View Full Version : Don Diego LaPalma (Tom Kaye), El Conquistor de Scenario Game !!!

03-11-2003, 12:30 AM
AO Scenario Junkies!!

Your AO Magmaster will be taking on the roll of Don Diego LaPalma in the upcoming event on April 12th in TN.

This is going to be a four way battle with other industry people as team generals. Should be a ton of fun!! Mark your calendars!! Info at MPPgames.com (http://www.mppgames.com/story.asp?scen=RiskItAll.gif)


03-11-2003, 08:18 AM
El Conquistador! Intelligence reports that you will have the services of Southern Comfort, Death, Inc., and Team Moist Donut to guarrantee your domination of the world! More information will be brought to your attention as I recieve it.

Load SM5
03-14-2003, 10:48 PM
Um...and me.

03-15-2003, 04:19 AM
Um...and me too!

Now I have to find Fayetteville!

EDIT:It sounds like there may be a contingent from Dalton comming too. I'll try to get a firm answer.


03-17-2003, 07:49 AM
Fayetteville is north of Huntsville, AL on 431 and TN 64. 64 runs to I 24, but the road is small and snakey... Where are you coming from?

03-18-2003, 12:30 AM
Im gonna try to make it

03-18-2003, 02:03 AM
Can you combine threads Load?

I have an atlas somewhere. I'll find it. BTW, Nice meeting you and the mrs. on saturday! Thank her again for the fine eats!


03-18-2003, 07:14 AM
Uhhh... heh, yeah,....oops... ;)

You too Sinistarr! Great game this weekend, can't wait for the next one!

50 cal
04-04-2003, 07:33 AM
I'll be there from Knoxville. Will be bringing a few troops with me for the AGD team.

04-09-2003, 01:28 AM
I am moving this to talk to get everyone going to this event.

Its called Risk It All and put on by Ben Torricelli one of the masters of scenarios. The lovely Riana Dobbins will be there as one of my counterparts. I will be a gentelman and try and win her over to my side :) or I will have to dominate her other ways...


04-09-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by AGD
I am moving this to talk to get everyone going to this event.

Its called Risk It All and put on by Ben Torricelli one of the masters of scenarios. The lovely Riana Dobbins will be there as one of my counterparts. I will be a gentelman and try and win her over to my side :) or I will have to dominate her other ways...

oh lordy she had better watch herself ;)

Load SM5
04-09-2003, 11:38 AM
Last weather report shows it as sunny and a high of 75 for this weekend. See you all there!

04-09-2003, 12:02 PM
hhhhhhmmmmmm...Riana Dobbins **spot of drools starts to make it's way down the corner of the bunny's mouth**...she's my fffffffaaaaavvvvvoooorrrrriiittttteee!!!

04-09-2003, 02:11 PM
Uh oh, don't the the Tinker's Guild that Rianna is coming.

Half the guys over their have an obsession with her. Think one guy called to ask a tech question just to listen to her sexy voice. :)

04-09-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by AGD
I am moving this to talk to get everyone going to this event.

Its called Risk It All and put on by Ben Torricelli one of the masters of scenarios. The lovely Riana Dobbins will be there as one of my counterparts. I will be a gentelman and try and win her over to my side :) or I will have to dominate her other ways...


At least Mango didn't say that...

04-14-2003, 02:38 AM

Here are the first 256 pictures from this event...plenty of Tom, and more importantly, plenty of Rianna. An additional 150 or so pictures will be up tommorrow, as well as the latest FB Radio that features interviews with all the generals at this event. Tom's interview in his role of General La Palma should bring plenty of grins! I'll post in here tommorrow with the link for the show.

And yes, Rianna has a lovely voice and an AMAZING smile...

04-14-2003, 07:54 AM
Well that was one of the best games that I have ever been to! Tom and Load are good sports and played some stand up ball!! Ben at MPP games put on a well crafted and staged event. The Ambassador and the treaties where an intresting devlopement in the game. Props must be givien to George of M3 and all of the yellow team members for being good sports about the breaking of the treaty that cost you the game.

Spiro and Kitty from Blackcat you are some sneaky suckers and played a great game. TMD cannot wait to General the Island game comming up in TN in September.

The rest of the teams and players that came out and supported the event was great!! There was some fantastic ball played and some of the best sportsmanship that I have ever seen at a game.

50 cal
04-14-2003, 09:07 AM
I had a blast! Meeting some of the fellow posters was good too.

Big thanks to Tom Kaye for the warp feed I won at the awards.

04-14-2003, 04:01 PM
Okay...the rest of the pictures are up...402 made the cut! Go check 'em out in our Gallery.

As for this week's FB Radio, it turned out to be over an hour long! Check it out through these links:

http://www.paintballchannel.com/radio/fb041403.pls (Streaming MP3)

http://www.paintballchannel.com/radio/fb041403.mp3 (Download the MP3 file, for you poor saps on dial up!)

Thanks again to Tom for his over the top interview...normally I have an easy time keeping my composure when I'm interviewing someone, but Tom managed to get me laughing!

Load SM5
04-14-2003, 08:13 PM
Sweet you got a few pics of me in my anti-camo..:D



I had a great time at the game. From wandering around the woods with Tom and hanging out with Kayle at the tech table watching him take a hammer to people's mags. The fields were nicer and the staff was nicer. Those southern paintball fields really know how to feed you and keep you happy. I got to meet Snoblind and few more of the Moist Donuts and they are a cool bunch of guys. I'm trying to coax the ones that are'nt here, over here to help boost the scenario scene on AO. They'd be a great addition to AO. The prize givaway was mindboggling with at least 9 guns and thousands in other prizes. I won the certificate for a single peice CP barrel of my choice. Hoot! I can always use more barrels. The game play was clean and the refs were everywhere. Those guys must have had feet transplants by Sunday the way were running around. If I had one gripe it was the paint. It was like being shot with a rock. If it did'nt hit a mask or hopper it was'nt going to break. I had them bounce off of my elbow from 20 feet. It hurt like crap.
If you guys have a chance to get to one of these Bearclaw games I highly recommend them. You wont be dissapointed.

04-14-2003, 09:31 PM
Ah, glad to see you like things so far! We had tons of fun doing coverage of the event. Everyone please feel free to post comments on the pictures, especially if it's you in them! We want to hear as many stories from the field and about yourselves and your teammates as you can tell us.

Thank you so much for making us feel so welcome among you! We look forward to every opportunity we get to be out there in the middle of it documenting the moment, immortalizing the experience for everyone, and helping get the point across to people: IF YOU WEREN'T THERE THIS WEEKEND, MAKE PLANS TO BE THERE NEXT TIME! Nobody there wanted to be anywhere else.

Bill (the random guy in the red/purple jersey with the camera)

04-14-2003, 09:37 PM
I knew I should have stayed for the prizes :(. But you can't win them all! I had a great time regardless and will try to attend as many more as possible!

04-14-2003, 11:48 PM
There goes my AGD loyalty....sorry Tom you can't compete with a redhead like that! Have to buy a bushmaster now...:)

04-15-2003, 09:35 AM
OMFG that first pick me is terrible LOL well I guess I can't get any uglier. Thanks for covering the game.

04-15-2003, 11:56 AM
Had a blast at the game ... as usual, Ben and Bonnie (Millenium Paintball Productions) and Bob and Susie (Bear Claw Paintball) put on a great event !!!

Thanks to all those who came and supported the event ... especially you Tom - for adding your own particular brand of chaos and mayhem to the game :D

It was great meeting new folks this weekend ... hope to see some of you out and about at other games !!! If you do ... stop by and give us a shout !!!

The RocketMan
04-15-2003, 02:00 PM
Well, I gotta say that I am impressed with the capability and sportsmanship exhibited at BearClaw this past weekend. Just to be a part of it is worth all the welts, getting chased by a tank, laying in mud, and watching the only clear shot bounce off your adversary.
Congrats to the Green team, Moist Donut, Pukin Dogs, and Uninvited, for coming back like you did to take the victory. Seems your shooting skills are only matched by your shrewd role playing talents.
There are too many folks to mention, so i will just say thanks to the all the other players, generals, producers, media folks, and BearClaw owners, Robert and Susie for making this game all it was.
Load, Didn't get to meet you this time, but I am sure there will be many other opportunities. You are correct about the close scores. Nobody lost, they just ran out of time.
Aiki, thanks for the nice words, hope we get to trade paint many more times in the future. It is folks like you and your teammates that make the game great. Always a pleasure watching you guys work!
Habu, I am proud to be associated with you. Thanks for everything!!
For those that did not make this game, tooooo bad. You don't always have to be losers, watch this forum for news of upcoming games.

Herb "RocketMan" Bryan
Team GhostBear
[email protected]

04-15-2003, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Aiki
Spiro and Kitty from Blackcat you are some sneaky suckers and played a great game. TMD cannot wait to General the Island game comming up in TN in September.

Haha, I was just wondering if this was the game that they were talkin about tonight. Got a call from Spiro earlier today (BCP is my team's sponsor (see sig)). Yeah, I'm looking forward to the Island game in TN too! I'm definitely hopin to go.

Tom, you goin to the Island game? Have you been to a BCP game yet? Would be cool to see ya at the TN game or at another BCP game.

04-15-2003, 11:12 PM
Yup that be the one.. It is going to be a can not miss game.

04-16-2003, 03:01 PM
The staff of Bear Claw would like to extend a heart felt thank you to Tom Kaye and all the players who played in "Risk It All" this past weekend. Everyone who attended was an incredible example of what paintball can be...good sports, great fun and lots and lots of heart. Tom...Jason"Hillbilly" says to say thank you once again for your very generous attitude both on and off the field ... he will never forget your thinking of him! All our generals , our xo's ,everyone gave it their all and got everything back in return. Bear Claw would like to extend a hearty welcome to play here again. And to any scenario teams who would also like to construct a bunkhouse to replace staying in a tent we welcome you. Bear Claw will help you find the needed materials at a great price and will be providing power, water and sewer to these houses. In return (these houses remain Bear Claw property)when the team is not in residence if we rent it out to other players Bear Claw will deposit 1/2 of the money into a scenario account for your teams' use at the next game. Feel free to call 931.433.9595 if you have any further questions. Since this will become a small town of its own , space is limited...
Thanks again Tom for your leadership both in paintball and at Bear Claw. It was really an honor to meet you and have you here.

04-17-2003, 08:07 AM

Your field is one of the best around.TMD has talked about building a bunk house there. Have you thought about building one or 2 yourselves and renting to teams. I think that we would rent one quite offten. Like I told you at the field we have the desire but not the time to build one.

We are defantly looking forward to your next game.

Thanks again for your help.

04-17-2003, 08:26 AM
Hey PN check out this thread for the new bodies that you can get for my RT that you won at the Risk it all game. I like blue.


04-17-2003, 04:47 PM

Okay, so I'm no Josh Silverman or Rob "Tyger" Rubin...it's the net, okay? Enjoy!

04-18-2003, 10:33 AM
Finally just got home after a VERY long drive back in my welted and sore shape. Thanks goes out to Ben and Bonnie, Bob and staff and especially to some of the stand up players we had the opportunity to meet who contributed to my "more decrepid" body. :) Ghostbear, you guys were a lot of fun to run with for a change. It was nice to be away from the production desk and have the opportunity to shoot with you all.

Mosit Donuts and gang, NICE move. You beat us to the punch. We were actually waiting until the last hour of the game before we turned on you guys but you guys out played us! It was definately fun to have the opportunity to meet you guys in person for once. I look forward to you folks attending one of our games or perhaps two...or three...

Tom, it is refreshing to see the paintball community and yourself finally echoeing what we in the scenario "world" have been saying for years. You have gained a new level of respect from me for your enthusiastic support of the rec players. I can only hope that more people in the industry follow your lead and finally give back to the rec players. It was fun shooting you.

One 24 hour game ='ed 2 tank kills, one eliminated Tom Kaye, 2 base take overs, 1 helicopter elimination, and MORE FUN THAN I HAVE HAD IN YEARS!!!!!

Thanks to everyone for helping make my first game since starting BlackCat Paintball Productions so much fun.