View Full Version : Lunch time shopping trip from Hell!

03-11-2003, 03:14 PM
Went out during lunch today to pick up a few things for my Mobile Video project I am working on (Some Monster cables and and FM Modulator) and somewhere in my search through Best Buy and Cuircit City and another place I somehow must have flipped my Debit Card and my Drivers License out of my sweater pocket. Most likely when I pulled my keys out of there at the truck. I had it at Best Buy (first stop) where I bought the cables but by the time I go to the last place where I found the modulator they were not there. So back I go retracing my steps and going into each store and being ignored for a while and sent all over the place to "ask Joe" and all it seems it was not found and turned in. So off I head back to Clemson to visit the bank to get the card frozen and now I still have to deal with DMV tomorrow and get myself another Drivers License. Never did get lunch. Not munching on some half stale Goldfish.... :(

Should stayed in bed today! :mad:

03-11-2003, 03:28 PM
that sucks bro...

03-11-2003, 03:38 PM
dont cancel the card till tomarrow
cause today was my lucky day....:p

that sucks dude
if your DMV is as nice as mine u will have a good time.