always thought that mags were faster then cockers but now im not so sure.... cuz my frined was over and when he set his flatline to 800 psi. and didnt run his trig. and shot as fast as he could then he shot my cocker and it seemed that he was shooting faster on my cocker then he was on his RT...

03-09-2003, 02:23 PM
I know that I can shoot faster on a cocker than a Mag (RT or E-Mag). Doesn't mean the cocker itself is faster.

Angry Man
03-09-2003, 02:31 PM
Well, a stock cocker is faster than a stock mag (2003 vs. classic mag, even 2000+ vs. classic mag) in most people's hands. An intelliframed rt mag is pretty fast, though....in runaway mode, faster than any cocker you can get. Still, it all depends on who's firing the gun.

As for cycling speed, the mag is faster. Stock cockers cycle at 10bps, nice mechanical ones go up to 13-14, electro cockers can go to 25, but then there's major shootdown.

03-09-2003, 02:38 PM
You get shoot down on a cocker no matter what upgrades you have on it around 14bps, 16bps classic mag, 26bps on a Retro. Cocker triggers can be more adjustable though if its an eblade or say a race.

03-09-2003, 02:40 PM
Shootdown on a cocker depends on the valve. Most good aftermarket valves have no noticable shootdown until well north of 18bps.

03-09-2003, 02:47 PM
Absolutly stock, 2003 cockers can shoot faster than stock mags. However, when a mag is upgraded, it can blow past a cocker

03-09-2003, 02:54 PM
But once you slap on a hinge you can shoot faster than a retro, set the hinge to a few mm. - the full auto sweetspot on the retro

03-09-2003, 02:55 PM
My friends cocker when he starts ripping on his E-blade gets visible shootdown with his shocktech rat valve. We swaped it out with a maddman and it was a little harder to get it to shootdown but it did happen. Judging by his bolt open, closed, and hammer release cycle time he is probably shooting around 16bps. I don't think he is maxing at 16bps the whole time, so its probably reasonably lower.

03-09-2003, 02:56 PM
Try a Red valve or a Tornado. Very high flow rates.

The Shocktech Rat is a good design, for 1997/1998 when it came out.

03-09-2003, 03:25 PM
I can shoot a Slider Faster than an Intellaframe. When you add RT's the arguement becomes rather stupid. Sure the mag is faster but its a Apples and Oranges comparison. Now a E-Mag in Semi mode and an Electro Cocker is a fare comparison.

03-09-2003, 05:17 PM
My E-MAG on hybrid shoots 16 plus no problem.
Fast enough for me.:rolleyes:

Temo Vryce
03-09-2003, 08:15 PM
The E-Mag has been proven to Cycle at 30bps, show me a Cocker that can meet that.

As for your friend shooting faster on his cocker than on your mag it's just a matter of what he/you are used to shooting.

03-09-2003, 08:18 PM
this arument is an oxy-moron. Cockers aren't not ment to be fast. If you want to shoot fast, go out an buy an electronic marker like an Angel or Intimidator.

Neither markers can shoot themselves therefore neither is faster than another. Some maybe able to shoot faster on a Cocker, some maybe able to shoot faster on a Mag because they have different feels to them and people pull triggers differently and are used to different feels. ie if you have shot a Mag for say like 10 years, you will be able to shoot a Mag faster than a Cocker. However if you have been shooting Cocker for an equivilant 10 years, you will be able to shoot Cockers faster.

03-09-2003, 08:18 PM
I'll race a cocker anyday with my emag

03-09-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by magmonkey
I'll race a cocker anyday with my emag

Now here is a great idea!

Think before you post.

Electro versus Mechanical? A HUGE majority of electro guns will blow past ANY mechanical marker.

Even if you are joking, this is really starting to be such a trendy thing to say on this forum..."my mag" or "this mag" Even though this is a mag forum, try not to cary such a huge bias.

03-09-2003, 09:25 PM
Freeflow claims their rams can cycle at 35cps. But then their are the limits of other parts of the gun.

03-09-2003, 09:38 PM
The reason freeflow says their ram can do 35 is to demonstate that if anything is gonna limit your speed, it's not gonna be your ram, assuming you shoot less than 35 bps. Once your faster than 35 bps, you're on your own.

I personally can shoot faster on a slider frame cocker than I can on even a real nice mag. I guess I'm lucky.

Angry Man
03-09-2003, 09:41 PM
Freeflows have been shown cycling at 20-25, but there would be serious shootdown. The fact is, however, that you'd have to be pretty amazing to shoot in excess of 15bps sustained. I know I couldn't sustain that speed in a game, and almost no one could. Neither cockers nor mags will have any shootdown around 15bps if set up right, and that's as fast as almost anyone will sustain in a real game. So for an emag vs. an e-cocker, as with all electros, the only real factor is which electronic trigger you prefer.

03-09-2003, 10:16 PM
Does it matter?! I don't think anyone could pull any trigger faster then either gun could recharge.

03-10-2003, 05:55 AM
Played with both, i must say though a nice blade trigger well set up on a cocker can rip very nicely :D however though an RT with an i ntelliframe aint half quick either depends whose pullin the trigger:confused: In my opinion i prefer a mag dont know why just when i seem to pick up a cocker i make coleslaw :p haha O well it will always go back to that battle between mag and cocker owners :D

Just my few pennys worth

Mike :D

(p.s my future marker will be a race evo when i finally rob a bank :p)

03-10-2003, 08:16 AM
These questions and ensuing arguments are pointless. They are like arguing about what car is faster… well, it all depends. And when you stop and think about it, the times between the fastests cars are so small that “WHO CARES?!?!” LOL

Same with markers. Get what you like. The difference between being able to shoot 13BPS and 16BPS is not so large that it will greatly affect the average person’s game anyways (that can go for even VERY skilled players as well), not to mention most people who THINK they are ripping blazing fast speeds are probably only pulling 8-10 SUSTAINED anyways. LOL

If you just want to know for “bragging rights”, then you will probably be the guy who gets shot out by some new kid playing with a pump marker.

Get what YOU like, and what YOU are comfortable shooting. Leave the playground chicken chest puffing on the playground…. It does not matter one bit on the Paintball Field. Skill matters, not that your marker has the “capability” to shoot faster than your buddies.


03-10-2003, 08:33 AM
When I roll on my E-MAG it looks like a garden hose running.
The only Cocker Ive seen come close, is a cocker with an eblade thats it.:p

03-10-2003, 08:39 AM
E-MAG… hmmm I wonder what the E stands for? Of course if someone said their E-Mag in MANUAL mode, that would be different… but they have not.

GEEEE When I shoot my RT Pro I have NEVER seen a pump marker shoot anyplace close to it!

Apples and oranges folks… LOL I would hate to eat apple pie at many of your homes because you will never know what you will end up getting. ;)

03-10-2003, 09:10 AM
E as in Hybrid mode

03-10-2003, 10:11 AM
Thanks for that Shartley.

And I could shoot my emag in hybrid way faster than i could shoot the emag in E, though I still prefered E because it felt like I was the one shooting the gun, not the bounce from the trigger rod.

03-10-2003, 12:45 PM
im suprized no one has mentioned www.butters.org yet

03-10-2003, 01:47 PM
Where do u get that e magnum board ,wow thats cool

big E kingpin
03-10-2003, 02:37 PM
its great owning that gun. i love shooting the fastest gun on the feild. i will race anything, semi not hybrid, and not even break a sweat. then grill a sandwich on the vavle thats how fast it goes. (just kidding about the grilling of the sandwich tihng.)

Evil Bob
03-10-2003, 02:47 PM
How about we do the famous drop test? We take a Mag and a cocker and drop them both off of the observation deck of the Empire State building and see which one is faster in hitting the ground... It would be about as useful as this thread.

-Evil Bob

03-10-2003, 07:03 PM
Come on Bob, it is pretty COOL,Its as close as u come to a real machine gun.
Man you could hurt someone with that bad boy.
Not for any irisponsible kids.
I loved those vids anyone have the one of that dude writing on the barn with the E-magnum?

03-10-2003, 07:25 PM
As far as the bragging rights thing goes, me and a buddy decided being able to shoot 15+ bps is in fact a skill. We've both practiced long and hard on the E-mags, and it takes practice to shoot fast. Well, ok, I like the bragging rights too, and always having to turn it of full auto :D

03-11-2003, 01:43 AM
a stock cocker is definitely faster than a 'mag and you can maintain a relatively decent ROF using C02.

03-11-2003, 09:29 AM
What,u smokin,U mean out of the box fast
stock cockers arent fast at all,not even close to a mag

03-11-2003, 03:36 PM
I shot both a Race Grip Free Flow and the X-mag on the same day one after another. The cocker is faster.

03-11-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by silenttype
What,u smokin,U mean out of the box fast
stock cockers arent fast at all,not even close to a mag

errrr, ok.

Angry Man
03-13-2003, 11:14 AM
A stock mag has a 6 pound trigger pull, a stock cocker has a 2 pound trigger pull...and the cocker's pull returns better. (This is on a slider.) On a hinge, the results would be even more dramatic. Say what you will, but stock mags are slow.