View Full Version : Center Feed Mod?

Tim Taylor
03-11-2003, 02:50 PM
I was wondering if it would be possible to take a standard or power feed body and remove the feed tube then drill a hole for the center feed. Over the hole you could place a section of aluminum tubing (1 1/8" ID?) that fit around the outside of the body but stopped before the rail (essentially 3/4 around the body). On this piece you can attach a feed tube that aligns with the center feed hole that was drilled. I am unsure how the piece of aluminum tubing would be affixed to the body or rail.

I know it would be easier to buy a no rise body from AGD but is this even worth a try. The price for parts is negligable and seems pretty straight forward. Just lookin' to the experts advice

03-11-2003, 02:56 PM
I'd be worried about the tolerances of the tubing, plus you have to think about the actual gas pressures. I wouldn't want something just clamped onto the breech area. Could get bent enough by the gas used in the firing cycle to fly off and hurt somebody.

03-11-2003, 03:04 PM
if you did it right, it would work. I know on the no-rise bodies, they just silver solder them in place.

Tim Taylor
03-11-2003, 03:12 PM
The tubing would need to be attached somehow to the body possibly epoxy. I wasn't thinking of a pressure fit. Any air venting would likely assist in any blowback.

It's just a thought, if some industrious person wants to make one and let me know how it works, great.

03-11-2003, 06:39 PM

go to the 5th paragraph down and follow instructions.
dont look to bad

Tim Taylor
03-11-2003, 08:41 PM
Nice link, Doc has some other interesting ideas (tougue firmly planted in cheek). My idea would be easier, no pounding surface smooth and reduces any chance of warpage. See it's so easy even I might be able to do it. All I need is a classic feed body, donations welcome.