View Full Version : Vision of the Future

03-09-2003, 11:34 PM
What do you think will be happening in 20 to 40 years from today.

03-09-2003, 11:43 PM
Oil crisis, oil crisis, and did you say, oil crisis? The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. Global warming will now render Canada and Russia as the world's two most powerful agricultural nations. Iraq is now known as America Jr., Korea is 1 country, and the schnozzberries will taste like schnozzberries :D

03-10-2003, 12:04 AM
hmmm... I think we have 2 possibilitys:

America will be communist, and possibly the west coast will either be completely gone or a nuclear waste land, Oil prices will be about $20 a gallon, and hey paintball will probably be banned. The air will be so polluted that people won't even have to light up a ciggarette, they can just go outside and breath some air. And all the sea animals will be dead and people will have to live on rodents because all the domesticated livestock died of plague and took 20% of america's population with it. Or...

The government and oil companys will relize how greedy they are being(yeah right...:rolleyes:) and will encourage production of cars that can be run on water, and there will be complete peace among the world's nations and we will be together as one, under a government that is run by the people and with a voting system where people's votes actualy count, all diseases will be cured, and Marijuana will be legal and growing everywhere, like outside hospitals and anywhere where flowers can would be :)(hey I can dream can't I?) And there will be no poverty because we will be able to pay everyone equaly and find a way that money, work, supply, and demand, can be balanced to work efficiently.

03-10-2003, 02:28 AM
I will have control of the universal remote control, and the world will be a utopia.

...for me at least :)

03-10-2003, 06:34 AM
Unlike me to look down but its hard to think of twenty to forty years in the future when ya still got the most dangerous man in the world in charge of one of the bigest nations.

Can anyone guess who?:rolleyes:


03-10-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Mickster
Unlike me to look down but its hard to think of twenty to forty years in the future when ya still got the most dangerous man in the world in charge of one of the bigest nations.

Can anyone guess who?:rolleyes:


Jaques Chirac?

03-10-2003, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Mickster
Unlike me to look down but its hard to think of twenty to forty years in the future when ya still got the most dangerous man in the world in charge of one of the bigest nations.

Can anyone guess who?:rolleyes:


03-10-2003, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Jonneh

I'm Batman....

(love those commercials!)

03-10-2003, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Mickster
Unlike me to look down but its hard to think of twenty to forty years in the future when ya still got the most dangerous man in the world in charge of one of the bigest nations.

Can anyone guess who?:rolleyes:


Gerhard Schroeder or Jacques Chirac.

03-10-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS
And there will be no poverty because we will be able to pay everyone equaly and find a way that money, work, supply, and demand, can be balanced to work efficiently.

Please tell me you've thought this through. I don't want socialism (more specifically communism).

The main reason being, that if you take away people's incentives to work harder to achieve more out of life, then you have people working for no reason which leads to people having jobs, but essentially doing no work because there is no incentive to do so.

A couple of cases in point. Look at the fall of the USSR. This was caused in large part because of the central system of directed production, and no matter how hard the workers - worked, they achieved no noticeable gains.

Another case... look at China which has been making great strides towards a capitalist economy [note my statement only to the economy]. There GNP has been in double digit growth percentage wise.

Numbers from 1994:
China 12.8

And the figure below which represents GDP [not a far-cry from GNP] gives you an idea of what sort of growth China is experiencing after moving towards a capitalist economy, away from the centrally driven principles of communism/socialism.


I really hope, that you didn't mean what you said up above about everyone getting paid an equal amount. It could have serious repercussions.

03-10-2003, 12:05 PM
20-40 years from now oil will be too expensive to use. Some cheap, clean, reusable resource will be what everyone is using. Suadi Arabia and the rest of the terrorist middle east will be eating sand and returning to the third world.

We will have learned that global warming was actually never happening, but that a gentle warming-cooling trend for the entire earth is normal.

America will likely be much more liberal, perhaps bordering on socialist if viewed with our eyes today. Although there is a conservative trend now, it likely wont last more than another 10 years. People will continue to vote themselves money out of the public treasury.

North Korea, unless it does a 180 in the next couple years, will have starved itself out of importance. Its government will collapse and unite with the south.

The UN will either be gone or completely changed. If another "world problem" like Iraq comes, and the UN proves it's irrelevance again, the American people may stop supporting it.

There will be a very global market (this cant be stopped no matter how many college kids and hippies march). Free trade will be the all the rage. Countries will be specializing in what they produce the best, and importing the rest tarrif-free.

Batman will become extremely popular. A many known only as "Sam" will take to the streets fighting crime and ignorance wherever he goes.

03-10-2003, 12:23 PM
One of two things.

A. The world will be under one government (This is probably in 50 years or so). Probably the UN for as it is it is effective, could use some change, but I think it could lead the world.

B. There will be world wide war between (US, Canada, Australia, Europe, and South America) against the EU, against the Middle east, and then against Asia. Mexico will become a nuclear waste land for that is the danger in the heart of the US. The Middle east will be glass. Europe will once again be decimated, and Asia will come out on top. Yellow Peril in great effect.

03-10-2003, 12:36 PM
after about 50 years or so the UN(or another oraganization similar) wil become the worlds governing power supposedly democratic(actually fascist). many smaller countries will lose seats and countries will rotate out of the top spots(tribunal) that make all the final decisions. gap between rich and poor will widen, and races in their social class will be united by financial situation and breed into one race. after this system has rules for several decades the situation will be looking slightly brighter untill the worlds space program will discover humans on distant planet with the same timeline of earth events but a few millenia ahead of us. diplomacy will start to form untill a futuristic disease spreads wiping out a great number of earth inhabitants. we will percieve this as an attack on us and attampt to attack some of the new earths outer colonies when God kills everyone on this earth for trying to screw with his 'favorite' creations.

my brain just ell out of my ear.

03-10-2003, 03:55 PM
LOL I can't believe Im saying this but its gonna be like C&C Generals, the USA and its Western allies with a foreign policy similar today, trying to keep world order, vs MiddleEast using terrorism due to lack of exporting of oil and failing economy, fighting to survive, and China with its rise of a superpower and need for conquest.

It will happen you will see. WW3 here it comes.


It just will be as is now with some technological changes and less dependency on natural resources.

03-10-2003, 04:43 PM
I honestly don't think we will see a major, time altering change. Alot of you are mentioning a world union type global government. I don't think that will work. Why?

There are different people in this world. Some people hate other people. Some of these people hate other people so much they are willing to give everything they have to destroy the people they hate. Lets imagine the world as the human body. In order for the human body to function and survive, it needs to be compatable. Well, lets say the kidneys(Our oil producing friends and enemies in the Middle east) decide they no longer want to function with the body all the time, follow the directions from the brain(even when asked 17 times), and in fact, one of the kidneys ups and explodes(Palestine), damaging the surrounding organs. Next, the left lung(Russia) begins to slack due to a smaller capacity from years of smoking(Thanks Karl). The right lung(Most of Europe)works twice as hard to make up for the left lungs lack of strength. Our body isn't looking too good is it?

Well, wouldn't ya know it, the Brain(UN) is having some emotional problems. Not only will the Kidneys not follow it's directions, The lungs are becoming more and more of an accident waiting to happen(again)and occasionally, they quit working because of chronic bronchitis(Economic depressions). As if this wasn't bad enough. The reproductive organs(Sub Saharan Africa) have a nasty infection that for most intents and purposes, cannot be fixed. The rest of the body has to work overtime to fight this infection, but it's mostly the Heart that's doing the work, trying to keep a healthy supply of blood flowing throughout the body.

Well, this body thing works for a while, but after a few years of it, things get ugly. The brain gets fed up with the kidneys crap and shocks the bajezzes out of them. This shock, backfires(the kidneys are so far off track, it's impossible to stop) and the brain has a Siezure. Everything in the body is going haywire. The poor heart is spead so thing, it just quits working. The left lung is overrun with pneomonia and quits working. The right lung can't bare the stress and fails too. The kidneys go nuts. The kidney that hadn't already exploded, predictaby, explodes, but this time it damages a whole lot. The intestines(asia) are flailing all over, infecting the rstof the body with crap. The body is now dead.

I know this comparison is a tad sketchy, but you get the idea. The world is incapable of working together if even one part doesn't work right.

But yea, none the less, I still think we will see some unification in parts of the world. Mostly Europe. I also think the middle east will remain a spazz, but will be so well controlled, it won't be a problem. I think Asia will see a more free market economy, but not yet a Democratic republic. It's not ready yet. There will be a few small conflicts there, but nothing world war-ish. I think South America will be the same. I believe the UN will still exsist, but not with the same power it has had in the past. Finally, I think the US will be a little bit larger(52 states?), and a little more passive. The people will settle down a bit and we might get a little taste of Pax Romana, just maybe.

BTW, If there was any question about it, yes, France is the anus in my Human Body allegory.:)

03-10-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Collegeboy
What do you think will be happening in 20 to 40 years from today.

You will have grown up and become a conservative Republican chastising hippie youth for their crazy ideas!:p ;)

03-10-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

You will have grown up and become a conservative Republican chastising hippie youth for their crazy ideas!:p ;)

I will never sell my soul to the devil. :p

03-10-2003, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by alkafluence

Please tell me you've thought this through. I don't want socialism (more specifically communism).

The main reason being, that if you take away people's incentives to work harder to achieve more out of life, then you have people working for no reason which leads to people having jobs, but essentially doing no work because there is no incentive to do so.

A couple of cases in point. Look at the fall of the USSR. This was caused in large part because of the central system of directed production, and no matter how hard the workers - worked, they achieved no noticeable gains.

Another case... look at China which has been making great strides towards a capitalist economy [note my statement only to the economy]. There GNP has been in double digit growth percentage wise.

Numbers from 1994:
China 12.8

And the figure below which represents GDP [not a far-cry from GNP] gives you an idea of what sort of growth China is experiencing after moving towards a capitalist economy, away from the centrally driven principles of communism/socialism.


I really hope, that you didn't mean what you said up above about everyone getting paid an equal amount. It could have serious repercussions.

Lol, dont take anything I say seriously:rolleyes:

03-10-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Collegeboy

I will never sell my soul to the devil. :p

What do you call a middle-aged middle class democrat with children?

A Republican!:p

03-10-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

What do you call a middle-aged middle class democrat with children?

A Republican!:p

I am sure you have seen the age/income/family breakdown and timeline thing right? ;) I was not always a Republican either. :D Although I am more of a Libertarian actually, but they just can't get their act together...... ;)

03-10-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by shartley


I am sure you have seen the age/income/family breakdown and timeline thing right? ;) I was not always a Republican either. :D Although I am more of a Libertarian actually, but they just can't get their act together...... ;)

Let me give you a real laugh. I am a card carrying conservative Democrat! I registered Democrat at age 18. I'll probably be a Republican in the next election as the Dems are moving much too far to the left for me! Of course that means I'll probably have to give up my post on my township's planning board, but it will be worth it!

03-10-2003, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

Let me give you a real laugh. I am a card carrying conservative Democrat! I registered Democrat at age 18. I'll probably be a Republican in the next election as the Dems are moving much too far to the left for me! Of course that means I'll probably have to give up my post on my township's planning board, but it will be worth it!

You are probably like me though... who cares who's idea it is, if it sounds good and will be good... DO IT! :)

Archangel Kid
03-10-2003, 09:33 PM
come on guyz... lets not be so positive here.....

ohh ya... i'll be old... and hopefully still alive with a family

03-10-2003, 09:50 PM
awww i can see it now....the world will be at peace, and aliens will try to take over our planet( we all unite cause of this you know world peace to kill other worlds) we kill all the aliens and all of our world leaders will be dead and people will look up to me cause i kicked some much alien ***...ill be king of earth and every one will get high, drunk , and laided on the weekends and on the weekdays everyone will go to work and they will all love me and it will kick ***!

Soo who wants to take over when i die?

03-10-2003, 09:57 PM
It's not that I want to take over, it's that I am going to take over. Don't worry, the world will be in good hands when you die.

03-10-2003, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by Python14
It's not that I want to take over, it's that I am going to take over. Don't worry, the world will be in good hands when you die.

yeah and i am a chinese jet pilot :rolleyes:

03-10-2003, 10:07 PM
Yes the dems are moving far to the left. But that is the trend. Todays Dems will be tommorows republicans. Not saying people get older and "wiser" but the country gets liberal and liberal.

03-10-2003, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Although I am more of a Libertarian actually, but they just can't get their act together......
No kidding. When they do, we can go throw our votes away together! ;)

03-10-2003, 11:06 PM
I actually voted alot of libertarian canidates in the last election, including for govenor. Pretty cool he got like 4 percent.

03-10-2003, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

You will have grown up and become a conservative Republican chastising hippie youth for their crazy ideas!:p ;)

yeah, he'll turn into me...

03-10-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by FactsOfLife

yeah, he'll turn into me...

I sure hope not.

03-11-2003, 02:32 AM

"You maniacs!! You blew it up!!
Damn you all!!!



03-11-2003, 10:25 AM
hahaha thats too funny