View Full Version : Iraqi solders surrendering before war?

03-10-2003, 02:32 PM
I just got this off of military.com. Link (http://forums.military.com/1/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=78919038&f=65819558&m=2211911426) Looks like Iraqi solders are already surrendering. The source is from the British equivelent of the Enquirer. I'm sceptical, but it would be funny if the store is true!


03-10-2003, 03:07 PM
Probably just French Secret Operatives practicing up...

03-10-2003, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by FactsOfLife
Probably just French Secret Operatives practicing up...

03-11-2003, 01:00 AM
Ya they was talking bout it on Bob and Tom yesterday pretty funny stuff lol

03-11-2003, 01:06 AM
they surrendered to CNN in the gulf war... and to unmanned spotter drones... what's the diff now? they've been going hungry for an extra 10 years...

:rolleyes: what a suprise!

03-11-2003, 01:52 AM
If i was an Iraqi soldier i would be more afraid of a CNN news crew than i would be of a French Division.

Actully i think i would be more afraid of a Girl Scout than a French Division.

03-11-2003, 06:53 PM
yeah, i heard british soldiers at the border were launching practice rounds to make sure thier eqipment was in check, and iraqi soldiers ran up to them and surrendered

03-11-2003, 08:42 PM
Most Iraqi soldiers will have a very clear memory of 1991 and the "Highway of Death". Plus, America has been dumping propoganda leaflets all over southern IRaq for the past few weeks if not months.

Saddam knows this and fully expects the main bulk of his troops to surrender with little or no fighting. He hopes that his Republican Guard, some 20,000 men I believe and another few thousand men will be able to hold off the bulk of the American forces, by fighting a city war, long enough for international media to get a few pictures of the "slaughtered Iraqi innocents" which Saddam hopes can be used to coerce America into ceasing hostilities.

A few points of interest here. Many of us have heard of the Human Shield organization and the US ex-soldier Kevin O'Keefe, who started it. It seems that their mission was to go to IRaq and use themselves as Human Shields by deploying themselves around schools, hospitals, mosques and other non-military targets.

Well, guess what. O'Keefe has been kicked out of IRaq and a few hundred of the Human Shields have left IRaq in disgust becuse the Iraqi forces were telling them to deploy to military targets such as power stations, communications centers and other target or prime appreciation. Sorts give us a much clearer image of Saddams insanity.

One other note, I remeber reading a small blurd in the current issue of Newsweek or Time that stated Saddam has ordered a good portion of his soldiers to dress in identical US Military BDU's. THe purpose of this, according to the reporter was for the IRaqis to commit various nasty acts, dressed as American soldiers, in the hopes that international press will put the blame on Americas doorstep. Not sure of the validity of that statement but it's just food for thought.

03-11-2003, 09:15 PM
there is already one Iraq subject thread. Keep it all in that one. Closing this one.