View Full Version : College Transfer Questions

03-12-2003, 10:36 AM
I'm applying for a transfer to Michigan State University, and on the application tehy have a section to put down "any special information yo wish the admissions comittee to consider". But it says that its required for Freshmen Applicants but not for Transfer Applicants.

Is this one of those, not required, but you should do it anyway kind of things?

What information should I put down?

Should the fact that I was home-schooled be entered into this essay?


03-12-2003, 11:03 AM
were you homeschooled all the way through highschool? don't they have a place on the application for your grade school info?

03-12-2003, 11:27 AM
I don't know that I'd worry too much about it. Since you say you're transferring in, I'm assuming you were going to another college (or junior college)? If so, your transcript will have all the information they would need.

03-12-2003, 12:47 PM
I spent one year at my local HS ("Asiandale' for those of you who live im my area) and decided that it was crap. I went through an entire year no learning anything. SO my parents said that they would homeschool me. I didn't really care becasue I knew most of the kids outside of HS.

The thing about the homeschool thing is that technically I have a HS diploma from a private school in Illinois. I just got it via a correspondence course. But according to Fairfax County, I'm homeschooled. Just wondering if I should explain that or not.

03-12-2003, 02:19 PM
Might as well tell 'em about it.. Keep them from having to hunt you down to clear up the potential discrepancy ;)

03-12-2003, 04:13 PM
I think that section was also looking for any information about you that would not normally appear on a state school transcript. Things like you dedication to teams sports, and community outreach you do or any volunteering and especially and special interestes that you might make available to youself once you are at the new school.

Contact the schools student union or organizations and ask them to send you a complete list of school clubs and any descriptions for them they might have (you can probably get this info off the schools website as well) and list whatever groups or clubs you feel is interesting. Also, if there is no paintball club you might want to mention that you would be interested in starting one however, look at the philosophical foundation of the school. If they do not seem that they would be all to keen on that sport on their campus do not even mention it.

03-13-2003, 12:32 AM
Just try to brag about everything you can. Tell them that you started a club, were in student council, worked at an animal shelter, cured cancer, captured osoma bin laden, etc. Anything that makes you sound better that you couldn't find a place for in the rest of the application.