View Full Version : possible rip on ebay. help me figure this out

03-09-2003, 09:31 PM
alright guys,
search by this guys username. This is my bid that I one.


is there anyway that you guys can figure out if it is a scam other than the user feedback?


03-09-2003, 09:42 PM
That is extremely suspicious

03-09-2003, 09:45 PM
Look at the picture. If I dont see a real picture of the gun I am buying, (IE not a computer image taken from another site) I will not bid.

03-09-2003, 10:22 PM
Yeah man, but there's nothing but red flags in that auction- "sposored team", "on order from the company" etc... ugh.

sorry, man, but I don't think it's gonna work out- i hope it does though.

03-09-2003, 10:42 PM
demand a 3rd party, I wouldn't even trust this guy with COD.

03-09-2003, 11:11 PM
yeh, i woudl demand a third party. if youre getting it for less than $800, just pay the FULL fee for the third party

03-09-2003, 11:19 PM
Well he has 10 Ir3's and 10 tanks for sale in different auctions right now. He may be a dealer just starting out on Ebay. The only way to cover yourself is to send him a US postal Money order, using Delivery confirmation, signature verification, and Insure the package you send him for 800 bucks. Send it certified mail. At least you can get your money order back if it doesnt work out. All Postal money orders are guarranteed against theft and fraud if you follow my directions. Get his name and address along with his phone # BEFORE you send the cash. Call the postal inspector in his town and ask if his letter carrier will verify who this guy is that gets paid. Ask your local police to run the info before you send it. At worst, whoever cashes the money order will go to jail for a long time. Mail fraud is a federal crime. Never use Western Union. It offers NO protection for the buyer.

03-09-2003, 11:23 PM
thanks tuna,
I have already requested all his info via ebay. any other tips you guys have would help greatly.


03-09-2003, 11:26 PM
Dude there have been a lot of fake auctions for that same gun, I would not send him one penny, If you dont believe me do a search for scams here or on paintball nation they are all over, and usually the guy wants you to sent it western union wire transfer which is untracable.

03-09-2003, 11:35 PM
You are obligated to pay him. That auction is a legally binding contract. Just do like I say and if it doesnt work out you will be covered...and we will get this guy in a lot of trouble. Tell the postal inspector you WANT to catch him. They will surely help
Call 1-800-372-8347. I mean you probably shouldnt have bid on it in the first place, but now you should WANT to follow through and catch him. Send lots of emails and save all of his replies. It will be the IP address and ISP that should contribute to his downfall. These guys think they are so smart, but he will need ID to cash that money order.

03-09-2003, 11:57 PM
well if you look at the sellers other auctions he now also has 10 Nintendo Gamecubes for sale and i took this part straight from his game cube auction

Q)Your so new, how can I trust you?
A)Simple. We only except money orders. Because with a money order you need a signature, a signature thus provides a paper trail to one individual. Something very easy for the police to track. Not to mention in order to cash one you must go to a store,bank,or check cashing outlet all of which carry security camera's. I don't think anyone wants to go to jail over $75's.

Hmmm , maybe he is on the lvl, but still I'd do everything possible to cover my but if i won an auction of his.

03-10-2003, 12:57 AM
I would report it to ebay. Dont send money. One negitive on your ebay is alot better than loseing $800. Also you can put a responce to any negitive you may recive to clear up what the problem is.

03-10-2003, 01:23 AM
i would strongly recommend getting a third party involved in this, here are a coupple of thins i noticed about this:

I don't know much about these markers in honesty except he paid roughly $1400 for them each.

anyone who purchases 20 units of the same item and didnt try to work out somesort of discount(we're talkin about $1400x20=$28,000) is a total stuge adn i have a bridge i'd like to sell him!

And he wonders why he is broke now and has to file bankruptcy.
They will ship on the 28th when he gets them from their manufacturer.

if he is already filing bancruptcy that means that when he ordered them he was already considering bancruptcy and that makes him a gigantic crook!

he gets them from their manufacturer.

why dont you call them and tell them what is going on and see if they can give you any info on a large purchase at full retale value in Az.

03-10-2003, 01:59 AM
You do realize you just bought from someone something that he has yet to receive, right?
Watch out.
Brent Jackson, ACE-PFB.

03-10-2003, 06:26 AM
Hmm, hardcall.

Looks like he is claiming to ship the GC March 14th, possibly wait till ya see feedback before shipping the money order? Worse that'll happen is you sent payment 'late'.

03-10-2003, 06:38 AM
How about this? Tuna gave good information, but I will “one up” him….. ;)

If you don’t feel comfortable and something does not look right… DON’T DO IT. ;) It is better to let your “spider sense” take over and pass on a deal than to try to “protect” yourself and go through the hassle of getting it all taken care of if you get ripped off. Yes, doing what Tuna said will help protect you if something goes wrong, but chances are even if he did rip you off he would not go to jail “for a long time” over such a small amount, and the process to get him/her there is a pain in the rear.

Save yourself some aggravation and just walk away. Why run 10 miles to protect yourself when you can take two steps to the left and avoid the whole mess? ;)

03-10-2003, 08:31 AM
very true shartly,

One more big question, Dont you have to have some kind of buyer info with WDP? I would think that ordering that many angels would be diffcult for anyone let alone a large paintball warehouse like pbgear. I may post this in the angel forum or try to get TAG's attention since he deals with WDP folks everyday.

SO I guess the question is can you order 20 IR3's if you are small pb shop?


03-10-2003, 08:39 AM
4415 E Grant Road #A214 Tucson Az 85712

He lives in my city....

#a214? sounds like a post office.

If anything goes wrong, I'm in his city, so I will be able to go bust some caps.


03-10-2003, 08:41 AM
oh and he claims that his friends business went out of business.

theres only 2 paintball stores here in tucson, Paintball HQ, and Paintball Unlimited.

Unlimited was a pretty crappy store, I'll go down and see if they went out of business. If they didnt, then either they are lying, or his friend lives in a other city

03-10-2003, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by Gotenks
4415 E Grant Road #A214 Tucson Az 85712

He lives in my city....

#a214? sounds like a post office.

If anything goes wrong, I'm in his city, so I will be able to go bust some caps.

Could that also be an apartment? Oh, and that does not mean he LIVES in your city ether. Many "scams" are run out of rented apartments the no one actually lives in, or office space no one actually uses besides being a drop site.

Just some things to think about.... I still just say to walk away from any deal that even hints of being fishy, or questionable at best.

03-10-2003, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by Gotenks
oh and he claims that his friends business went out of business.

theres only 2 paintball stores here in tucson, Paintball HQ, and Paintball Unlimited.

Unlimited was a pretty crappy store, I'll go down and see if they went out of business. If they didnt, then either they are lying, or his friend lives in a other city
I know many paintball “businesses” that went out of business that were not “brick and mortar”. Also look to some of the businesses here on AO… hmmmmm In fact, MY Paintball Business does not have a walk in brick and mortar location either, and if I went out of business would someone saying so be lying? Hmmmmm

I wonder if Cphip has a brick and mortar store, or even Tunaman? And both of them sell markers (the last time I knew).

Come on folks, it is one thing being cautious, it is another to try to find problems that may not be there. What is easier? Playing private eye and Mr. Policeman, or just finding another marker to buy? This has past the point of being “informative” to being comical and counter productive.

03-10-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by shartley
I wonder if Cphip has a brick and mortar store, or even Tunaman? And both of them sell markers (the last time I knew).

I got block and Mortor. Does that count? But its my shop in my Garage! :)

03-10-2003, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
I got block and Mortor. Does that count? But its my shop in my Garage! :)
HeeHee..... same with me, but it is my basement. :D But according to this thread, nope... neither of us count. :(


03-10-2003, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Gotenks
theres only 2 paintball stores here in tucson, Paintball HQ, and Paintball Unlimited.

any of those shops do 3rd party?

Shartly and cphilip I think the difference here is that you guys have user feedback which is like gold here on the net. I think I can do 3rd party with these guys in tucson, worst case is my M/O sits around for a few weeks and then gets returned.

I have been ripped once before by Adam todd of Custom PB, you know the shop in canada that is a sponser of pbnation? I ordered a custom spyder about a year ago, returned it to them because it was "new" well supposedly it never made it back to canada. If i was closer I would have shown up at the guys house.


03-10-2003, 10:09 AM
Yes, winning an e-bay auction is a valid contract, so technically, if you decide not to go through with the auction, you will be breaking the law.

However, the only thing that the seller of the item can do to enforce the contract is go to court and demand that you go through with the auction and buy the marker. So the only thing you stand to suffer from just walking away is bad feedback on E-bay.

On the other hand, you stand to gain an excellant marker at a fairly cheap price. So send this guy e-mail and demand that you use a third party. If he is on the level then you have no problem and you still get a great deal. If this guy is a scammer he will either refuse, or he won't answer your e-mails, in that case you can report him to e-bay and make this their problem.


03-10-2003, 11:01 AM
I think the 3rd party is the best idea thus far. I contacted TAG via email and I think the price just covers the cost of the marker should he had ordered 20 of them. TAG did not says this directly however it seemed like a break even price so to speak.

Well who does a good 3rd party that is in between houston and tucson? I would like to use one of the local tuscon shops if they do 3rd party.


03-10-2003, 11:18 AM
If you havn't already use this form:


to request the user info that he has on file for ebay. if it's valid you should get name, address and sometimes phone #.

Once you get that info call the number to verify, do anything you can to ensure you don't get ripped.

edit: Forgot to add if you check out all his other auctions, a majority of the current winning bidders (those auctions with 1 item) all have 1 or 0 feedback. Could be a scam setup to make it look legit.

edit again: he also lists this address in one of the auctions as to who to send the money orders to:

C. Wood at 4415 E Grant Road #A214 Tucson Az 85712

03-10-2003, 11:24 AM
I don't know about any local shops, but I know that Palmer's Pursuit Shop will act as a 3rd party. And they are pretty repulable.


Tom Sparkman
03-10-2003, 01:02 PM
Checked yahoo maps, and nearby businesses and I find:

La Mirada Apartments
4415 E Grant Rd, Tucson, AZ 85712
Phone: (520) 881-4503

You might call that phone# and see if A214 is a valid apartment#.


03-10-2003, 01:22 PM
thanks Tom,

here is a link to the PBNation thread


03-10-2003, 02:06 PM
www.animalpaintball.com did my 3rd party trading a while back. GREAT Service. cost like $40.00 but that inlcuded reciving the MO and the marerk, test firing the marker to be sure it was in working condidtion and then passing the two along to the respective people via FedEx insured. I recommend them.

For these possible scams, i wouldnt deal without it

03-10-2003, 10:08 PM
I am 1beanie4u on Ebay, I purchased most of what this guy was selling and have an attorney in Tuscon. If he is for real I will let everyone know. If he is not I will let everyone know.

If you want to communicate with me directly please email patb@mayberry.com

I would strongly suggest no one send him a money order until we can confirm he has the merchandise, I would also suggest no one let him know we are investigating. Maybe we will catch a rotten apple.



03-12-2003, 12:32 PM
Guys...I have been watching this one for some time.

The $$$ figures do not match up. We are a master dealer/distributor for the products and this deal is to good even for us. Why would he sell a product for less than he paid for it when all he has to do is call WDP and cancel his order.....right ? We do business with them on a daily basis and they are extremely reasonable when it comes to things like this.

Remember this one....
"If it sounds to good to be true...blah blah blah"

If you are looking for a good deal then talk to your local shop or wholesale outlet. It doesnt matter what you pay for something...if you never get it ;)

03-12-2003, 01:44 PM
exactly.........if it is too good to be true......it is.

anyway.....having gone through a bankruptcy, you are not allowed to have ANY valuable property before you can declare it, let alone $28,000 worth of paintballgun on order!

WDP would cancel the order as soon as they got the "writ to stay" from the courts. this makes all collections and reposesions stop, by law! but it doesn't prevent them from canceling an order that has not been filed! (cause they will not be paid for it)

03-12-2003, 02:54 PM

Thanks for the post. Hope it works but really there is almost no chance of it being true. Never the less, if this guy does come through we have a great deal, one that would not be available anywhere without it.

So there you have it, if you want a gun now - great buy it - if you want to wait great.

See you at the 24 hour game Saturday Bob, and I will be bringing all the Angel's - LOL


03-12-2003, 05:21 PM
Do NOT BUY IT unless you want to lose 700 bux. That is guaranteed 100% a scam, his friend has a buisness never says he owns a proshop or feild but anyway yeah every other word just about is spelled wrong.

Its a 12 year old jerk off.

Please done be stupid.

03-13-2003, 07:33 PM
Posted on Pod*****

Possible Ebay fraud alert--
Rodney Squires from WDP-USA says:
"Someone on ebay is selling a bunch of IR3's and AIR systems in the Tucson, AZ area. They are claiming to be receivng them on the 28th of March. We at WDP have no record of this or any transaction to this area."

Whoops. My first filter fumble.

03-13-2003, 09:42 PM
Doesn't the court freeze all assets to get an accurate count on items that the business have? Also if the courts found out about the ebay sales, wouldn't they put a stop to it?
